How moral is Atticus Finch? Atticus is said to be the most moral character in literature so he would not agree with attacks on civilians or using civilians as collateral damage. Atticus would not agree with attacks on civilians because he always tries to keep the peace. Atticus also tries his best to keep his composure and not fight back. Atticus would not like the innocent casualties. Atticus is strong on not killing innocent things. Atticus would not like attacks on civilians because he tries to keep the peace. Scout, Jem, and Dill are walking and Miss Stephanie and Miss Rachel waves at them and they go to see what was wrong. “It was Miss Stephanie's pleasure to tell us: This morning Bob Ewell stopped Atticus at the corner, spat in his face,
Atticus Finch is very respected around Maycomb because there is no reason to disrespect him. He is trustworthy so you could trust him with just about anything. During the trial Atticus defended a black man when no one else would this is a really big act of courage. Atticus is a very caring person and protective of his own.
In short, Atticus Finch was a decent human being in a time when they were few and far between. He was unique in the way he taught his kids, the way he treated people, and the way he practiced law. He always kept in mind his quote, "You never really understand a person (...) until you climb into his skin and walk around in it" (39). It's no wonder why he is such a beloved character in Harper Lee's novel, To Kill a
The book To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee, has many characters who demonstrate a variety of good traits. One of these characters is known for his moral character. This character is a poor lawyer named Atticus Finch. The character Atticus Finch embodies the qualities of understanding, humility, and integrity in a time when many lacked a good moral compass. All of these characteristics are shown in a variety of ways.
To begin with I will be characterizing Atticus as moral and caring. Within the story there is plenty of evidence to support Atticus as moral. The first piece of evidence that he is moral is when Atticus takes the Tom Robinson case. Atticus knows he cannot win the case. He takes the case and this proves he is moral because he takes the case that was handed to him and does not give up even though he knows he will lose. It also proves he is moral because the whole town is also against him as he takes the case. Another reason Atticus is moral is because he believes you should apologize for your wrongs. This quote helps to demonstrate this, “to do something like this to a sick old lady is inexcusable. I strongly advise you to go down and have a talk with
Atticus Finch from “To Kill a Mockingbird” proves that he is compassionate through his actions and words throughout the book. One way you know that is when he is polite and respectful towards Mrs. Dubose. She was always very mean to Scout and Jem, but Atticus told Jem, “She’s an old lady and she’s ill. You just hold your head high and be a gentlemen. What ever she says to you, it’s your job not to let her make you mad.” (pg. 133) Atticus tells him this because he knows about what Mrs. Dubose is having to go through, so he is always respectful to her, and that shows that he is compassionate. Another way is obviously when he takes the Tom Robinson case. Atticus was most likely very scared to take it because of how people in Maycomb would react and what they would think.
The goal that Atticus is striving for is to get the white, male jurors to do the right thing. This is a hard task he has set for himself because as a good Jim Crow liberal he dare not challenge the foundations of their privilege. So instead Atticus does what lawyers for black men did in those days. He encourages the jurors to swap one of prejudice that of race for another prejudice, social. (Harvard Law Review, web)
Atticus Finch was the most honorable character in To Kill a Mockingbird. The way he speaks to people no matter what social class as if they are the most important person in that moment to the way he talk calmly and respectfully to his prosecutors. Atticus is the only one in the story who knows what he has to do without hesitation, that is incredibly honorable. Atticus is saintlike in his code of honor as a lawyer, a father, and as a man.
Atticus believes that everyone, no matter how bad they seem, has some good in them. He displays his views on the town when he declares, “‘Why reasonable people go stark raving mad when anything involving a Negro comes up, is something I don’t pretend to understand’” (Lee 117). At the moment, Maycomb is dealing with a rape case with an African American. Atticus is willing to contradict the prejudiced town’s opinion on this racial issue because he is following his moral values. He hopes people will see situations like these as moral issues instead of racial issues. Atticus wants people to realize that everyone, including those of different social classes and origins has some merit in them worth saving. Atticus sends Jem to apologize to Mrs. Dubose
In "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, Atticus Finch is a rare kind of person to meet during the times of racial prejudice. Throughout the story, Atticus raises his two children, Scout and Jem, and helps them learn what is right and what is wrong. Atticus is a very ethical and fair character that stays constant about his beliefs. One of the main conflicts for Atticus in the story is the struggle to prove Tom Robinson's innocence. And, despite the jury's inevitable guilty verdict, Atticus still tries to make Tom's trial as fair as possible.
Throughout the first chapter of, To Kill A Mockingbird, Atticus Finch is developed into a role model, a trustworthy person, and a loyal man. Atticus first shows how loyal he is when, “During his first five years in Maycomb, Atticus practiced economy more than anything;for several years thereafter he invested his earnings in his brother's education.” (Lee 5) This shows that he is very loyal because, he practiced a career for a long time, made not a lot of money, then he pays for his brothers own education. As Lee develops Atticus, he becomes more of a role model and a trustworthy person.
Atticus Finch’s nature is filled with a strong sense of integrity and conscience which prevents him from being overly influenced by sources like prejudice and strives to maintain his own morals. Atticus displays his integrity through his standard of morality and ethics on treating people equally as well as providing tolerance for differences in the Maycomb community. One of the first example is shown when the children are curious about a mysterious figure named Boo Radley and have been heavily influenced by the rumours about him mutilating animals and stabbing his own parents. Innocently, both Scout and Jem are intrigued and wishes to find out the truth for themselves but in doing so requires them to invade Boo Radley’s house and perhaps disturb his privacy, so when Atticus acknowledges so, he strictly reprimands their
Avatar: The Last Airbender, an American television series broadcasted by Nickelodeon, revolves around the manipulation of physical elements, namely earth, fire, water, and air. This television series is ethnically diverse, taking in inspiration from Asian and Western cultures. In the year 2010, The Last Airbender, a film based on this animated show, was released. The movie was consistent with the series’ concept on the art of element control, but introduced a new bending art – racebending. Nicola Peltz, a white actress, was casted to play the role of Katara, an Inuit-inspired character.
To what extent did the Nazis succeed in establishing a totalitarian state in Germany in the years between 1933 and 1939?
In recent literary history, perhaps the strongest contender for the one character that has had the greatest influence on a generation is Atticus Finch, father of the protagonist in “To Kill A Mockingbird”. Both as a father, and a lawyer, he has served, and still today serves as a pillar of righteousness and morality. The ability for his morality to translate to all people, across ages, races, and cultures, is a feat preformed by Harper Lee in her masterpiece, “To Kill A Mockingbird”. She establishes Atticus Finch as the moral center of the novel by juxtaposing his actions and the relationships with those of the majority of Maycomb. In doing so, she has made him a cultural, and oftentimes personal icon.
In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee presents Atticus Finch as a principled lawyer, committed but single father to Scout and Jem, and a law-abiding citizen. Atticus is a respectable gentleman in society and a role model for his children. Throughout the book we see evidence of his honorable intentions, though he doesn’t seem to reap the rewards. He is morally upstanding, even-keeled, and daring. Because of these things, Atticus is a man who deserves great respect and admiration.