Compare and Contrast Essay
How comparable is the american culture along with the filipino culture?America has its similarities with the Filipinos, but the american culture did not really begin until it individualized itself from the british in 1776. This is a similarity with the Filipino culture because they were colonized by the Europeans as well as the Americans then gaining their independence in 1946: with the help of america. Different culture are fascinating because they can be compared and contrast due to the physical location, the social practices, and the ideology are remarkably different.
There are a couple factors that make up physical location in culture. The primary factor is the geography of the land. In america the geography is more rural. Meaning the area around is covered with more of today's innovative buildings. In the Philippines the buildings are all handmade or small shacks. Filipinos uses the
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Clothing in filipino culture and american culture are essentially the same, if a person is wealthy they will have better attire than a person living in poverty would. Food is a second contributing factor for social behavior. For Filipinos to get food they have grow what they want to eat. In the provinces of the philippines there are no supermarkets it's mostly farm area. They cook what is grown and raised. Some americans live like this but it is not 100 percent off the land. Americans can make food from all around the world if they wanted to, all they would have to do is go to the supermarket and buy the ingredients. Lastly, and most obvious is the language. Filipinos speak a different language called Tagalog. Most Filipinos families will teach kids english as a second language. More traditional families don't bother. Most Americans speak english. English is what's taught in our educational system. There are three main contributing factors that make up social
Food is a major part of every culture, some very different and some very similar. American and Spanish cultures are very different because of eating habits, meal times, and how people interact over food. There are several differences between American and Spanish food, but there is one similarity: it brings people closer together like nothing else.
In fact, American troops were so worried about unintentionally sparing their foes that as they advanced through a location, they would use the Scorched Earth Tactic which involved burning everything that could be useful to the enemy to ensure that the other side would be unable to survive without those materials. With America controlling their country, the Filipinos became known as Filipino Nationals who had certain rights that American citizens had in America. Although the American government did build more advanced hospitals, and better schools and roads for the Philippines, American businesses heavily infiltrated the economy and left many Filipinos jobless. Having to survive with a ruined economy and lack of freedom from foreign powers were some of the factors that pushed the Filipinos to come to America. Since they were Filipino Nationals, they were able to travel to and from America
Culture is the overall moral belief, customs, language, and attitudes a person is brought and raised into. Daily, we are exposed to diverse and different cultures everyday which allow us to learn the different values and traditions each culture possess. The importance of observing and learning different customs is beneficial because it can help us better adapt and prevent misunderstandings when we communicate and interact with others. Hispanics and Americans are two huge cultures that have been sharing the same living space for years but are an example of two different civilizations. While both, Hispanics and Americans, share many similarities they both differ in recognition of religion, language,
Known to many as the ‘melting pot,’ the United States consists of a variety of cultures and peoples. Immigrants from near and far traveled and continue to do so for economic opportunities or to escape persecution. One particular group of people who immigrated to the United States were the Filipinos or Pinoys, as some like to call themselves. Due to its 400-year colonization by Spain and the United States, the Filipino American populace increased after the Philippines became a territory under U.S. control. The last Asiatic group to migrate to the United States, the Filipinos have contributed to the American society through a variety of occupations, such as sailors or nannies. Moreover, the U.S. colonization of the Philippines from
Frequently, we do not put too much attention to our own cultural values and traditions until we are exposed to a different culture, and start comparing. In order to have a more productive and fruitful life I believe we need to become more self-aware and more sensitive to the culturally and ethnically diverse community we live in. Two cultures that have been sharing the same living space for centuries are the Hispanic and American culture. In this paper I would be analyzing each culture giving a brief background and pointing out some aspects in how they differ, like the perception of time, family, orientation, and others. American culture has a couple of aspects in which it differs from the Hispanic culture, which for the
Our country is rich in culture; the occupation of the Spanish, the American, and the Japanese gave the Philippines its diverse and unique culture. This exceptional culture we have in our country has produced numerous brilliant individuals, who up to this day are still well recognized. So it is safe to say that part of the reason why they became who they were is because of their culture; because of our culture. (Ong, 2011)
Needless to say, I had drawn a clear distinction between being Filipino and being American, and the main difference centered around values and attitudes. I will leave the Filipino side of the equation for another discussion. My ideas about America was shaped largely by the American media that was available to me when I was growing up in Manila.
For this paper I will examine Vietnamese culture according to the five essential questions all cultures must answer (according to Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck). I will then take those answers and compare then to out culture here in America. I realize that some might argue that using North American culture as a starting point is an attempt to simplify this writing, but I believe that any initial examination of something new is most effectively done in comparison to what one already knows.
American culture encompasses customs or traditions in the United States. Customs or traditions include, but would not be limited to, values, language, religion, or how we communicate. The population in the United States is over 325 million, (United States Census Bureau, (n.d.) and is built on immigration. In comparison to other countries, the United States is considered cultural, as most nations unite, and later mix, their culture into American culture.
The first noticeable difference are the kinds of foods. Some of american foods are, burgers, hotdogs, and more others. Then the most popular cambodian foods are, pho, spring rolls, and rice with different flavored soups. A normal american breakfast would be something like, pancakes, and eggs with bacon. Traditional cambodian breakfasts are, pho and a liquid rice soup with dry fish called, babawl. Most americans eat steak, burgers, and rice with chicken for dinner. While cambodians eat curry in banana leaves called amok, and the most popular food kuy tieu, which is a noodle soup which meats and vegetables. Now my favorite, the desserts. There’s the american desserts like, ice cream, cake, and cookies. But cambodian desserts are much different. There’s this sweet juice with noodles that are similar to spaghetti, there’s taro ice cream, then my personal favorite is the mochi ice creams. They are shaped in a circle, with dough wrapped around the ice cream.
America is considered a melting pot of different ethnic groups. By today’s standard, “American culture” is the result of a variety of races integrating their own cultural beliefs into American society. Throughout the years, the United States has seen a massive increase of people migrating from Asian countries; “they make up 3.6 percent of the U.S. population, a 199 percent increase from 1980 when they constituted only 1.5 percent of the population” (Ng). Like other immigrants, Asians come here in order to seek a better life and experience civil liberties. According to statistics, “Filipino Americans today make up the second largest Asian Pacific American (APA) group in the country” (Aquino). Filipinos alongside
Filipinos love to eat and for this reason, many entrepreneurs in the Philippines ventures into food and beverage service business. Filipinos wants food, beverage and cooking choices to be fast, easy and convenient. They are also now choosing a healthier
Topic 2: to compare your native culture with Chinese culture and to draw your conclusions;
The Spanish colonization in the Philippines lead to us to make some questions in our mind on how does the Filipino survived? Even though they
The Philippines is a country deeply rooted in culture. The Army defines culture as a “dynamic social system” containing the values, beliefs, behaviors, and the norms of a “specific group, organization or society or other collectively” learned, shared, internalized, and changeable by all members of the society (FM 3-24 COUNTERINSURGENCY, 2006). Cultures have different characteristics which consist of shared, learned, symbols, integrated and dynamic.