
How The Genetic Transformation And Determine The Transformation Efficiency Of The Bacteria

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The aim of the experiment was to observe the genetic transformation and determine the transformation efficiency of the bacteria, E.Coli.


Injection of DNA into cells which results in the inheritance of traits contained in the DNA injected is known as genetic transformation (Lorenz et al, 1994). Genetic transformation that occurs naturally has resulted in evolution. The efficiency and rate of exchange of genetic material can be increased if both organisms use the same system of genetic information storage e.g. DNA plasmid (Johnsborg et al, 2007). The bacteria E.Coli which are used in the experiment are sensitive to antibiotic, they do not glow and are easily transformed (Dickson, 2008). Bacteria are single celled which increases the result of an uptake of substance, and E.Coli have circular DNA or better known as plasmids. These plasmids can be replicated and passed on to the next generation. The plasmids added to the colonies will be used as the medium for insertion and expression of the foreign DNA sequence (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, No Date). A gene carrying the GFP or Green Fluorescent Protein is used in the experiment. GFP is found naturally in the North American jellyfish, Aequorea Victoria, and is harmless hence leading to its usage as a tool to study gene expression in an organism as they are easily visible (Dickson, 2008). GFP causes an organism to glow under UV light.

Escherichia Coli or E.Coli is considered as a gram-negative bacteria.

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