Analysis: 1. Describe what the results were (2 marks) After investigating the effect of temperature on the reaction rate, it is evident that the higher the temperature, the faster the reaction occurs. The beaker with the hot water dissolved the chalk much faster than the water with room temperature, and considerably faster than the beaker with ice cold water. As shown in the table above, all 3 experiments conducted resulted in emitting carbon dioxide, however the beaker with the highest temperature produced the molecules more rapidly. 2. Explain why the results were the way they were (2 marks) Once the experiment has been completed, the results were formulated and analysed. When viewing the data collected, it was evident that the higher the …show more content…
We conducted this experiment 3 times to gain maximum accuracy. However, there were a number of factors such as the amount of acid used, if 100 percent of the chalk was emptied into the beaker and the reaction time needed to press the stop watch could have potentially hindered the accuracy of the data collected. To conduct an accurate experiment, everything needs to be done perfectly without any faults. When operating the experiment, the amount of acid could have slightly varied, one beaker could have a few drops more than the other which the human eye cannot detect. Another more subtle factor was if 100 percent of the chalk was emptied into the beaker. If a large quantity of the chalk was disposed of, the small amount also affects the experiment as the substance was not experimented with full. The final factor was the time it took to press the stop watch to start and to finish, this can be considered inaccurate as each person has different reaction times, and the signals to the brain may differ. 5. Were there any problems or difficulties encountered in the experiment? Explain how they might have affected your results (4 marks) Whilst completing the experiment we found that before we started, the method was confusing, which made it a lot harder to concentrate and follow the correct instructions. However, once this problem was encountered, we seek help from Miss Ackerly and she clarified
One of our flaws was that the temperature of the water was not exactly the same when we did the different trials. The temperatures were slightly off from our recorded value during the experiments. The change in temperature would affect the time it took for the Alka-Seltzer tablet to dissolve in the water. If there was a direct relationship between water temperature and dissolve time, we would not be able to see it because the temperatures are off and the dissolve times are not associated with the correct temperature. Another flaw is that we did not use the same amount of water throughout the experiment. We used a beaker to measure the water, which did not result in accurate measurements. The difference in amount of water could result in a difference in reaction time. The third flaw in the experiment was that during the reaction of the warm water, the water in the cup overflowed and spilled, bringing some of the Alka-Seltzer tablet with it. There were different amounts of tablet in different areas of the water, which means a different amount of Alka-Seltzer remained inside of the cup in each trial. This difference would mean that data for the warm water would fluctuate and we would not have accurate
Chemical changes occurred in five out of the eight experiments completed in this lab. Although the main focus of experiment two was
The experimental procedures for Lab 2 were provided on Blackboard labelled as “Pre-Lab 2: Techniques & Measurement”.
The jar was held in place so that it did not obstruct airflow in straw when it was placed over the candle. The process of trial 1 was repeated three times with the additional straw.
Purpose: The purpose of this investigation is to learn how to write a proper lab report and how to
Some inconsistencies may have been a slightly different amount of paint during each experiment and the speed of washing your hands would be different each time you wash them. The amount of soap could have been a little different each time, along with the water pressure.
Once the experiment was over, the data was collected and analysed. When viewing the results, it was evident that the hotter the temperature, the faster the reaction occurs. The optimum temperature of enzyme activity occurs between 32-37 degrees Celsius. (BBC, 2014). This occurred because the hotter the temperature, the more energy is gained and therefore the molecules collide with one another. This creates the reaction, which is seen considerably different to that of the body temperature which displayed no results. The cold water beaker displayed no results, however because amylase requires warm temperatures to operate, the beaker was placed in a bath of boiling water. As a result, the amylase breaks down the
Describe what you did in the experiment, and include methods and materials used. Do not
Purpose: To measure the heats of reaction for three related exothermic reactions and to verify Hess’s Law of Heat Summation.
Investigate the effect of temperature change on the rate of hydrolysis of starch using the enzyme amylase. Amylase investigation --------------------- AIM: To investigate the effect of temperature change on the rate of hydrolysis of starch using the enzyme amylase. These are variables that may affect the rate of the reaction: * concentration of amylase * concentration of iodine * temperature conditions of reaction * pH conditions of reaction I intend to investigate the effect of temperature change on the rate of the hydrolysis of starch, using the enzyme amylase.
During this experiment I ran into two major problems which could have been improved. Firstly I had trouble measuring one hundred percent accurately since I did not have the right equipment to do so. The next time I attempt this experiment I will invest in appropriate equipment to help the accuracy of my results. Secondly I found it hard to perform this task in a messy environment which made me understand the ‘messy room, messy mind’
Hypothesis: If the temperature increases, then rate of the chemical reaction will increase as well, and if the temperature decreases, then the rate of reaction will also decrease.
The content of this section depends to a large extend on the nature of the experiment. Topics here should include a section labelled:
Title: The Effect Temperature of Sodium Thiosulfate Has On The Rate of Reaction with Hydrochloric Acid
was too fast to measure and so for my scale to reach above that, I