
How To Make A Paper Towel Essay

Decent Essays

For my science fair project, I am going to test which paper towel brand is the best for absorbing whatever life calls for to be cleaned. I will be testing the brands Bounty, Scott, and Brawny. Paper towels seem simple, but there could be much behind how a paper towel cleans up life’s toughest messes. Paper towels are made up by cellulose fibers, which is also what makes up cotton, wood, and a lot of other plants. When the cellulose fibers are magnified and looked at, they are giant molecules that consist of many tiny molecules that are linked together. The key to absorption in a paper towel are the tiny molecules that combine together to make up cellulose. Cellulose fibers are sugar molecules. Think how easily sugar dissolves in water. When …show more content…

Quilting is part of what makes this possible. After the paper fibers mixed with resin are made into sheets, shapes are pressed into them that impart a quilted appearance. The quilted shapes form pockets of air that attract water and increase absorbency. There are two types of paper towels: folded and rolled. Folded paper towels come with a bifold or a multifold. People often pull multiple folded towels out of the dispenser, while a dispenser for rolled towels gives out one at a time. The process used to manufacture the towels also divides this paper product into different types. White paper towels are bleached using chemicals or a natural process depending on the brand. Paper towels with a light brown color are semibleached or unbleached. The last factor in paper towel absorbency is the number of plies, or stacks of paper. Kitchen paper towels also come in 1-ply and 2-ply, which means they are either 1 layer thick or 2 layers thick. As of absorbency, 2-ply kitchen paper towels are stronger and more absorbent than 1-ply kitchen towels because they have 2 layers of absorbent paper towel per sheet. But 1-ply towels can also do the

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