Large Animal Veterinarian
Every since I was a little girl I had always wanted too be a veterinarian. I did not know what type of veterinarian but I knew I wanted to be one. As I started to get older I realized what type of vet I wanted to be. A large animal veterinarian. Because the I could work with cattle, horses, sheep, goats, and pigs. Being a large animal vet consists of many challenging things. It also includes late night calls, surgeries on the farm, and many other last minute operations. I love animals and I really enjoy working them. I know that when I become a veterinarian I will have fun and love what I am doing. I also have plans on going to Iowa State University. ISU is known for their animal medicine. Being a large animal vet also makes a lot of money. Being a large animal vet sounds challenging, fun, and exiting. But I am up
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One, your patients do not talk. Two, horses and cows are dangerous animals. Three, the animal might not be trained and a big animal that is not trained just makes it ten times more deadly. Those are just a few reasons why being a large animal vet is challenging. Every summer the vet comes to my house to give all my show cows their yearly shots and medications. I help Dan (the vet) give the cows their shots. It is very exciting but also hard. Because the cows are always moving especially if the cow is not halter broke. LAst summer my main show cow Minnie got a really bad case of warts. Minnie had to be on medication for almost two months. The vet had to come out to my house twice too remove Minnie’s moles. I got the amazing opportunity to help Dan work on Minnie. It was very challenging because Minnie does not like the vet at all. She kept trying to back away. We had to remove the warts on her face. We ended up having too do it at the beginning over summer and a week before fair. Becoming a large animal veterinarian is going too be very
The career that I want to achieve is a Veterinarian. I want to become a Veterinarian after I graduate college. Want to become that, because I would like to help out animals that are sick and be able to make their owners happy. I would have to go to high school and go to classes to learn about health science. Then, go to college and learn more about science so I will be able to know what is need to become a veterinarian. I will get my degree in college and graduate.
When pondering the question of who I want to become, I looked back on my childhood and remembered the many pets I had, 3 hamsters Ms. Shaq, Mr. Penny, and blister, four rabbits Cotton ball, Fluff ball, Whisky, and black boy. Later in my life, I got 3 dogs Mangum, Coogi, sandy. Taking a look down memory lane, I can remember having a love for animals from elementary until now, I have nursed and taken care of animals for so long On the day I graduated high-school I was assured I wanted to become a veterinary technician. I wanted to become a veterinary technician because the passion and love I have for animals through having my own pets I experienced giving my dogs medications, giving my rabbits antibiotic shots, clipping nails, and cleaning ears.
There is a lot of hard work put into this job, maintaining the health of all the animal patients. The overall job description of a veterinarian is a doctor who, “care[s] for the health of animals and work[s] to improve public health. They diagnose, treat, and research medical conditions and diseases of pets, livestock, and other animals” (Veterinarian). Vets also provide emergency care for injured animals as well as provide euthanization for animals unable to be treated effectively. There are several different kinds of vets, each with different daily tasks and patients to work on. The type of vet everyone usually first thinks of is a Clinical Vet, also known as a Companion animal Veterinarian. They treat regular household pets such as dogs, cats, rabbits, pigs, etc. This type of vet’s work environment usually includes being in private clinics and animal hospitals most of the time but can travel to farms and homes if needed. This is the most common field veterinarian students pursue. Another type is Equine Veterinarian. This type of vet focuses just on treating and caring for horses. They spend most of their times on ranches, and also at places like horse racing tracks and shows. Large Animal Veterinarians treat large farm animals such as horses, cows, sheep and pigs. A branch of this type of veterinarian is a Food Animal Veterinarian, who work towards improving public health by treating animals that
Becoming a veterinarian takes a lot of hard work and many years of schooling, but it is an immensely satisfying job for those that are comfortable with and passionate about working with animals as well as people. Veterinarians offer medical care to by diagnosing and treating sick animals, which are often household pets, farm animals, and zoo animals. While looking into becoming a veterinarian, many factors of the job need to be taken into consideration: education and experience requirements, working facilities, job outlook, advancement opportunities, salary and wages, tasks performed, and advantages and disadvantages.
