I was in the East Saint Louis office today. The Children’s Home & Aid office is located on the SIUe campus. During today I read a file and highlighted the information that I viewed was important. The caseworker told me that there is so much paperwork there is no time for the supervisor to look at each client’s file. Therefore, the caseworkers had to summarize and pull out the important details in each client’s file and report it to the supervisor. I only had the time to review one file because it was so thick. I read Jimmy Neutron’s file during this time. He is a White sixteen year old male. Jimmy went to detention because he violated probation by smoking weed and drinking alcohol. Jimmy offense was property theft and violent. Jimmy stole one
On Thursday 11/17/2016 around 2300 hours, I, Security Steven Evans was informed by Dispatch to make contact with 5 East Unit Charge Nurse Tonya Smith in regards of Code (34) Customer Service Assist. I arrived at 2302 hours and met with Charge Tonya Smith who explained to me that the Correction Officers for the prisoner in room # 504 had given her hard time few Months ago on the patient, Angel SantiagoGonzalez (Fin# 86424089) last visit. Nurse Smith further stated that she had a personal problems with one of the Officer and that she was informed by Lake Correctional Institution that this Officer would not be working at all on 5 East. She described the Officer as a Black female about 6 feet tall with braided hair. I walked over to the room and
“The victim was standing at the front door of the school entrance when the suspect and her mother attempted to open the door. The victim would not open the door, according to school policy. Suspect and mother cursed the victim. Suspect then began punching the victim in the face numerous times. The victim received bruises and scratches to the face. All of these events occurred while school was in session and disrupted the daily business of
217 at 9:15 AM this worker went for a child parent worker visit to see Chad McAdams in Jacksonville correctional center. When checking into the visiting room with a hug and kiss. Chad held and fed Sophia. Had bounced up and down his knee and played walk Sophia. Chad told this worker that Chad asked for a extension on the court hearing due to surgery on my shoulder. Chad will be having surgery within the next two weeks on his shoulder and will be inside of a sling with no movement allowed. This worker told my child that Christina Caroway his ex-wife I lost her job due to refusing to drug drop. Chad stated that he is going to have a no stocking order placed on Christina once he is released from prison. Chad was appropriate with Sophia and cater
However, in this case, Saundra Davis wasn’t the only conflict of interest Vance had issues with; Vance had a second altercation with another co-worker named Connie McVicker. For her part, McVicker called Vance a “porch money” and used the term “nigger” to refer to both her and other African-American students. Vance was informed co-worker McVicker family has connections to the Ku Klux Klan. Vance was frightened, she claimed both co-workers used racial slur towards her in the workplace. When Vance reported the harassment to the University’s Compliance Office, Kimes investigated the complaints. During the process, Kimes was very rude and a little prejudice; he refused to shake Vance’s hand. After the investigation was completed Davis walked away freely, Kimes exhorted both Davis and Vance to “respect” each other in the workplace. Co-workers witnessed Davis daughter accosted Vance on campus, making racist threaten statements. The co-workers who witnessed the complaints should have come forward, but instead, they keep quite. Vance complained to the EEOC and filed harassment charges proclaimed Davis violated her civil rights and denied her breaks, in response to the investigations no sign of
On 9-15-17, Adrian and Len was standing at a stop sign on a curve. Adrian and Len was waiting on their school bus. Adrian and Len were unsupervised. Adrian and Len was out of eye sight from the home. Adrian has been diagnosed with ADHD. Adrian takes medication for his ADHD (Focalin and Tyenxi). Adrian has behavior issues. Adrian is hypractivity. Adrian has exposide. Adrian was suspensed from school. For pushed a students, throwing a desk, running out of the classroom.
In 1980, at Piscataway Township High School, 14-year-old T.L.O. and a peer were caught smoking cigarettes in a school restroom which violated school rules. The two violators were taken to the Assistant Vice Principal’s office where one student confessed to smoking while the other, T.L.O., denied the allegation. The Assistant Vice Principal demanded T.L.O to hand over her purse where he found cigarette papers, cigarettes, a pipe, marijuana, a list of students who owed T.L.O., and a large amount of money. The school authorities contacted T.L.O.’s mother who then brought T.L.O. to turn herself in; she eventually confessed to having sold marijuana on school grounds. Juvenile delinquency charges were brought upon T.L.O. in the Juvenile and Domestic
He was interviewed three different instances while at the detention center. At each session he present well kempt, cooperative, wearing no glasses; however, at time he would suck his thumb. At the first session, Kevon was asked if he knew why he was incarcerated. Kevon reported he was incarcerated for armed robbery. He reported he robbed the bank with a gun that was given to him by another juvenile, as well as stating it was wrong and illegal. He stated “I wish I wouldn’t have done it [armed robbery]. Kevon stated he was unsure of what going to happen to him if he was found guilty. He seemed not to have an appreciation of the seriousness of his actions of armed robbery. He was asked if he understood the job of his attorney, the prosecutor, and judge. Kevon stated he is aware of his attorney’s name and what his job was. He also stated he known the prosecuting job was, and knows the judge’s position. Kevon was asked if he was experiencing hallucinations/delusions which he stated no. He presented with no signs of depression or oppositional behavior.
