Adam Taylor
English 2010
“Poverty and the Affects on Childhood Education” Getting an education is considered a blessing too many, in America many of us believe that everybody should get equality when it comes down to education, but is that really the case? I believe that education is something that many of us take advantage of, especially when you are a kid and you think your education is free and you dread waking up early in the morning for school. Though, when you grow older we are glad that we have received an education and we can contribute to new technology, or we have the opportunity to create a top selling novel, learn about the history of the world, or just knowing why the sky is blue. We all know, and if you don’t you
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“She then lived with her mother who moved to Milwaukee where she was sexually abused for the first time by a friend of her family and her own relative (Best Inpirational Stories, 2009)”. Oprah Winfrey, at the age of 14, gave birth to a baby boy, but unfortunately he died a week later. Her mother lost her patience with young Oprah, the result of this was the punishment of sending her to live with her dad. While living with her dad she learned discipline and learned how to use her great intelligence, from potential to kinetic use. At school she was know for her intelligent speaking and she received a scholarship at Tennessee University. She majored in broadcast communication and she scored a job as a reporter at a Nashville TV station. “Oprah left school at the age of 19 years old to become the first Afro-American woman broadcaster in Nashville (Best Inpirational Stories, 2009)”. She made various amount of mistakes at her new job, she felt exhausted all the time. The Nashville station management team didn’t like her attitude towards the camera; too, on top of that, they didn’t like her “appearance”. “They complained about her hair style, her big nose and the distance between her eyes. Tempted to glamourize her appearance, they sent her to a good salon in New York which did a disastrous remodeling that made her hair fall off (Best Inpirational Stories, 2009). She was ranked down from a TV boardcaster to a presenter of the show called
Oprah’s mother was a maid and had to rely on welfare at times to support their family (Fry). Oprah was molested by her mother’s boyfriend and her uncle during time she was with her mother (King). After that Oprah acted out especially against her mother. While living with her mother Oprah constantly broke her mother’s rules, and had many outbursts including running away and staging burglaries at her home (King). Oprah became pregnant at the age of 14, and she gave birth to the baby prematurely.
As a little girl she experienced physical abuse, “a cultural experience many African- American children went through” Oprah said during an appearance at Ball State University in Indiana. Around the age of 9 Oprah had been sexually abused and raped. At the age of 14 she had fallen pregnant. Though the baby had passed away after only two weeks of life, Oprah had taken the experience to heart. She saw it that the baby being born, had been like her second chance at life.
When oprah was only 9 years old she was left to be taken care by her 19-year old cousin who raped her. Oprah suffered even more sexual abuse from other relatives, even by her own mother's boyfriend, until she was 13 years old. When Oprah was 13 she ran away from home. When oprah was only 14 she became pregnant and she moved in with her father in Tennessee. The baby died shortly after it was
In the United States today there are many reforms that had been made to help cope with those who are living in poverty. However, these reforms have been keeping many from being able to climb the social class ladder because the “War on Poverty” has not been effective on ridding poverty in the U.S. According to the Heritage Foundation, there are about forty six million people who are living in poverty and it is a conflict in this country because it puts people of lower class at a disadvantage because they have to choose between necessities like healthcare, child care and food in order to help themselves and their family members; therefore, many sacrifices have to be made to insure their survival. Though
America is in a state of poverty. The American people consisting of different ethnic groups are having a harder time getting out of poverty and the middle class is slowly becoming non-existent. The research will show that both children and adult are being negatively affected by poverty. Is the American dream an impossible one, of course, it's impossible because the middle class is slowly disappearing into history. People truly don't know what poverty is and how it is affecting America with factors such as debt, welfare, loans, and much more. Poverty brings people down and the rise in poverty dates back approximately 30 years ago. Americans are oblivious to America's state of poverty and how it different ethnic groups. Is the American dream really dead and is there a new dream on the rise?
Incidentally, Winfrey became the women she is today, America’s most popular African-American talk show host and actress, through her traumatic yet unforgettable childhood. Life started off well for Oprah, she was
Money cannot buy happiness, but it can buy education. In this great country of ours, education is not a privilege it is a right. All children are given the opportunity to a free education. An education that should allow them to become high school graduates, 21st Century scholars, and prepare them as leaders to sustain this nation. What happens though when this is not the future for all children? The problem at hand is not all children are receiving the same educational opportunities. Not all children graduate from high school and not all lead successful careers as adults. Why is this the outcome for some and not others?
Poverty in America is an immense issue to be considered, and it influences many people in different ways. Being poor in America can have a whole bunch effects in your life as you try to survive. However, there are solutions that can be done to stop more people from living in poverty. To stop poverty from increasing more each day we all need to get together and help poor people get food, find jobs, and a home or place to live in.
Poverty is the most social problem in the United States for many reasons. A lot more people in today’s time are living below the poverty line. Those who do require safety net programs are at-risk of those programs being cut off as well. Some people lack compassion and say bad choices are the reason why they are homeless but as the saying goes we are all only one paycheck away. We live in the wealthiest country in the world and yet so many of our families go to bed hungry every day. Countless people who are living on the streets refuse to even go into homeless shelters. Most of the shelters are in desperate need of repair themselves. Broken toilets, mold and rats just to name a few of the problems. Along with safety concerns such as Rape and robberies in the
Oprah was raised in several homes during her childhood, in account of her mother being an unwed teenager. She was raised by many, including her grandmother and possible father. When she was nine, and living in Milwaukee, Oprah was sexually abused by a cousin. After that, she was constantly abused by two other men. At the age of 14, she gave birth to a premature baby that died a month later.
She was the first woman in the history of broadcasting to own her own talk show and only the third woman to own her own studio. Her syndicated talk show, The Oprah Winfrey Show, reached 40 million viewers a week nationwide and was licensed internationally in 150 countries.
Oprah Winfrey is known as the most successful talk show host in television and her life experience prove that she can accomplished her goals to become a talented and independent woman. Oprah became a college student at Tennessee State University and began working part-time at a local radio station in Nashville as she continued to go to school and still working part-time at the radio station, she received an offer from a local TV station WTVF in Tennessee as an evening reporter/news anchor. She became the youngest and first African-American news anchor in Tennessee. Oprah left Tennessee and move to Baltimore in 1976, where she was a co-anchor at WJZ-TV. In Pat Colander’s article in New York Times, Oprah was being recruited to by Chicago TV
Research shows that socioeconomic status is associated with a wide array of health, cognitive, behavioral, and socioemotional outcomes. A person with a low socioeconomic status must often face challenges that create significant stress in their lives, with effects that begin prior to birth and continue into adulthood.
In today’s world people need to compete globally for jobs and one of the most important factors in getting a good paying job is education. However, even the best schools cannot overcome some of the obstacles placed in front of the students that walk through their doors. Poverty, chaotic home environments, discrepancies in exposure to technology, and lack of funding for schools all negatively impact the effort to educate children.
Stories and factual experiences provide insight to readers that explicate the reality of any situation. The solutions to poverty become more attainable when accounts from others’ experiences are brought into consideration. In Jo Goodwin Parkers’ “What is Poverty?,” Lars Eighners’ “On Dumpster Diving,” Peter Singers’ “The Singer Solution to World Poverty” and Barbara Ehrenreich's’ “A Step Back to the Workhouse, ” each author expands on personal experiences and situations that depict various viewpoints on how poverty is perceived by society. These scenarios and experiences provide an accurate portrayal of the crushing effects from those who face poverty daily in order to illustrate its brutal