
How The Theory And Practices Suggested Within The Research Are Used By Teaching Practitioners

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In school research
Within this topic it is nessiciary to see how the theory and practices suggested within the research are used by teaching practitioners. To do this a small scale survey using a mixture of open and closed questions was constructed. Apart from collecting data about the responders such as years’ experience, Key stages interacted with and main subject specialism, this questionnaire focused mainly on the past use of animation and any responses see within the student body by the practitioners. The questionnaire went on to isolate reasons for the non-use of animations within teaching and if the practitioners saw the main topic of misconceptions relating to particle position within a state change to be one of the major issues within the education of science or if they saw another area as a more pressing issue. The questionnaire can immediately be seen as flawed for a multitude of reasons, the first and foremost of these being that the small population of teaching practitioners questioned, all taught at the same school which while compromising of both a state comprehensive and sixth form centre is located within the North East of the United Kingdom in County Durham this combined with the fact that the school has a unique catchment area and therefore a unique student body. Teesdale school as of 2014 according to Ofsted has a nearly average student population gender wise, however the number of students receiving FSM falls in the 4th quintile at 20.1% while the % of

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