
How Sugar Affects Childhood

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What is sugar well sugar has 56 different names and types such as health sugar like fruit,and added sugar, which is usually made in factories and is highly processed. There are natural sugar like honey,organic evaporated cane juice,syrup from agave,brown rice and maple. Other names for sugar are sucrose,glucose and fructose. The most frequently used sugar would have to be Regular or white sugar which is mostly found in every home and commonly used in homes and cooking. In the United States about 7.2 million metric tons of sugar was produced in 2009/2010. In 2015/2016 about 165.8 million metric tons of sugar was produced. So how can sugar can affect your body in many ways.

In early childhood a child has a kind of sugar scale that they should …show more content…

Your organs become fat when you eat fructose with is found in added sugar that causes your liver to store fat more efficiently. A another is diabetes in a way sugar primes your body for diabetes. So when you eat 150 calories thats 1.1% rise in chance of diabetes. Sugar is also the reason that people with type 2 diabetes have heart disease and strokes about 65% of diabetics die from them. Sugar also can lead to type 3 diabetes which is when your brain's ability to use glucose and make energy is damaged, it's like having diabetes in your brain. Sugar can also cause your arteries walls to tense up which can put you on the path to high blood sugar. Some people may think this reason is weird but sugar can be used as a drug. Sugar can give you a high but sugar basically takes more energy then its giving you. So when conducted a test on rats that binged on sugar the rats experienced chattering teeth, tremors, shakes, and anxiety when they were taken of the sugar. So it's common for people who are addicted to sugar to suffer from anxiety. Anxiety is when the blood sugar levels are pumped to the brain the brain reacts by sending a panic adrenaline alarm to your body. So the recommended sugar intake for an adult female is 5 tablespoons and an adult male is recommended 9

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