Chocolate milk should be removed from schools. Children drink too much chocolate milk, Kids would only choose chocolate milk if they are given the choice, and finally, chocolate milk has bad effects to a child's health. Some people disagree that chocolate milk should still remain in school. I challenge this. I don’t think that chocolate milk should remain in schools.
Chocolate milk be removed from schools because it’s not healthy for kids and adults who drink chocolate milk on a daily basis. If you get chocolate milk from school and you look at the label and then look down to where it says sugars most chocolate milk has a high amount of sugars. Chocolate milk can cause childhood obesity. Chocolate milk contains added sugars and therefore
As kids just about everybody enjoyed that sweet tasting drink, chocolate milk. Today even adults enjoy the drink. Why do so many people of all ages appreciate the taste? Probably because its chocolate and milk combined, so whats not to like! Chocolate milk has been around since the early 1700s when it first saw the light of day in Jamaica, but Purity’s brand has been around since 1946 with its headquarters being in Nashville Tennessee. The time between the 1700s to 2016 the taste has not changed very much, but the products ingredients have changed. Although Purity's chocolate milk is a tasty drink, the ingredients in the packaging as well as the milk itself may raise suspicion, or concern, if one is following Michael Pollan’s food rules
Another reason is that the health benefits of chocolate are that it can reduce the risks of stroke and reduces the risk of heart attacks. -Katherine Zeratsky
Judith’s work clothes in Martha Ostenso’s Wild Geese serve as a symbol of her oppression as well as her resistance to the dominance of her father, Caleb Gare. Throughout the novel, Judith’s coveralls serve as a reminder of her fight for autonomy within her family. The vivid descriptions of Judith’s work clothes, as worn and ragged, mirror the degradation that she endures from her father on the farm. The contrast between the polished appearance of Lind’s clothing and the dishevelled look of Judith’’s work clothes shows the inequality in these women’s lives. Furthermore, Judith’s coveralls act as emblems of the dehumanisation that she faces at the hands of her father.
"Milk consumptions has plummeted from 25 to 20 gallons per year of chocolate milk since 199" I think chocolate milk should be banned from schools because flavored milk can give kid diseases. Also to much sugar leads to obesity. Most importantly if kids are served white milk they will drink it. All this connects to adults
Jerry and LaDonna met on a Christian dating website in January 2011. LaDonna stated that they both were looking for a long-term commitment and after 9 months of courting they deceived to get married. Jerry and LaDonna have one adopted daughter named Kayleigh age 8, they have no biological children together.
LAUSD schools voted to remove flavored milk from their school in 2001. Part of putting the ban in place is because thirty percent of LAUSD kids were on track of diabetes. Another reason is the flavored milks contained enough sugar that was equivalent to a candy bar. Lastly many parents signed a petition to get flavored milk out of school cafeterias.
Have you ever seen the nutritional facts on a carton of chocolate milk? You probably have. Now, have you ever compared the facts with a regular coke? Probably not. The facts are astounding. Chocolate milk has 1 more gram of sugar than a 8 fluid ounces of coke and has approximately 100 more calories! In addition, chocolate milk has eight more grams of fat! That is extremely unreasonable! I think chocolate milk should be banned from schools across the nation because it is over consumed, it is very unhealthy, and it sweetens the taste buds of kids.
“Slurp, slurp!” Kids are bursting through lunchroom doors looking for the Chocolate milk. Some people are saying that you should not sell Chocolate milk in schools, People think Chocolate milk is bad for kids, but have they thought of the good reasons about Chocolate milk? I think that Chocolate milk should be served in schools. Chocolate milk is healthy, kids should have a choice, and last, Chocolate milk is well liked.
Chocolate milk shouldn’t be banned because it has things children need to grow big and strong. “Flavored milk is far less sugary and tends to have fewer calories and more nutrition than beverages like soda,” said Keith Ayoob associate clinical professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the Albert Einstein School of Medicine in New York City. In addition a survey of 58 Elementary and secondary schools across the country that removed chocolate version of moo juice from cafeterias for 2 years and offered only white milk version found a 32 - 64% drop in the amount kids drink depending on the grade, in part because they stop fully draining the carton. These examples explain that chocolate milk has benefits to it and a lot of kids only like chocolate
Another reason why unhealthy foods should be eliminated from schools is because having only healthy foods in school helps families take good care of their kids. To start things off, many students with working parents do not have someone to make a nutritional meal for them. Now, imagine two parents who work five days a week. They do not know what their child is eating in school since
We all encounter chocolate in our daily life, and whether we want to admit it or not, chocolate has been a major part of history, and it is still seen today.
The world is made up of many different types of people, each one having his or her cultural background. Over the years, the United States has become increasingly populated with cultural diversity. This influx has prompted school administrators to recognize the need to incorporate multicultural programs into their school environment including classroom settings, school wide activities, and curriculum as it becomes more evident that the benefits of teaching cultural diversity within the school setting will positively influence our communities, and ultimately the entire nation’s future. The purpose of this paper is to share the pros and cons of multicultural education in the classroom. Additionally, I will express my views compared to those
Some people think that schools should offer only nutritious drinks such as white milk, water, and natural fruit juice and situationally, I agree with this policy. I believe only offering healthy drinks will be a great impact on our schools today. For instance, caffeine drinks can cause children in today's schools to become obese, which will cause children to live an unhealthy lifestyle when they grow older. Caffeine drinks can cause insomnia in children. Insomnia is a sleep disorder, for example, it will not allow children to sleep properly. Caffeine drinks will not give children's bones the nutrition that they need. However, serving nutritious drinks in our school cafeteria can be the solution to all of these brutal conflicts.
For many years now humans have been deceived that cow’s milk will provide many health benefits.
Consequences of statistical inferences providing a result rather than an answer could include researchers incorrectly applying related management implications to their studies, when in reality they are applying a treatment that was not correctly interpreted. This could result in the new study producing a non-significant result when a biologically significant result should have been detected. Researchers desperate for a significant P value may claim an observation that was not present in the study, or perform researchers degrees of freedom, which is defined as decision making as researchers conduct the study, and not beforehand.