
How Social Class And Race Limits Opportunity

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How social class and race limits opportunity in education

America’s education system is one of the most respectable, reputable and sought after commodities in our society, but it is also the most overcrowded, discriminatory, and controversial system ever established. Most people yearn for a higher education because it 's what 's expected in this society in order to get ahead. It means a better job, more money, power, prestige and a sense of entitlement. But this system has let down the children that are supposed to benefit from it. Education discriminates against minorities, and poorer class students are not expected nor encouraged to attain a higher education. The education system is set up to ensure that every child get a basic …show more content…

She herself was put in the education system thinking she must assimilate, but with perseverance and the determination to succeed on her own terms, she was seen as the exception in her culture. Being "the exception," angered Hooks and made her more determined to help children rid themselves of this stereotype. Being successful in education means it was hard fought and deserved not just an "exception." In trying to establish an identity that borders their own culture and one that 's accepted within the education system, children are often teased, ridiculed, and mocked. This continues until they conform to the behavior accepted by their peers. Children are often taught to disregard family values and traditions which undermines a child 's character. Having a teacher or peer reinforce the fact that their behavior isn 't acceptable has devastating and lasting effects on children because they don 't know any better. Language is a good example of a difficulty a minority child might have when encountering an educational setting. In order to be successful, a child must have the opportunity to relate both with their community and their educational system to take one away with little explanation leaves a child confused. As Bell Hooks says, "that to deny ourselves daily use of speech patterns that are common and familiar, that embody the unique and distinctive aspect of our self is one of the ways we become estranged and alienated

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