
How Successful Was The New Deal Essay

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I believe that although the New Deal was not an immediate success, it did slowly bring up numerous factors that were lacking before Roosevelts presidency. Roosevelt wanted to reform liberal capitalism so it wasn’t replaced by extreme economic policies such as communism and fascism. In general, he believed that the government must direct large business firms to look out for the public interest. He wanted to create a more positive outlook on government having a greater role in the people’s lives. His big 3 objectives at the start of his presidency was to end the current emergency, put people back to work, and create structural reform to prevent future depression. Roosevelt developed a large amount of polices to achieve his goals and fight off the great depression. Some of his policies included the Glass Steagall act which prohibited commercial banks from engaging in investment business. The Civilian Conservation corps provided work for men of ages 18-24 to help with depression relief and conservation. It employed over 3 million men over the course of its existence. The Public Works Administration put 6 billion dollars into public works. This did not directly hire workers but hired contractors to hire people to work on the highways, roads, ect. The prohibition was …show more content…

Radicals such as Dr. Francis Townsend, Father Charles Coughlin, and Senator Heuey Long argued that some of the presidents programs favored the wealthy and farmers over the average worker. But during the 1936 Presidential elections, Roosevelt brought about his New Deal Coalition which appealed to Democratic state parties, labor unions, blue collar workers, minorities, farmers and intellectuals. He won that election and provided even more policies under his second New Deal which brought about acts such as Social Security, Revenue Act of 1935, and the Wagner

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