
How To Decrease The Drinking Age To 18

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Prohibiting 20 years old and below can lead the young adults to drink in some places that are completely unsupervised like fraternity houses and private parties which very unsafe for them because these young adults do not have experience on how the alcohol can affect their bodies and make them drink an excessive amount of alcohol for the reason that this is where the only place they can drink without getting caught by their parents and law enforcements. Being out of nowhere drinking these young adults are very vulnerable to be a victim of such crimes, they could be sexually abused and be robbed other people can easily take advantage of drunk people. On the other hand being drunk also can make people do some things that could possibly hurt themselves like driving drunk that could lead them to be hospitalized or even death. …show more content…

Lowering the minimum drinking legal age can educate the 20 years old and below about drinking alcohol and also give them enough experience about how can alcohol affect to their bodies. In addition allowing 20 years old and below to drink early can avoid most cases of binge drinking, alcohol poisoning, car crashes, unexpected pregnancy, and sexual abuse among the young adults because these young adults do not have to hide to drink alcohol and they can drink peacefully in a safe environment like bar and restaurants. Lowering the minimum legal drinking age to 18 is also helps to lower the number of people who use fake Identification and documents to buy

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