
How Management Teams Can Have a Good Fight

Decent Essays

How management teams can have a good fight?

How management teams can have a good fight? Everyone has his own answer. Related to O.B., what’s the new answer?
In the case study, we discussed about “the forgotten group member” as group. We talked about “yes or no”, “why” and “how”. Every member can have his own idea, but we must reach an agreement as our group’s conclusion. This process is called “decision making”. During this process, if all the members’ own ideas are the same, that’s perfect! But most of the time the fact is someone says “yes”, and someone says “no”, and when we met the question like “why” and “how”, the answers became even more. Then the group meets an issue named “conflict”.
This article, by Kathleen M. …show more content…

* We can get the information from others more easily than in the stressful situations.
According to the research, people in a positive mood tend to be not only more optimistic but also more forgiving of others and creative in seeking solutions.
So when our group tries to make a decision, such positive mood will trigger a more accurate perception of others’ argument, because people in a good mood tend to relax their defensive barriers and so can listen more effective. Humor works as defense mechanism to protect people from the stressful and threatening situations that commonly arise in the course of making strategic decisions.
5. Balance the power structure
It means (focus on equity) to create a sense of fairness by balancing power with in the management team.
Most people will accept decisions they disagree with if they feel the process was fair. In the balanced power structures, the CEO is still more powerful than the other members of the top-management team, but the members do wield substantial power, especially in their own well-defined areas of responsibility.
The teams with high interpersonal conflict are mostly found that the leaders are autocratic or weak.

6. Seek consensus with qualification
It means give the chance to everyone to bring his idea.
In the process of decision making, the teams that managed conflicts effectively all used a two step process that is called consensus with qualification that is when the teams meet an

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