Frozen Have you ever seen the Disney movie Frozen? Well did you know that Hans Christian Andersen originally wrote the Disney movie Frozen? Frozen was a movie that was released in 2013. It’s about Princess Anna, the sister of the queen Elsa, sets of on a dangerous and mysterious journey to bring back Elsa, who has run of because of causing an endless winter upon her home town. Anna must get through challenges and meet new friends, such as Olaf, an adorable talking Snowman, and face her charming boyfriend to save the kingdom from not only Hans, but from forever winter. It all started with Anna going to her sister Elsa room wanting to play. Anna jump on top of Elsa and said with excitement “Wake …show more content…
She notice that she could be herself on the north mountain. Elsa didn’t have to hide her power and didn’t have to worry about hurting anyone. Anna meets Kristoff and spin. Kristoff and spin helps Anna find Elsa. When they finally get up to the north mountain they meet Olaf. Anna remembered Olaf and asked him do he know where Elsa was. Olaf took Anna and Kristoff to Elsa. They got up to the snow house that Elsa built and knocked on the door. The door opened and Anna walked in. Anna and Elsa talked, Elsa told Anna that she belonged in Arndell and Elsa belonged there. Anna broke the news to Elsa that when she left she turned Arndell in to winter year round. Anna believed that Elsa could turn Arndell back to summer but Elsa didn’t know how. In the mix of Anna telling Elsa that she can change winter back into summer Anna got it by the power again. Kristoff took Anna to the trolls and the only way to save Anna is an act of true love. Kristoff rushed Anna back to Arndell so Prince Hans can save her. Prince Hans was at Elsa’s house trying to save Anna. Prince Hans tried to stop the biys from killing Elsa but Elsa got hit by a bow and arrow that put her to sleep. When Queen Elsa woke up she was locked and chained down in a room. Elsa begged Prince Hans to let her go but Prince Hans said he will try. Prince Hans asked Elsa to bring back summer and stop winter. Elsa didn’t know how to change it back to summer. Kristoff got Anna to the castle to see Prince Hans. Prince Hans went to go talk to Elsa and notice that she was gone. Anna saw Hans and Hans said that he didn’t love her so he didn’t kiss her, he said that she was desperate for love. Anna thought Kristoff was her true love next. Kristoff started coming back to Anna and Anna tried to meet him. