Millions of animals die each day! People should start thinking about all those animals that risk their lives for them!
According to ¨Understanding animal¨William Harvey used animals 400 years ago to discover how blood circulated in the body (William Harvey). The modern era of animal research started about 150 years ago.Products should not be tested on animals. Testing on animals can cause them brain damage or even death.Humans and animals are different so some products might work for animals, but it might be harmful to humans,And animal testing is wasteful,cruel,and unreliable.
To begin with,Testing on animals can cause brain damage or even death.Millions of animals are locked up now in cages in laboratories across the country,all they can do is sit and wait in fear for the next terrifying and painful product that will be tested on them. According to ¨¨1.4 million animals are used in experiments, including rats,mice,birds,and reptiles in the U.S,Each year over 100 million animals die from testing.
In addition,Humans and animals are different so some products might work for the animals, but it might be harmful to humans.According to ¨¨ a drug used to
Firstly, I strongly disagree that animals should be tested upon by scientists, it's a cruel and selfish action taken by humans. The reason why I disagree, is that animals have different bodies than us. So the chemical might affect them differently: for example, if the product has no effect on the animal, it doesn't mean that it won't affect us humans the same. Think about it, what if it gives unwanted effects to the users? Some may have expected test results, but this doesn't count for ALL animals.
Imagine you're a scientist. You get a rat. You stuff drugs in it. The rat slowly dies. Animal testing is a problem and should be banned because it harms animals, the results are unreliable, and other countries banned it.
Animal Testing is uncertain and hard. Animals go through a series of tests are very painful, most of the time they are not even given anything for pain. Some product tests require the same painful procedure on a daily basis over a weeks' time. Most tests on animals cause permanent injury or even death. The tests performed on animals are not always reliable. A medicine that may be safe with animals may not be for human beings. For example, aspirin is toxic to cats, so if we were to test this medication on cats, it would not help to determine if this was a safe product for human beings. One alternative to animal testing is human testing, if we are looking to find out if the product works on humans, we should test them on humans. That case "No
Animals do not suffer from the same diseases that us humans have, for example curing heart failure induced by cutting a dogs aorta will not help to cure heart failure caused by a build-up of cholesterol in human arteries. We waste animal lives everyday and for what? The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has noted that 92 percent of all drugs that are shown to be safe and effective in animal tests fail in human trials because they don’t work or are dangerous. And of the small percentage of drugs approved for human use, half end up being relabeled because of side effects that were not identified in tests on animals. This makes it extremely dangerous to humans, because animal testing is not dependable, it can cause serious side effects to humans that weren’t an issue to the animals during testing.
Imagine just waking up one day being stripped of your home, children, food and everything you own. You’re in the dark and all of a sudden these bright, intense, fluorescent lights flick on. A very large, unfamiliar looking menacing figure approaches you and prods you with needles and all sorts of drugs. Your barely fed and you're stuck here for the rest of your life. Now what if I told you that already happens today in the year 2017. These “people” are referencing poor defenseless animals that have to go through these horrible conditions every day just for an experiment that might not even work. All animal testing should be banned, even if such testings would save human lives because, the process is painful, it’s potentially endangering a species and haven't all cruel despicable nations tested on not only humans but also animals.
Even though, animals help save lives of human beings they still kill animals to save the human being. Imagine a human being killed just to save an animal you wouldn’t like that would you? Everyday uses like: toothpaste, soap, etc. Are not tested on by animals, but cosmetic companies use animals to test their products. The cosmetic companies use the Draize Eye test, they put drops of their products inside an animal's eye and cause irritation.
