Social Psychology is amazing, because it looks at the micro-level of why each individual feels, thinks, or behaves. It gives explanations of how societies constructed the way each individual act and how each individual falls into groups or categories. Furthermore, the way people are placed into groups show the inequality in America. Thus, power is created when there are more than one person. The way to manipulate the mass or the crowd and to gather support is a fundamental to obtain power to create changes in society. Thus, social psychology teaches how groups have power. It also teaches how groups have an effect on how people behaviors and associate themselves or see themselves. People are conscious creatures who knows which class they are
“Social psychologists investigate how we view ourselves and others, how we interact with others, how we influence others, and how we act when we are part of a group. Given the amount of time each of us spends thinking about and interacting with the people we encounter every day, much of our lives are spent with the subject matter of social psychology.”(p.22)
Social psychology is the science that studies the influences of our situations, with attention to how we view and affect one another. It is the scientific study of how people think about, influence, and relate to others. This field is focused in the topics such as group behavior, social perception, peers, conformity, leadership, etc. Social influences in today’s society are a big focus in social psychology. Social psychologists are interested and focused on how people observe and interact with others. I think this part of psychology is very interesting to me. With psychology being my major, I
Social psychology is an empirical science that studies how people think about, influence, and relate to one another. This field focuses on how individuals view and affect one another. Social psychology also produces the idea of construals which represent how a person perceives, comprehends or interprets the environment. Construals introduce the idea that people want to make themselves look good to others and they want to be seen as right. It is also said that the social setting in which people interact impacts behavior, which brings up the idea of behaviorism. Behaviorism is the idea that behavior is a function of the person and the environment.
Power and influence go together because power is influence. There is no greater power than having the ability to influence an individual, group of people, or situation. Leaders, followers and the situation can have influence and obtain power at some point. There are five sources of leader power that are used. These sources have been used in situations that I have personally handled. I have also seen these used, by observing some of my leaders. I will review these sources and situations that I have handled throughout this paper. I will discuss the outcome and how effective they were in each situation (Bethel University, 2011).
In our lesson, we learned about two perspectives on presidential powers. The first was that of Richard Neustadt. He proposed the idea that the president has his power as persuasion; the president gets his way through bargaining and using other government officials to do the work. (Learning) The second is an idea from William Howell called power without persuasion. With this perspective, the president does not need to persuade and bargain because he can get what he wants with his powers alone (such as the presidential power of veto). (Learning)
Katz and Lazarsfeld explored how power can influence and impact one’s behavior. Elihu Katz and Paul Lazarsfeld connected to mass media to further develop the social influence theory in 1955. Carl Rogers theorized that his principles regarding Person-centered therapy could be applied in a variety of context and not just in the therapy situation. As a result, he started to use the term person-centered approach. (Rogers, 1959). Person-centered therapy (PCT) is the application of the person-centered approach that includes theories of personality, education, nursing, interpersonal relations, education, nursing, cross-cultural relations and other “helping” professions situations. (Rogers, 1959). The theory of person-centered therapy suggests any client, no matter what the problem, can improve without being taught anything specific by the therapist, once he/she accepts and respects themselves. (Shaffer, 1978). Katz and Lazarsfeld (1955) explored how power can influence and impact one’s behavior by connecting the mass media to further develop the social influence theory. The three distinct constructs of social influence which are conformity, compliance, and obedience. The construct of conformity as it relates to staff using physical restraints and it will be discussed in more detail in chapter. Also as it relates to Physical Restraints Use, conformity and social influence helps to explain the phenomenon of influence individuals have on one another. People are driven to the
In this paper we will talk about two types of power motivation, personalized and socialized power motivation, both types of power motivation assist in influential decision-making but that each type plays a different role in different situations. Personalized power motivation is associated with antisocial decision making and self-serving decision making. These individuals who have a high need for personalized power are relatively selfish, impulsive, uninhibited, and lacking in self-control. Also these individuals exercise power for their own needs, not for the good of the group or the organization. Socialized power motivation is associated with making decisions that will best serve others (Magee & Langner, 2008). Socialized power implies a more
This was about a village with luo people. In particular a man's daughter dies. He is absolutely heart broken along with his wife. He says that he was a better leader with his daughter and now that his daughter is gone he does not know what he will do or what the village will do without her. My question is how do other people affect someone's power. I think that other people affect someone's power because if someone looks up to you and has respect for you they are going to want you to be a strong and natural leader. The daughter that died in this story had respect and honored her father and people in the village really liked this quality about her. This also gave them a reason to respect her father.
Suppose you plan to customize a chocolate box for your significant other as a birthday gift, perhaps with some rough ideas about the types of chocolate he/she likes. How much variety will you choose for this assortment? If you happen to feel powerful or powerless when you make the choice, will your desire for variety be affected by the incidental power feelings? By contrast, if you need to customize the chocolate box for your family and friends instead of romantic partners, will your preference for variety be also influenced by the power feelings?
-The study of the ways in which thoughts, perception and behavior get influenced by interaction between people.
Social psychology is a major factor and ideal that plays into the way that we, as human beings, act, react, and interact with people and the environment around us. It is defined as “the scientific study of how a person’s behaviour, thoughts, and feelings are influenced by the real, imagined, or implied presence of others”.(Psychology, 2008). Social psychology affects the way people deal with everything in life, from their attitudes to their behaviours, and it steers people in one way or another. As we go through life on a day to day basis, our life changes in small increments that we may not notice or even understand. This is all due to the influence people have on our subconscious mind that shapes and bends us in to who we are and what personality
Social psychology is a subfield of Psychology and Sociology that is interested in how the thoughts, feelings and behaviour of individuals and social groups are influenced by the presence of others such as families, work groups, and organisations. Indeed, Robbins (2003) states that many theories originally developed within Social Psychology have directly influenced the concepts and theories found in organisational behaviour concerning communication processes, decision-making, conflict management and politics and in turn have led to the development of many techniques used in these areas.
Power has many different forms in the world. The paths to power are very different from person to person. Many people are considered bad because of what they have done while they are in power. This isn’t necessarily true for all people but power has the ability to create great greed and conflict. Power can be made of fear or love but it has the ability to turn people into something else.
When people think psychology, they may think of an individual mind. Social psychology deals with multiple minds and how they all work together in a group or public settings. Social psychology studies a subject’s response to outside stimulus in an attempt to explain human nature. One example is Milgram’s
Social influence is a big matter in social psychology which is referred to the ways in which different people’s thoughts, actions and feelings are subjective by social groups. On a daily basis we are deluged by numerous efforts by others to influence us, and that’s why, the study of social influence has long been a dominant matter of analysis for social psychologists and researchers in many other social sciences (e.g. marketing and political science). Social Psychologists focus on the situation. They study the social influences that describe why the same person will act inversely in different situations. Theorists have typically distinguished between three types of social influence which are compliance, conformity, and obedience.