
How Technology Has Changed Our Lives

Good Essays

Have you ever used technology – surfing the internet, playing a videogame, or scrolling through social media – as a way to escape reality for a little bit? Have you been guilty of ‘binge watching” a Netflix series, or two...or three in one weekend because you did not want to deal with your parents, family or friends for a while? At what point does technology become an addiction, especially for teenagers of today who will be the first generation who knows nothing different than life with technology? Being seventeen, I am apart of the generation labeled as “digital natives,” this means me and many other teens have been born into the technological world, and do not know a world without technology. We are allowing this technological world to consume who we are and what we do with our lives. Especially for the generation of teens today, technology will continue to be difficult to live without; but it also will become something very difficult to live with if we rely on it too much or feel like we can not live without it.
“Digital detox” expert and author Heidi Haiis claims that technology addiction is the “addiction of the 21st Century”, and will be a growing problem especially for teens of today. Kimberly Young, author of Internet Addiction: A Handbook and Guide to Evaluation and Treatment, states that “technology addiction is defined as a habitual compulsion to engage in using technology instead of addressing life’s problems (Kimberly).” Some feel the use of technology

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