
How Technology Affects Society

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Over the years, technology has made an impact on today's society both positively and negatively. Recent studies have shown that over half of a million individuals have either been injured or died because of distracted drivers using their phones. While driving, drivers use their phones to talk or text and become unaware of what else is going on when they look down. Not only has traffic accidents been an issue, the failure rate of students has been a leading problem in the classrooms for teachers. Students have a tendency of getting distracted while doing homework by picking up their phones and engaging in social activities with mobile apps. Many individuals have some sort of technology that prevents them from completing an important task. Technological distraction amongst students who are completing schoolwork, percentage rate of deaths or car accidents caused by cell phones, and the inability to focus without technology affects the world at a large cause. The …show more content…

Studies show that about 1.6 million people who use their phones while driving have crashed (Snyder). Technology dangerously affects us more than driving while intoxicated according to Edgar Snyder and Associates. It also known that most drivers support the ban of driving while texting, but they do not support hand- held cell phone use. Due to the result of texting while driving, about 11 teenagers die on a daily basis. It is proven that majority of the teens who drive are aware of the consequences, but they text anyway. Teen drivers are 4 times more likely to get in car crashes than adults due to lack of paying attention. Another risk of teen drivers would be driving with more than 2 passengers. During the year of 2015, about 19,000 cars were totalled due to car accidents. Those statistics were recorded over a 6-month fatality rate period, January to June. The rate in 2015 had increased 14% from the 6-month period that was recorded in

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