Program: Master of Business Administration
Subject Name: Clients and Markets
Subject Code: MCR005 (A)
Method / Type: Individual Assignment (Essay)
Group or Individual: Individual
Student ID: 1344341
Student Name: Nikesh
Total Marks: 25
Semester / Year: Two - 2015
Submission Date: Week Five (Friday 14th August midnight)
Lecturer’s Name: Leanne McCoy
Discuss how the marketing environment globally changed over the last
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Marketing methods have made major developments as web presence and social media have continued to soar in their ability to influence consumer behaviour. As marketing companies continue to gather consumers behaviours through online surveys, focus groups.(James Stone). Consumers now get depth information about product or service via internet. Now organisations are providing 24/7 online services to their customers.
The American Marketing Association defines marketing as - It is the activity includes set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large which adds to profits ( kotler & keller, 2012). Marketing Management means the analysis, planning, implementation and control of plans or programs designed to create, build and maintain beneficial exchange with target consumers for the purpose of achieving organisational objectives. The objectives of marketing management are to create demand through different means by providing information about the utility of product, customer satisfaction, to increase market share and profit, to create goodwill and public image. Today’s marketers are focusing to maintain reputation in the eyes of their customers. The term of marketing changes as the marketing environment changes. Now, marketing functions are not limited. Customers are smarter and more
The American Marketing Association defines marketing as "an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders". (2005) Simply put, marketing is the process by which businesses assess the needs and desires of consumers in order to provide products and/or services to meet those needs in the most efficient and cost effective manner. Truly effective marketers do market research in an effort to understand their target market and create marketing strategies based on the characterization of those in the target area.
People are connected more by social media and marketing executives have taken notice. The innovation in technology online and through television has increased. Today, people use the internet for shopping using various tools such as laptop and iPhones. We are in the new age of marketing where people are connected via social media and business is trended online. Thus, the innovation in interactive television and online services has expanded the strategies and tactics. This is so because more and more people are using internet for shopping, taking the purchase decisions via range of tools such as laptops, tablets, mobile phones, etc. Throughout
Marketing is a management function which involves creating, communicating and delivering value for an organisation’s customers (Kotler, Brown, Burton, Deans & Armstrong (2010). Although many earlier academics define marketing as merely a process of satisfying customer needs in order to gain profits, more recent developments of the definition include its inherent connection with delivering superior value to customers in order to maintain ongoing relationships (Webster, 1992).
In general terms, marketing is all related to the places of buying and selling of goods and services to satisfy customers’ needs. Nowadays marketing is the most important issues for success of every business marketing is the activity, set of institution, and process for creating, communicating, delivering, and
“If you don’t start from scratch you could get stuck in the mind-sets of those who went before you (Juicing the orange ). Marketing has changed throughout the years of business, marketing started as ads in newspapers, in the mail, magazines and commercials on tv. But, it was hard to reach people that lived in other cities or states. As the internet got more popular it was easier for businesses to reach out to more people in other cities and states.
Marketing does not operate in a vacuum but, instead, in a complex and changing environment. Indeed, marketers operate in an increasingly connected world. Companies today have to be alert and responsive to the interests and concerns of various actors in the marketing environment, not just its immediate customers. A company¡¦s marketing environment consists of actors and forces outside marketing that affects marketing managements ability to develop and maintain successful relationships with its target customers. The marketing environment
Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and values with others.(Kotler, Armstrong, Saunders, Wong page 5)
Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.(Gundlach, G. T., & Wilkie, W. L. (2009) p.260) .
Marketing is an essentially about marshalling the resources of the organization so that they can meet the changing needs of the customers on whom the organization depends. As a verb, marketing is all about how an organization addresses its markets. Marketing is “The management process which identifies, anticipates and supplies the customer requirements efficiently and profitability”.
What is marketing? Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy both individual and organizational goals. Marketing also include being able to get the goods from the producer to the consumer. The producer is responsible for the design and manufacture of goods. Marketing also includes market research and product development, design, and testing. Marketing concentrates primarily on the buyers, or consumers and determining their needs and desires. Companies then need to stress the availability of products and the important product features. You then need to develop strategies to persuade them to buy and keep their satisfaction with the product. Marketing management includes planning,
The Marketing Concept The marketing concept has evolved over the last years, marketing reflects to a key approach to doing business. An organisations objective is to make profit, to do this they have to consider the marketing concept, in order to satisfy customers. For an organisation to be successful should divert its attention away from particular products and towards the interest of the customers. Customers changing their needs and wants influence an organisations strategies and plans. Meeting customer’s needs is the main key in marketing.
Over the last several years the process of reaching out to customers has been continually changing. Part of reason for this is because more people are turning to the Internet as a way to be able to promote their products and communicate to a larger audience. A good example of this can be seen with the election of Barack Obama in 2008, with him using this medium as a way to gain support and funding for his campaign. This allowed him to utilize this new technology to effectively connect with and inform voters about key issues. Over the course of time this helped his campaign to gain momentum. Once this occurred is when he was able to stand out against his rivals through effectively utilizing these tools. (Miller, 2008)
The process of communicating the value of a product or service to customers, for the main purpose of selling that product or service is known as marketing. The science of choosing target markets through market segmentation and analysis, and understanding consumer behavior while providing superior customer value to the customers is termed as Marketing Management. It can be looked at as one of the most important of the organizational functions and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering the value to their customers or potential customers, and a customer relationship management that benefits the organization in a variety of ways.
Marketing is a concept that is fairly recent in origins. For the longest time, all it took for a company to succeed was to create a product that was superior to others and consumers would flock to make purchases. Eventually, due to the standardization of quality products, companies sought to brand themselves as a way for consumers to differentiate them from other companies. It no longer was good enough just to make a quality product, you had to convince the consumer that not only was your product better, but so was the company. In the 21st century, we have seen an explosion of marketing outlets, thanks to all the different forums and venues in which consumers migrate. Additionally, a deep and complex science of understanding the consumer and markets has come to fruition, in hopes of maximizing profits and outpacing competitors.
Every company depends on an efficient marketing program to fulfill customers' needs. Marketing is a process of finding out what the customer wants and meeting those requirements. Within the company, the marketing group has to consider customer values and customer satisfaction before considering offering a product. Marketing is part of our everyday world, and can be perceived everywhere and every time. At any time, everyone has been exposed to different kinds of marketing or advertising depending upon personal necessities such as T.V commercials, radio, internet, etc.