
How Language Is Important For The Greatest Necessities Of Life Essay

Decent Essays

The use of language is one of the greatest necessities of life. Language is the key to communication for all people. It is also the key to success. The greatest aspect of language is its nature to describe, express, explain, teach, entertain, interpret, and everything else. It is a tool that can be used to build and create, or break down and destroy. Language is as simple as walking or running, but can also be extremely complicated. Depending on everyone 's ability to learn, language can be a very difficult task or a pleasant one. According to Merriam-Webster 's Learner 's Dictionary language this is the words, their pronunciation, and the methods of combining them used and understood by a community; form or manner of verbal expression; specifically. In order to direct specific information or content, I speak various types of English and Polish depending where I use it: at home, school or work. These various types of English and Polish are different because of audience, expression, and the specific vocabulary and grammar used. I was born in the south of Poland in Europe. My first language is Polish. Then in 5th grade I had to learn Russian which was mandatory at that time. There was no choice. Luckily for me, the possibility of learning English appeared the next year, but as paid lessons. Later on, when I started high school in addition to Russian I could choose to learn German or English. So I started English once again from the

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