
How Lindo Lost Her Family

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Lindo had lived a very unpleasant life in China. She had lost her family and the love of her mother at a very young age. At the age of two, a matchmaker came to Lindo’s house to make a match with her and the son of Huang Tai-tai, a one-year-old boy,named Tyan-yu. Lindo’s parents stopped treating her as their own daughter, but as Huang Taitai’s daughter. Lindo often saw the Huang family in festivals and at other places. When Lindo was twelve, a flood destroys most of her family’s property, leaving them flat broke.This left her parents no other choice but to leave her behind in Taitai’s house. Her mother warns Lindo not to be disrespectful.When Lindo arrives at the Huang house, she is treated like a servant, but she is single-minded to keep the …show more content…

Although they spoke different dialects, Lindo and Tin eventually got married. She also gave birth to a Child named Waverly. By reading this story of Lindo, I will give her the Chinese zodiac sign of a horse because, She managed to free herself justly (and devoutly) from a dreadful marriage, staying truthful to both herself and her parents’ wishes. She also used her cunningness to establish a second marriage, using an ideal fortune cookie. Part of Lindo’s personality is a certain self-indulgence, a demand for the best, and her genius mind knows how to balance that desire with, say, her parents’ promises, her own notion of respect for her elders, and her own inner voice. Lindo is one solid, complex woman. Her dominant character trait might just be her trickiness. These are just the right and unique characteristics of a horse zodiac sign. She is also very brave and fights the evils of her life with her cunning character.When we are talking specifically about her zodiac sign, she is an earth horse. The qualities of an earth horse are optimistic, kind-hearted, righteous, but irritable; with a strong sense of responsibility, and always ready to help

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