Occasionally, they assist with problems in birthing. Some of these problems include; a breech birth or . Each of these may result in a C Section surgery or assisted birth. Because large animal veterinarians deal with animals of a bigger size, they also have to be cautious of the animals. Some of the procedures veterinarians perform include surgeries which call for an anesthetic to be administered, this makes moving the animal rather difficult due to their size. All of these possibilities mean that they are on call all the time, in case of an
When I was five, I said to my mom, “ I want to be a veterinarian when I grow up”, a phrase that every parent hears their child say at some point in their life, knowing that it is only a temporary phase. However, my determination to become a veterinarian has only increased with age and added experience in the veterinary medical field. It is assumed that I want to be a veterinary simply because I love animals and that is not false. But being a good veterinary to me means so much more. Being a good veterinarian is knowing how to accommodate and relate to the owners needs as well as the animals, its knowing how to put physical symptoms and diagnostic test results together to effectively treat the patient, and its knowing that that with every success
When I was a child, I was always asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” The answers ranged from musician, manager, doctor, and veterinarian. The last few years have helped me narrow down my career path and gave me passion to pursue a career in veterinary medicine—a veterinary technician in particular. This has been a result of the experiences and people I have encountered and a drive to better the profession.
I am currently enrolled as a student of Veterinary Science at the University of Arizona. Initially, I came to the university with the intent of joining the career field as a veterinarian. However, after one school year and multiple job-shadowing opportunities, I realized that being a veterinarian was everything that I had imagined it to be. I found that I wanted to be working directly with the animals rather than just diagnostics. With these ideas in mind and some research, I concluded that the career that would give me the most fulfillment in my life would be a veterinary technician.
Beyond highschool I would love to attend either Wichita State or Kansas State University. I am looking to go into being Large Animal Veterinarian. I enjoy animals to a very high degree. I find animals interesting both physically and mentally. Being a veterinarian means not just caring or the animal, but also caring for the owner too. The owner of the animal is even more fragile than the pet itself.
Five years ago if you asked me what I wanted to be when I was older I would have answered with Veterinarian. Still to this day I answer that same question with the same answer. Being a veterinarian is more than just helping animals, to me it's about making a change. Working with many exotic animals in different places around the world to make a difference. The road to becoming a Veterinarian is lengthy but rewarding.
When I was younger I would always imagine myself as this super veterinarian, flying all over the world to help animals, and by pursuing a degree in biological sciences I would be one step closer to this dream. The first thing I can ever remember wanting to be was a veterinarian. One time, when we took my dog to the veterinarian, he let me go back and see behind the scenes actions. I shadowed the veterinarian and watched him spay and neuter cats and dogs.
And lastly research vets work in laborites and conduct research on human and animal health problems. For me personally, I would rather be a companion animal vet that works at clinics. I really enjoy regular house pet animals such as dogs or cats, but also animals such as deer or rabbits
This career fits my personality because I love animals and I do not become too attached to them that I would not be able to do the job that I needed to do as a veterinarian. Being a veterinarian provides personal values such as helping others, because as a veterinarian you should do everything you can to help the animal and satisfy the customer. Another personal value is that the job is challenging, you face many challenges when it comes to finding the issue or issues when examining an animal, performing a surgery and doing it correctly, prescribing the correct medicine that will help the animal get better as soon as possible, and putting the animal down when you think the time
Becoming a Veterinarian Being inspired my entire life by the world’s greatest people, in my opinion, has been God’s greatest gift to me yet. A dream of mine has always been to become a veterinarian; regardless of anything getting in my way. Going through ordinary everyday motions is not what is going to get me there, it is the extra umph put into each step that I take towards my future. My family has always been about tough love, learning, working hard while staying committed to the important things in life. These values have now been engraved into my heart as I grow up and make decisions about who and what I will be- a veterinarian.
When I graduate and start college I am going to major in Animal Science at UNL. After getting my bachelor’s degree in Animal Science I will go to either Iowa State University or K state where I will hopefully get into vet school. (Hopefully) I will receive my doctorate’s degree and my surgery license to become a full vet! Becoming a vet is my dream job and getting into vet school can be very hard (AVMA). I plan on going to UNL and get my bachelor’s degree in animal science.