Three black males were reported to have robbed a gun store in Strawberry. A single pearl handled pistol and a box of money was stolen. One boy was caught, his name is T.J Avery, and he is currently in jail. The convict tried to blame local citizens R.W and Melvin. He claimed,”They the ones got me in it”. His friend Cassie Logan’s thoughts on this are,”They wouldn’t do that to ole T.J!” His trial has not yet been held.
My states that her mother sent the video to her. Gmail. The worker spoke about the intake only email this worker received from the hotline. Mom states airport birthday is on the 14th and like to see the children on her birthday. Meyer states it she believes Terrance is nonfunctioning and he's on Molly. Am I has reports that she's looking into getting from Berkeley she has one in Bellfountain for domestic violence against Terrance Crenshaw. If the children are sit home with Terrance it'll be a mess. Terrance isn't even care for his seven teen-year-old son with my reports. When I Estates at her phone has been off for a few days. When Meyer is looking to get her GED with Penn Foster online for cosmetology. And fashion. But my sister she has cut ties with Michael Curry but still is pregnant with her child so she would have to have some type of communication with Michael Curry. When I states and her health insurance has been cut off since March and she was unaware. When my has not seen any medical for her pregnancy. Worker spoke about counseling one on one with Rita. Worker informed let my
Synopsis: On October 4, 2015 Luke Gatti went on a rampage in UCONN’s Student Union over wanting bacon jalapeno macaroni and cheese. This incident was caught on video and went viral on YouTube and Facebook. On December 21, 2015 Gatti appeared in court regarding sentencing. The prosecutor and defense attorney argued back and forth about how severe the actions were in the incident. The prosecutor kept bringing up Gatti’s past arrests from the previous year. These previous arrests were for similar conduct when Gatti was a school in Massachusetts, where he was expelled. However, for those offenses he was
On March 1, 2016, I responded to T.C. Williams High School and spoke to Ms. Bailey as the School Resource Officers were not in school grounds. I spoke to Kassidy Pullara in the presence of Assistant Principal David Serensits. I showed my credentials to Ms. Pullara and explained the purpose of my visit was the two runaway
Mr. Simpson a 44 year old white male. He is currently unemployed and has been for the last 20 years. He lives alone in a one bedroom apartment. He was a law student but wasn’t able to successfully complete his degree due to the school asking him to leave. Mr. Simpson was brought by police for assessment due to striking a lady in his neighborhood. At the time of the incident, Mr. Simpson stated that she deserved it for what they have put him through.
The reporter was contacted at 2:08pm at 09/01/2015 for additional information. The reporter said they were suspecting abuse, but didn’t specify. The reporter was asked was she suspecting molestation, and she replied that she didn’t want to say something that wasn’t true. The reporter never gave a clear answer to what she was alleging. The reporter said Jessica (teacher) has been very concerned about Harmony. Harmony transferred to Mooreville Elementary on 08/24/2015, and she has been arriving to school late (10:30am). It is unknown how many times the child has been tardy/late. The teacher (Jessica) spoke with Wendy about the victim being late for school, and she said “the child will be on time and they were in the process of moving”. The child has been coming to school not clean (not getting a bath), and Jessica felt as though something was not right. Also, last night (08/31/2015), the reporter said the child did not get a bath. The principal was very concerned about the child and would like for someone to come see about Harmony. The reporter contacted DHS and was told to contact the
In March 1985, a school official at a High School in Middlesex County, N. J., found underage T. L. O and friend smoking in a restroom in the freshman/sophomore building of the school. Smoking is prohibited in this particular area. On the grounds that this action violated a school rule, the teacher brought the girls to the principal's office. Here they were introduced to Assistant Principal, Theodore Choplick. When questioned by Choplick T. L. O.’s co-inhabitant admitted to smoking and to breaking the school rule. T. L. O. however would not admit that she was smoking and denied she even smoked at all. Mr. Choplick, asked T. L. O. to follow him into his office where he required T. L. O to hand him her purse. When he opened the purse, he immediately noticed a pack of cigarettes. When he grabbed the cigarettes, Mr. Choplick saw some rolling papers as well. Knowing from experience that rolling papers in a high school setting, may mean drug use, and in turn additional violations of school rules, Mr. Choplick decided to continue his search. Upon further investigation, Mr Choplick’s extensive
A skilled delinquent, Jimmy Valentine, decided to put his criminal life behind and start fresh. Jimmy was released from his confinement ten months after his misconduct. After his release, he boarded a train back to his dwelling in Elmore, Arkansas. Soon after he arrived in Elmore, he went to his apartment to amass his finest set of burglar tools. With his burglary gadgets, Jimmy, raided a bank in Indiana. Again, Jimmy plundered another bank, embezzling a total of five thousand dollars. These felonies were committed the week that followed Jimmy’s release. Subsequently, Ben Price, the prosecutor that arrested Jimmy, was requested to monitor him again.