My first article touches on the subject of concealed carry in the District Of Columbia.
Unlike other states and places that simply require you to desire to carry a concealed weapon, you must provide reason such as domestic abuse or proof of stalking. A generalized fear of personal safety is not valid. excuses such as past robberies and burglaries are still not valid as said by the police chief. The police are they only people who can judge whether or not someone could be a threat by looking at them.
The next article i read is about how to correctly carry a concealed weapon. They say that there would be less crime if you didn't know who was carrying or not. This article also offers online training and discounts on guns for people who
In her article she tells us about how at a very young age her father got her into shooting, and since then has taught her about gun safety and how to properly handle a gun. She mentions that her father once told her that if she ever saw another person with a gun to not believe that they properly know how to use it, and to start moving away from that person. Silko’s article is a very good article and has a very good point, that they should have special classes and harder training for people to get a concealed weapons permit. I believe this article should for sure be allowed to be used in this comp I class. It explains a very good point that a gun in the hands of someone who does not know how to use it, creates a very dangerous situation. For instance the shooting at the elementary school in Colorado, if that man’s mother would have had better instruction on how to lock up and store her guns, then maybe her son wouldn’t have been able to get ahold of them so easily and have been able to kill and harm the many people he did.
In today’s politics, gun control is a big argument. The anti-gun advocates wants more gun control laws. The gun advocates side wants less gun control sides. They believe guns symbolize freedom and will help kept themselves safe. Anti-gun advocates believe stricter gun control laws will insure public safety and reduce the number of guns in irresponsible hands. As a way to help persuade people to become pro or anti-gun advocates, people write articles on gun control. Think Concealed Carry Makes You Safe? Think Again is an article about concealed carriers not being able to protect themselves. Texas Concealed Handgun Carries: Law-abiding Public Benefactors is an article about the change in arrest rates since Texas allowed citizens to carry concealed firearms.
No more fist fights, sticks and stones or knife fights, the nature of the crime has escalated to gun voilence. Violencne has motived many states to enact conceal to carry laws in an effort to reduce many of the violent crimes we hear and see on the nightly news. Many studies have been done. One done by John R. Lotts Jr. concludes carry handguns is not going to end gun violence. But it does makes them more vulunerable to being attacked. Another study done by Jens Ludwig suggest this does not reduce crime it increasess the adult homicide rates. There seems to be more research that needs to be done on this issue. There is no clear evidence to support conceal to carry a weapon reduces
Lott Jr. “States that implemented ‘shall-issue’ concealed carry laws reduced murders by 8.5%, rapes by 5%, aggravated assaults by 7%, and robbery by 3%” (Concealed Guns Lott is an economist and political commentator who analyzed this data in a study during 2000. Also, states with more restrictive concealed carry weapon laws had a 10% higher murder rate. These statistics clearly reflect the advantages of having concealed carry policies and the disadvantages of not having policies implemented. These statistics also show that concealed carry does indeed deter criminal
The Second Amendment has given the right to individuals to keep and bear arms since December, 15th 1791. Even though this has been in the Constitution for 223 years, the issue of gun control and the right to concealed carry has been a growing issue in the United States. Whether citizens should be allowed to legally carry a gun has been a growing debate. In this paper, I will talk about the history of concealed carry, the different types of issuances among the states, and how to obtain your concealed carry license in Wisconsin along with providing concrete evidence with different statistics and stating the pros and cons of the issue.
By concealing the weapon, citizens can go about their day normally without being distracted by a handgun on someone’s person. Many Americans are beginning to grasp the concept that gun control laws are rapidly becoming useless. John C. Moorhouse and Brent Wanner, authors of “Gun Control Law Do Not Reduce Violent Crimes” State that the reason gun control is ineffective, is because it does next to nothing to stop criminals from getting their hands on firearms (Gun Control Laws Do Not Reduce). To reduce gun crime, more needs to be done to stop criminals, instead of focusing efforts on law abiding citizens, they are not the ones to worry about.
In this paper, I will discuss Pennsylvania Concealed Carry laws, benefits of concealed carry and my views on such, states that Pennsylvania has reciprocity with and the troubles this creates, and the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2014. Concealed Carry is the act of carrying a handgun that is hidden, usually under clothing. Concealed Carry is a controversial topic in today’s age, especially with the gun laws that were dominating politics in 2013 and 2014. There is currently a bill in office to make Concealed Carry laws much better for the carrier. I will write more about this later in the paper.
