
How Organ Systems Work Together

Decent Essays

The human body system is a complex system in which all of the disjointed organ systems need to work together to keep the body running. Since the organ system is interdependent, it is impossible for one body system to be more important than the other. Each of the individual systems collaborate for a common purpose which is to depend on one another to do the job there is to be done in order for the body to function. Not one system is able to do the job alone- each segment falls into order and carry out specific duties in the body. Cells are the basic living units, and these cells form together to create tissues and the tissues come together to form organs. Just like how cells need to be the basic unit for all organ systems to be created in the first place- the functions of the organ system work very much alike. In order for the body to be functional and to be healthy, the organ system must exist and must …show more content…

For instance, the circulatory system encloses the heart which has a network of vessels which carries the blood containing oxygen and other nutrients that is needed for cells and the removal of waste products of carbon dioxide. The digestive system is composed of organs that is needed for the process of breaking down food the body needs to create energy. The urinary system’s job is to eliminate waste from the body produced by the body’s cells. The integumentary system includes skin, nails and hair to protect body parts. The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. The function of this system is to send, process and receive commands the body needs to do. The reproductive system for both male and female produce offsprings. These systems work together so that the male’s sperm could fertilize the ovum in the fallopian tube. The muscular system, is made up of tissues that work together with the skeletal system to help move the

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