Finally, Hamlet treats his only mother in a very harsh and disrespectful way. In fact, he calls her very rude and mean names. Vividly, Hamlet lost all his respect to his mother after she married Claudius. For example, he calls her a villain! After Hamlet talks to the Ghost, he says something impolitely when he states in fronted his friend,
…Oh, most pernicious woman!
…Oh, villain, villain, smiling, damned villain!
…That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain…(I.v.106-109).
Hamlet shows impoliteness to his mother throughout the play. Hamlet’s anger towards his mother becomes so great that he hurts her physically. In fact, she felt so unsafe around him and yelled for help! Even though Hamlet wins his mother’s trust, in reality, his verbal
Hamlet has also idealized his mother, and it seems like that they have had a close relationship before this incident. Hamlet really loved his mother, and I think he put her on a pedestal. In the play, this delusion that he has about his mother's character is quickly shattered. She, "within a month" (1,2,145) marries Hamlet's uncle who has for some odd reason become king after Hamlet's father's death. Hamlet is sickened and disillusioned by his mother's behavior saying things like "O that this too too sullied flesh would melt" (1,2,129) and "frailty, thy name is woman"(1,2,146). But the realization that he has about his mother also ties into the realization that he has about his father and ultimately
Hamlet had treated his mother poorly in the play when he was talking to his mother at some points. In Doc. A" Remember Me" the ghost of Hamlet's father told him to "Against thy mother aught: leave her to heaven". The ghost told Hamlet to leave his mother alone and don't blame her for what is going on. In Doc.
Hamlet’s image of Claudius reveals the extensive amount of disgust that he has for the man who has married his mother.
When Hamlets father speaks to him and tells him to speak to his mother, Hamlet immediately obeys him. He respects his father and loves him enough to listen to him and stop fighting with his mother. It shows that no matter the flaws he has with his mother he would throw them out just to please his father. Hamlet has proven himself in many ways that he would do anything for his father no matter what the circumstance was.
It is quite obvious that everyone is usually obedient towards their family, even if it is unwanted at times. Well the same goes for Hamlet. In the court scene, Hamlet speaks with the king and queen, with Claudius trying to act more like a new father figure to Hamlet. However, Hamlet does not obey his orders, but pretends to for the sake of others. For instance, Hamlet only listens to his mother’s request to remain in Denmark. As an example, “Let not thy mother lose her prayers, Hamlet. I pray thee stay with us, go not to Wittenberg”. Hamlet responds by saying “I shall in all my best obey you, madam (1.2.118-120).” This shows Hamlet’s respect for his mother and his obedience towards her even with the recent events that have transpired. George Rylands concurs, “Claudius...with the Queen’s aid he persuades him not to return to the University of Wittenberg” (Rylands 36).
Throughout the play, Hamlet’s disdain for his mother marriage to his uncle, Claudius, is made apparent. It is because of this union, Hamlet believes that it is his responsibility to separate Claudius from his mother for her own good. Because Hamlet’s father, King Hamlet, was killed his brother, Claudius, is now King and has married Gertrude, Hamlet’s mother. After a play which depicts the death of King
The most significant act of betrayal is that of Gertrude-whose marriage to Claudius after two months of widow-hood has such a traumatic effect on Hamlet. He complains that a beast ‘would have mourned longer’. Right from the beginning, even before the ghost appears, Hamlet’s attitude to women in general is coloured by his mother’s disloyalty and betrayal-‘Frailty, thy name is
Since the death of his father, King Hamlet, Hamlet his son is eluded between his thoughts and his emotions. The real struggle begins when a ghost, namely the ghost of King Hamlet, his father, accuses Hamlet’s uncle Claudius for his murder. When the ghost tells Hamlet about the reason for the murder Hamlet expresses his thoughts and feelings with passion, “The serpent that sting thy father’s life/Now wears his crown” (Shakespeare). The passion from his anger is also evident at the end of the soliloquy when he calls his uncle “damned villain” (Shakespeare). Hamlet’s mother, Gertrude is also accused by the ghost of King Hamlet for being sexually involved with Claudius and hamlet passionately with rage and anger calls his mother “O most precious women” (Shakespeare) at the end of his soliloquy. This situation put Hamlet in a sensitive and fierce battle between what’s truth and what’s right. His thoughts do not run in parallel with his emotions, Hamlet being caught up in this internal confusion keeps on delaying his actions. Furthermore Hamlet’s reason to kill Claudius comes from his passion, but his intelligence gives him reasons not to kill his uncle Claudius. He keeps
Hamlet has seemed to be getting restless with the situation. This is where he starts to change and gain his self- knowledge. When he goes to talk to his mother he seems to only confront her because he goal was to not agree with and not want to listen to Claudius. “No, by the rood, not so: You are the Queen, your husband’s brother’s wife, and
Hamlet has little respect for Claudius due to the circumstances of his mothers marriage and condemns him as a drunkard to
Through Hamlet’s soliloquies, he insults his mother more than he praises her. As it is found in his first soliloquy, “Frailty, thy name is woman!” (1.2.146). He calls her weak because he believes that she has married too soon, showing that she may have also been attracted to Claudius before his father’s death. Hamlet is also ashamed of his mother, not only for marrying too soon, but for not being loyal to one man and husband
On William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, after the assassination of his father, Hamlet thinks he is living in a world full of corruption and deceit, where everything is falling apart and everyone is against him. An imminent, exaggerated, and passionate love for his mother is his main feature. Although others argue that Hamlet’s obsession to murder Claudius is strictly to claim revenge for his father’s death, it is Hamlet’s obsessive desire to possess his mother in an unhealthy and, perhaps incestuous, relationship. Hamlet also appears jealous of Claudius, his father-uncle, jealous of him for having Gertrude and for owning the crown. He lives a love-hate relationship with his mother. He is full of anger towards her, but at the same time he
Hamlet is seen as one of the most complex literary character of all time. The relationship between Hamlet and Gertrude can be interpreted in many ways. Hamlet’s motivation for killing Claudius is not to avenge his father’s death, but because of his love for his mother Gertrude. This is where the Oedipus complex comes into play in Hamlet by William Shakespeare.
We can see the dramatic differences in Hamlet’s facial expression and tone of voice when he starts to talk about Claudius and his mother. Hamlet is revolted by him, he is “a mildewed ear/ Blasting his wholesome brother.” We can hear the disgust in Hamlet’s words as he describes his malevolent uncle and this shows the distorted relationship between them. Finally he turns to his mother. His words are full of deep hatred and utter contempt for her. He asks her how she could have replaced her perfect husband with this foul man: “Could you
He acidly snaps at Gertrude, "Mother, you have my father much offended" (Hamlet, III, iv, 13). It is not that his mother is a woman that haunts and maddens Hamlet, but the fact that she chooses Claudius over himself. He believes that she does not actually love Claudius, but was merely seduced or tricked, and he cries out in anguish: