What is sugar well sugar has 56 different names and types such as health sugar like fruit,and added sugar, which is usually made in factories and is highly processed. There are natural sugar like honey,organic evaporated cane juice,syrup from agave,brown rice and maple. Other names for sugar are sucrose,glucose and fructose. The most frequently used sugar would have to be Regular or white sugar which is mostly found in every home and commonly used in homes and cooking. In the United States about 7.2 million metric tons of sugar was produced in 2009/2010. In 2015/2016 about 165.8 million metric tons of sugar was produced. So how can sugar can affect your body in many ways.
In early childhood a child has a kind of sugar scale that they should
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Your organs become fat when you eat fructose with is found in added sugar that causes your liver to store fat more efficiently. A another is diabetes in a way sugar primes your body for diabetes. So when you eat 150 calories thats 1.1% rise in chance of diabetes. Sugar is also the reason that people with type 2 diabetes have heart disease and strokes about 65% of diabetics die from them. Sugar also can lead to type 3 diabetes which is when your brain's ability to use glucose and make energy is damaged, it's like having diabetes in your brain. Sugar can also cause your arteries walls to tense up which can put you on the path to high blood sugar. Some people may think this reason is weird but sugar can be used as a drug. Sugar can give you a high but sugar basically takes more energy then its giving you. So when conducted a test on rats that binged on sugar the rats experienced chattering teeth, tremors, shakes, and anxiety when they were taken of the sugar. So it's common for people who are addicted to sugar to suffer from anxiety. Anxiety is when the blood sugar levels are pumped to the brain the brain reacts by sending a panic adrenaline alarm to your body. So the recommended sugar intake for an adult female is 5 tablespoons and an adult male is recommended 9
I grew up playing the game “Candyland”, and I dreamed of finding the golden ticket and living in Willie Wonka’s factory. I was also given a Gatorade after every sporting event I ever played in so what could be so bad about sugar? Sugar, real and artificial, can be found in almost every product we consume and although sugar is a simple carbohydrate that the body uses for energy, its impact on our body is far from simple. The consumption of sugar has been linked to a host of chronic health problems, including obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. The addictive nature of sugar is also a significant problem that leads to the other detrimental effects listed above. Sugar has also been useful to help preserve goods, fuel fermentation, balance acidity, and add flavor to other foods. Whether it’s cereal, spaghetti sauce, or yogurt, sugar is everywhere and has become unavoidable in our daily diets. As Americans, we have become accustomed to the sweet addictive taste of sugar, and our dependence on excessive amounts of sugar in its different forms has become alarming to many health experts. In analyzing preference and dependency with sugar, I will trace the addictive nature and major risks sugar has placed on society.
The experimental method would allow us to observe the firsthand effect the sugar has on young children. However, this method would require the parents to give us legal consent or if it is ethically right the give children the sugar. To set up the experiment we would separate the kids into three random groups. The singular control group will not be receiving sugar while the other two do. Of the two separate experimental groups one will receive double the amount of sugar than the other. Then we assign each group to do the same task which requires their attention. The independent variable is the amount of sugar given to each group. The dependent variable is how the sugar affects the children’s attention.
Down the road, added sugar has increased health complications tenfold. According to Quanhe Yang, from the Center of Disease and Control, “ 'death resulting from cardiovascular disease increases exponentially from added sugar consumption.' ”(Hellmich) Atherosclerosis, the most common cause of cardiovascular disease, is caused by correctable problems such as
It can raise the chances of having Type 2 Diabetes but don 't worry, there are multiple factors that are needed to decide that. Eating to much sugar can raise blood pressure which can lead to it, but alone it can 't "cause" it (How Much is Too Much?).
It get’s worse sugar can give people and has Headaches, Gas, Mood swings, Tiredness, Obesity, Heart attacks and Diabetes. When you think of it sugar can kill a lot of people.