In the 2013 case of Doulgerakis v. Commonwealth, In October 2011, Mr. Doulgerakis was stopped for a traffic violation. When asked if he had anything in his glove box that would concern the police officer, Mr. Doulgerakis responded that he had a handgun in the glove compartment. The glove box was closed and latched, but not locked. The police officer removed the handgun and charged Mr. Doulgerakis with carrying a concealed weapon without a permit. At trial, the Commonwealth argued that the firearm was not "secured" within the meaning of the statute because the gun was readily accessible to appellant for prompt and immediate use, which is precisely
In the past six months, there have been a total of 19,635 gun incidents. Out of those 19,635 incidents, 107 were mass shootings, 829 were home invasions, and 604 were for defensive use, according to It is unbelievable to see the number of gun related incidents that have happened in just the past six months. What is even more unbelievable to imagine is that so many of those incidents could have been avoided if people were allowed to carry concealed guns in certain places. Concealed carry, or concealed weapons, is the practice of carrying weapons, such as a handgun, in public in a concealed manner. All fifty states in the United States allow concealed carry in public places to some degree. But, some places, for example, schools, restaurants, and stores, prohibit concealed weapons. The controversy about whether concealed weapons should be prohibited in certain locations has been debated for years, and more often in the past decade. On one side of the debate, supporters of the “gun-free zones” claim that prohibiting concealed weapons in certain locations will reduce crime and ensure that the location is free of gun violence, allowing concealed weapons can result to more guns landing in the hands of criminals, and some even insist that public safety should be left to professional, qualified police officers, not ignorant citizens with little to no expert training. However, it is absolutely necessary to know that prohibiting weapons in certain locations
( Today, carrying a concealed weapon everyday has become increasingly commonplace in areas all over the
It has been legal to carry a conceal weapon since 2013 when Illinois became the last state to allow concealed weapon permits. After it passed a poll concluded that 52.3% of their population felt less safe after it passed in 2013. According to a 2010 poll over 55% of our population felt less safe when learning that it’s legal to carry in public places.
Concealed carry has been in news for a while now and is a hot topic. Concealed carry means more guns around us. Those who not paying attention might assume that open concealed carry is something new, something rare, perhaps reckless at best and dangerous at worst, but that is far from the truth. The Daily Caller newspaper states that, “concealed carry is currently legal in 44 states, and in 30 states you don’t need a license to openly carry a holstered pistol.” The norm states that one had to be licensed to hide the licensed gun. Over the years various restrictive gun laws have been created state by state, largely in an effort to suppress the ability of minorities and criminals to carry guns. The ability to lawfully carry a hidden gun became
Everyone wants to feel safe and everyone has their opinion. When it comes to concealed weapons, people have become very enchanted with the topic. They have joined groups that share their views like the NRA (National Rifle Association), which supports concealed weapons or the Brady Campaign which is against concealed weapons. When it comes down to it, there are just two groups, one for concealed weapon and the other against it. These two groups have the same goal, but each have a certain path that they would rather fallow. When searching for support one of the groups may use facts to gain support for the path of action, while the other group may use emotional events to gain support for their path. When thinking about it, one must not look
Concealed weapon carry has been a very debatable topic for a while now. Yes, many bad people would be able to get their hands on one, but how do we let those people spoil it for the rest of us? Those are the exact types of people we need to be protecting ourselves from. These people are the reason we need to have concealed carry, to protect ourselves. I’m here to give you reasons why concealed carry should be permitted to those qualified. I’m here to say, don’t let one bad apple spoil the bunch.
Additionally, in states that have laws permitting concealed weapons for those who qualify, there has been a measurable reduction in violent crimes and murder. There are forty states that allow those who have permits to carry a handgun. Consequently, there are approximately 3.5 million U.S. citizens that are permitted to have a concealed weapon on their person, or in their car (Kates & Mauser, 2007). John Lott and David Mustard conducted a study on the concealed handguns law. They analyzed FBI crime statistics for the entire United States, covering the years from 1977 to 1992. With conservative approximations, states enacting the concealed weapons law had a reduction in rape by 5%, robbery by 3%, aggravated assault by 7%, and murder by 8.5% (Lott, n.d.).