4. Fill the pipette 5ml of 0.02 molL-1 NaCl using the pipette filler and repeat step 3, so that 0.02 molL-1 NaCl touches all the sides. Discard the NaCl. 5. Repeat step 4, two more times 6. Now rinse the funnel with deionised water. 7. Using the funnel pour the deionised water into the burette up to the halfway mark, don’t forget to turn off the tap. 8. Rinse the burette in the same manner as the pipette; hold it horizontally and rotate, so that the water makes contact with all the side. Then let the water out by opening the tap. If there are any bubbles in the tap, lightly tap on its side when it’s open to get rid of the bubbles. 9. Rinse the tip with some deionised water. 10. Shake the container of AgNO3 and using the funnel pour approximately …show more content…
Now rinse the conical flask thrice with deionised water by pumping the water around neck of the flask and swirling it. Then tip out the waste. 13. Now pipette exactly 10ml of 0.02 molL-1 NaCl into the conical flask; the bottom of the meniscus must be at the 10ml mark, when looked at eye level. Make sure that there are no air bubbles in the middle. If there are any pipette the solution out and redraw it again. 14. Rinse the dropper with some deionised water and discard the water. 15. Now exactly get 3ml of 0.1 molL-1 K2CrO4 with a dropper and then add it to the conical with 0.02 molL-1 NaCl. Swirl to mix the contents 16. Wash down any NaCl and K2CrO4 on the sides of the conical flask with some deionised, to get all the added solutions into the middle. 17. Shake the AgNO3 container and add 25ml of AgNO3, into the burette using the funnel. 18. Now open the tap and adjust the volume exactly up to the 30ml mark; the bottom of the meniscus is at 30ml when looked at eye level. If there are any bubbles in the tap, make sure to get them out by opening the tap and lightly tapping on its side to get rid of them. Collect this AgNO3 in the container holding the AgNO3. If the volume goes below 30ml in this process add more AgNO3, to get it 20ml. 19. Set the equipment up as shown in the
Next rinse the funnel with cleaning solvent to ensure all impurities in the solvent are removed.
After added, pick up the beaker and swirl it around lightly for a short period of time.
alcohol (2-methyl-2-butanol, MW _ 88.2, d _ 0.805 g/mL) and 25 mL of concentrated hydrochloric acid (d _ 1.18 g/mL). Do not stopper the funnel. Gently swirl the mixture in the separatory funnel for about 1 minute. After this period of swirling, stopper the separatory funnel and carefully invert it. Without shaking the separatory funnel, immediately open
Next, I poured distilled water just below the 250ml mark on the neck of the volumetric flask.
1.) Transfer the distillate to separatory funnel. Fluid didn’t seem very clear but sufficient to finish our lab on time.
XII. Take the 250 ml beaker to your lab bench. Set up a gravity filtration with a plastic funnel, folded wet filter paper, and an Erlenmeyer flask. Pour the content in the 250 ml beaker slowly through the filter paper. Wash the filter paper with deionized water. Dispose of the filtrate in the proper labeled waste container.
When filling up the burette it is important that a funnel is used, however as the solution reaches the 0 mark it is ideal that the funnel be removed and a pipette used instead to reach the 0 mark, this is to achieve greater precision. During the experiment, it is important to swirl the flask continuously with one hand
Procedure: Cut top off 2 liter bottle and bottom off another. Fill the one without a top with water and put a
Place a burette on the conical flask and then hold it by using a clamp stand.
2.18) Aspirate the 1x PBS and add 25 ml 1x PBS + 2 mM EDTA. Place on rocking platform at 4 oC or in ice bucket for 45
Within the first part of this lab with creating a 0.500 M solution, it is important and necessary to use deionized water. This is because any other source of water, like tap water, has electrolytes such as fluoride and calcium which will affect the solution because it will not be pure sodium and chlorine ions within the solution. When creating the solution of NaCl, the deionized water must be added to NaCl. This is because if the NaCl was added to the 1.0 L of deionized water, then there is the possibility of going over the 1.0 L mark on the volumetric flask which will mean that the solution is not a 0.500 M solution of NaCl or the desired concentration. If there is still NaCl on the bottom of the flask that does not dissolve, that is a problem
1. Fill the graduated cylinder nearly to the top with water, with a tall glass tube open at both ends (the water level with act as the closed end).
0.5 μg/ml). Swirl and mix. • Position and appropriate comb of appropriate size, 0.5-1.0 mm over the plate to form complete well defined wells. • The pour the warm agarose solution on the mold. •
Use a glass beaker to pour an adequate amount of the liquid substance and use the pipette from the glass beaker.
If anything is left in the flask, used distilled water to clean the flask then pour that onto the filter paper.