Sweet tooth is a real thing, the love for sugar is in our DNA, there are 2 sweet receptor genes that makes us love sugar or sweets. We shouldn’t each much sugar but The American Heart Association (AHA) has given us recommendations on how much sugar we should consume. Woman should consume no more than 24 grams of sugar each day, which is 6 teaspoons of added sugar each day, that’s less than one can of soda! An average woman eats 18 teaspoons daily, that’s 3 times more than our average recommendations! Sugar is a sneaky little spy, it’s hidden in places you never knew had sugar. Salad dressings to crackers have added sugar, which can go way past our average sugar amount, which goes over 24 grams of sugar! AHA (The American Heart Association) says too much added sugar can lead to obesity, 2 types of diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. This can cause fat build-up leading to these problems. A fact about sugar is sugar is part fructose and glucose, which can hurt the liver or body. Glucose eats off your stomach and fructose stays in the liver which can be bad. When fructose stays in the
Upon research I learned that sugar does, in fact, play a very important part of our brains function, there are also many different factors that go into effect depending on your own body. So basically two people can eat the exact same meal with equal amounts of sugar and it can affect them completely differently. One major explanation behind our bodies processing sugar differently than others would be a diabetic and non-diabetic. According to research, our brain uses up the largest amounts of sugar because it needs large amounts of energy to function. Without sugar there would be lack of focus and inability to comprehend or focus on the daily task, on the other hand to much sugar can cause the same effects leading to a crash type state.
Defining a sugar-addiction would not be different than identifying an addiction to other substances. Addiction to substances comparable to heroin, cocaine, alcohol and cigarettes are defined by a pattern within a twelve month period. Three out of seven symptoms: increased tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, using the substance more than intended, an inability to control the usage of the substance, expending effort to obtain the substance, replacing important activities with the usage of the substance, and continuing to use the substance despite its negative consequences could indicate an addiction of the substance (Tufts University 4). It is complex, when it comes to sugar since it is a substance that is in countless foods that is eaten.
The relationship between sugar and diabetes is quite complex. The quantity of sugar delivered into the blood stream matter more than the source. Nevertheless, many refined food items such as beverages contain free sugar which leads to a rapid rise in blood sugar levels. Many argue that sugar intake cannot directly result in diabetes. However, everyone agrees that weight gain (which may be caused by excessive sugar intake) has a direct relationship with diabetes. This was reported by a review of several studies showing a link between sugar-sweetened drinks and
The topic that I will be writing for the research paper is sugar and diet. I want explore more how does sugar play a role in our everyday diet. Growing up in my family, my mother has been always emphasize the importance of health. In the household, we do not store any unhealthy snacks or sugar added drinks, however, I do love sweets. I think sugar can bring people happiness, but i also understand overconsumption of sugar will also bring physical health problems. Therefore, I want to discover specifically on what is sugar exactly, how much sugar we consume everyday, and what can sugar do to our body.
Sugar is addictive and like any addictive substance it is toxic. The reaction mightn't be as obvious as what comes with a cocaine overdose, but don't be lulled into a false sense of "it's only sugar", overtime excess sugar consumption is deadly. Teeth decay, diabetes, bad skin, nutrient deficiencies, obesity all come hand in hand with sugar addiction.
The intake of sugars is that by taking in carbohydrates as energy. The increase in this is like a drug that can leave the taste buds wanting more to please the natural craving it has created these natural sugars can be used as additives in food processing as well. The higher intake of sugars has been the cause of many chronic diseases leading to the onset of such as diabetes,
Today in our society sugar is accepted and consumed in large quantities. According to the United Stated Department of Agriculture the average American consumes between 150 to 170 pounds a sugar a year (that’s 30 five pound bags). I myself have undergone an experiment to go without sugar for a week to identify the effects it had on my body first hand. I will present you with findings I have found and hope you learn a little more about this substance we put into our bodies so readily and willingly. Today I will talk to you about the physical effects, mental and emotional effects of sugar on the body, and the proper intake of sugar.
Advertisement and commercial industries portray table sugar, and other artificial sweeteners as fuel needed by the body. Though body and body cells need sugar as fuel source. The body mechanism is just like the case of engine, there are bad fuels which can destroy engine. Table sugar is just a bad fuel for the body. Several research studies have arraigned sugar first culprit for the epidemics of complicated health problems such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease and cancer. Worst of it, several research now ranking sugar as addictive substance as drugs.
Humans should not consume a large amount of sugar, especially at one time. In the data of webmd.com, ¨Americans average about 20 teaspoons of sugar daily compared to the 6 teaspoons women and 9 teaspoons for men, people are supposed to have.¨ Sugar can cause a build up of fat around the organs. ¨When your organs store fat around themselves, it can cause diseases like liver disease.¨ According to the text in prevention.com. When your body stores a large amount of sugar, it can cause an organ like your liver to get a fatty extra layer around it. As you can see, sugar is good to the taste, but bad for your health.