
How To Be A Large Animal Veterinarian Essay

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Large Animal Veterinarian
Every since I was a little girl I had always wanted too be a veterinarian. I did not know what type of veterinarian but I knew I wanted to be one. As I started to get older I realized what type of vet I wanted to be. A large animal veterinarian. Because the I could work with cattle, horses, sheep, goats, and pigs. Being a large animal vet consists of many challenging things. It also includes late night calls, surgeries on the farm, and many other last minute operations. I love animals and I really enjoy working them. I know that when I become a veterinarian I will have fun and love what I am doing. I also have plans on going to Iowa State University. ISU is known for their animal medicine. Being a large animal vet also makes a lot of money. Being a large animal vet sounds challenging, fun, and exiting. But I am up …show more content…

One, your patients do not talk. Two, horses and cows are dangerous animals. Three, the animal might not be trained and a big animal that is not trained just makes it ten times more deadly. Those are just a few reasons why being a large animal vet is challenging. Every summer the vet comes to my house to give all my show cows their yearly shots and medications. I help Dan (the vet) give the cows their shots. It is very exciting but also hard. Because the cows are always moving especially if the cow is not halter broke. LAst summer my main show cow Minnie got a really bad case of warts. Minnie had to be on medication for almost two months. The vet had to come out to my house twice too remove Minnie’s moles. I got the amazing opportunity to help Dan work on Minnie. It was very challenging because Minnie does not like the vet at all. She kept trying to back away. We had to remove the warts on her face. We ended up having too do it at the beginning over summer and a week before fair. Becoming a large animal veterinarian is going too be very

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