According to Professor Paul Furlong, “the anatomic, metabolic, and cellular between animals and people make animals poor models for human beings (Animal Testing - This means that even though animals and humans are very similar, they are also very different. They have different cells that react to different chemicals and release different hormones than what it does to humans. Their bodies react differently to different tests. Maybe the company tests the product on a “dud” animal, and the product ends up killing the animal. And what if the animal dies later and the company thinks that the product is safe to put on the shelf? What if the product gets put on the shelf and ends up harming a bunch of people? Then the company will most likely get sued and they will probably go out of business. Which leads me to me second point is that even though a drug passes the animal test, doesn’t exactly mean that it’s safe for humans to use. In the 1950’s, there was this sleeping pill that basically killed 100,000 babies because the pill was tested on animals prior
“It is estimated that more than 115 million animals worldwide are used in laboratory experiments every year. United States, up to 90 percent of the animals used in laboratories are excluded from the official statistics” ("About Animal Testing" n.d.). This is a major increase from the estimated 5.5 million tests done in 1970. Of the 115 million animals, the most commonly used are “mice, fish, rats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, farm animals, birds, cats, dogs, mini-pigs, and non-human primates” ("About Animal Testing" n.d.). These animals and much more are subjected to torture and
Although large companies and those for animal testing might think that animal testing is essential for products to be declared safe for human use, that is entirely untrue. Animals are not humans, so testing is not accurate. They are also genetically modified and subjected to abnormal stress. According to the FDA, only 5-25% of animal tests and human tests agree, so there is little relevance to humans. Furthermore, only 9% of products tested on animals make it to market. This questions how safe the products really are. What is effective in animals isn’t effective for humans. For example, drugs such as Vioxx, Phenactin, and E-Ferol were not effective in 92% of humans. That is
Most people think that the medicine they take or cosmetic they use is safe because the packaging says it was tested on animals, but they most likely don’t know that hundreds of animals were harmed and killed from the product, and that there’s a chance that it could kill them. Animal testing can help researchers find helpful drugs, treatments, and to see if a substance is safe, but that doesn’t mean that it should be allowed. Animal testing is should be stopped because it’s cruel, unreliable, and dangerous.
The rights of animals are a deeply discussed subject, one that usually ends with the idea that animals are a waste of rights. This proposal is incorrect, however many people have agreed and obstructed the rights of innocent animals.
Animal experimentation is defined as the use of “non-human animals in experiments that seek to control the variables that affect the behavior or biological system under study.” (“Animal research”). Animal experimentation can be dated all the way back to Greek writings during the third century. Aristotle, (384 – 322 BC) a physician-scientists; physician-scientists are physicians who pursue their research interests in the laboratory, and Dr. Galen, (129-200 AD3) known as the “father of vivisection”, stated by, Thomassen, et al. (2), when they began experimenting on live pigs. Aristotle and Dr. Galen began animal experimentation to gain knowledge of the animals themselves, unlike current day which is used for medical research. Animal research
Not all medicines that work on animals work on humans. According to “92% experimental drugs that are safe and effective on animals fail on humans because they don’t work or are to dangerous”. I think that if most medicines don’t work then they should try a different method that works better. Maybe if they used a different method it would be better and more effective. One way to not use animals is called In Vitro. In Vitro is the simulation of living organisms by using things such as petri dishes. It also takes more time to do research on animals rather than using In Vitro. According to “Animals make better test objects because of their shorter life span”. If you use In Vitro you don’t have to worry about animals dying.
Imagine this; you’re a small, shivering rabbit cramped in the corner of your miniature metal cage, attempting to sleep but being kept awake by a persistent pain running throughout your entire body. You have been awake for over 53 hours, undergoing intense experimental research, you're sleep deprived and overwhelmed with pain, and all you can do is tremble with fear and pain hoping for it to come to an end. Fortunately for you it will end, because soon enough scientists are going to decapitate you and remove your brain to study the effects of their experiments. This is just one of the things that scientists do to living breathing animals undergoing research experiments daily, and one of the many reasons why you should wholeheartedly agree that animal testing should be banned worldwide. Animal testing should also be banned because it’s unethical, old fashioned. It’s simply bad science.
The creating of new drugs requires animal research because researches must determine the beneficial and the harmful effects of the medicine on a whole creature. A drug is usually first tested in petri dishes using some organic tissues and organs, it is completely legal and ethical. It must also be tested on animal before you can test it on humans. The data from the animal testing will determine whether testing on humans will be safe or not.