I believe that as a black man I should be equal to a white man, I shouldn’t be judged based on my race. During my trial against Mayella and Mr. Ewell, I felt like I had already lost due to the fact that I was black and they were white. I bet the judge had already decided who had won the case before I gave my side of the story. I am thankful for Atticus believing me, and having the courage to go against the white folks. My family had to watch me be dragged out of the courthouse in handcuffs knowing they wouldn’t see me again. I long for a community where everyone is judged based on what’s within. I believe that just because I’m fashionable and sexy on the outside doesn’t mean I don’t have a heart. My dream is to become an actor and
In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the trial in the novel is one of the most important incidents that takes place in the text. It is very important to our understanding of the text as a whole as it shows the racial discrimination in that time period of the 1920 – 1930’s and how society in the 20th century has improved and has become more accepting of different races throughout the world as a whole. The topics that will be discussed in this essay are the trial and how it represented a prejudiced society, what happened after the trial and the effects that the trial had on the children.
What are the rules by which one must treat another human being? The two most important rules are justice and fairness. By definition, justice is the act of rewarding the good and punishing the bad , while fairness is treatment without discrimination. In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, an innocent man is tried, and because of his race, is determined guilty. In an utopian society, freedom and justice stand side by side. In the town of Maycomb Alabama however, cases that include racism and prejudice occur every day. However, these people are seen in the eyes of Atticus, Scout, and Jem as innocent “mockingbirds” who benefit the lives of others. There are many people in the world who take justice and fairness to heart, and treat
First off, in the book, prejudice is shown through the trial. The trial shows the race part of prejudice because Tom is found guilty because of his skin color. “Judge Taylor was polling the jury: Guilty... guilty…..guilty” (Lee 282). Tom Robinson is a black man living in Maycomb, Alabama. He is found guilty for raping a white woman, Mayella Ewell. During the trial, Atticus Finch is trying to help Tom Robinson live his life, and be found not guilty. Tom Robinson is, unfortunately, found guilty. The color of his skin determines this decision of the jury. In this time period, black men and women were treated differently than white men or women. There were many facts that were shown in the trial that pointed away from Tom, like when Atticus said
At some point everyone has judged someone or has been judged , and this leads to stereotypes and prejudice. In to “Kill a Mockingbird” Harper Lee displays how judging a man by his color leads to unfortunate events. Through symbolism , stereotypes, colorism , Harper lee shows that everyone eventually judges even if they don’t see it as judging .
When Atticus, the protagonist's father, got his new case he chose not to assume Tom Robinson, the defendant, is guilty just because he is black. Most other lawyers would assume Tom is guilty because it was a Jim Crow era social norm that blacks were almost always guilty. Atticus tries to teach his daughter, Scout to also not assume and judge others on first impressions. However Scout is very slow to learn this skill which is seen when she judges others because of their traits and problems. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, a recurring theme is a quick judgment of others can cause false understandings and misconceptions which is shown when Scout judges Mayella Ewell, insults the Cunninghams, and disapproves of her Aunt Alexandra.
For him, like many other real-life Negroes in American history, the principles underpinning political, social and criminal justice failed. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus’ belief that, “in our courts all men are created equal,” ( p. 209) makes a complete mockery of the judicial system.
In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, the theme is don’t judge someone according to their race. Scout learns that you can be prejudice about race. Scout said, “if there is just one kind of folk, why can’t they get along.” This proves my theme because if you don’t judge someone then there can only be one kind of person and we will all get along. If there is only one kind of person then why can’t everyone get along? Scout finds out that everyone makes mistakes. Judge Taylor said “there is not a person in this courtroom that hasn’t told a lie. Everyone messes up sometime in their life so Judge Taylor is saying everyone is equal. Everyone is equal. “There is one way in this country in which all men are created equal.” This quote supports my theme
Injustice and judgments are well known in the world. With so many people who get out of what they deserve or are punished for nothing at all. People who are judged by how they appear or seem, and how cruel it can all be. The concept of injustice and judgments is written out in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Injustice and judgments is the theme of To Kill a Mockingbird with certain symbols that help convey it, certain examples are Mr. Raymond’s “liquor” bottle, the snowman Scout and Jem made, and the gifts from Boo Radley.
Irony “the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect” (Webster’s dictionary. Irony demonstrates the double standard and the racism that exists in Maycomb Alabama. You can see how blacks and whites are not only held to double standards but segregated against and used as a scape goat for whites. Irony conveys this theme by showing how and what is expected of blacks in their small town. When scout and her peers are forced to recite the words “We are a democracy” (lee 121).
Justice. “the quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness. [dictionary.com]” Justice is implyed when something in the right thing to do, whether or not the decision is in favoe of the reciever. Fairness. “the state, condition, or quality of being fair, or free from bias or injustice; evenhandedness. [dictionary.com]” Fairness is implyed when In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the concepts of justice and fairness are two conflicting topics. They don’t seem like they are two concepts that would have conflicts, though in this story, they are clearly displayed as conflicting topics. One thing is the fair thing to do, but it is not just. Many characters are prime examples of this idea, like Tom Robinson’s
Have you ever known what was really going on in somebody life. Well here's where that phrase ¨ Walking around in someone else's shoes in order to understand them¨ comes in to play. When someone is going through some acts of their life they have the rights on not to be judged. I think people should not be judged just by what they do or how they do stuff because you don't really know their story.
There have been several occasions when I have misjudged a person’s character. The person who I misjudged was my uncle, Scar, who I thought was kind and sincere. I thought that he was good to me and coached me on how to deal with my problems. In reality, my uncle wante to rule Pride Rock in an evil way. A major event when I really changed my opinion of scar was when I learned that he was actually responsible for my father’s death and make me believe that it was my fault.
The courthouse was crowded, all seats were taken and many were standing in the back. It was silent, no one spoke, not even a baby cried out. There was the Judge sitting in the front of the room, the defendant, the solicitor, and the jury. I was a member of the jury that day. Everyone knew the truth, the defendant was innocent, and the evidence that was established was supportive and clear. The jury’s decision however, was not based on evidence, but on race. A jury is supposed to put their beliefs aside and make a decision based on the information given during the trial. Jury members must do their duty and do what is right. I tried to do what was right, but all the other members of the jury were blind. They chose to convict because of skin
If you were a parent would you want the best for your kids? Would you want to teach them to search out for the true meaning of dignity and respect? This was the goal of one father, Atticus Finch. Being a nearly fifty-year-old man with extremely young children he wanted to share his wisdom and firsthand experiences with his children to shape them into a respectable young man and woman. Throughout his life, Atticus is taught many experiences himself about not judging someone, and to stand up for the helpless and defenseless. Some important morals that he carried through to teach his children in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird is to never judge someone by their social class or race, and to fight for the justice of all the people of Maycomb.
Never judge someone without knowing the whole story. The novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is about two young kids named Jem and Scout Finch growing up in the south in the 1930’s during the great depression and segregation. Through Jem and Scouts experiences, the author shows that before you judge someone, you should take the time to walk in their shoes and understand them.