
How Safe Is Stevia?

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How Safe Is Stevia?
Now that you have made the commitment to work with a personal trainer, it’s time to get serious about eating a healthy diet. For many of us, cutting calories is a must. Like me, you might have a serious sweet tooth, but find there is undisputed evidence for giving up sugar. Sugar, or glucose, the sweet substance you love, creates a rush of insulin in the body, harming how the liver metabolizes the simple sugar. Continuous spikes of insulin can, in time, cause liver problems, insulin antagonism, or even Type 2 diabetes. Along with the detrimental impacts on metabolism, sugar has been identified as a culprit in many other types of diseases. Giving up sugar is a healthy choice and fortunately there are many artificial …show more content…

Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) is a plant, native to Paraguay and Brazil. The leaves of the Stevia plant are 200 – 300 times sweeter than sugar, when used in the same concentration. Many health conscious individuals are switching to Stevia because its sweetness is naturally occurring, and no calories are added to the …show more content…

More and more, Stevia is being cultivated worldwide and used as an artificial sweetener to reduce sugar consumption, control weight, and enhance overall health. The safety of Stevia has been verified by top scientific, medical, and monitoring authorities around the world. Both the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), and the Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) have confirmed Stevia as a safe alternative sweetener.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Stevia
The only form of Stevia that the FDA has approved as a safe additive is in the form of Stevia rebaudioside A, a fully refined product, which markedly differs from whole-leaf Stevia or basic Stevia extracts. The FDA made its determination after several food giants, including Cargill, PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, and Wisdom Natural Brands submitted safe reviews regarding the use of the alternative sweetener. The rebaudioside compounds are derived from the leaf by a lengthy chemical process using a variety of chemicals, including ethanol, methanol, isopropanol, and acetonitrile. Cargill has introduced Truvia®, and describes it: “stevia leaf extract, a versatile, natural, zero-calorie sweetening ingredient.” Wisdom Natural Brands now sells SweetLeaf®, which is their version of Stevia. Both PepsiCo, and Coca-Cola offer variations of sodas sweetened with

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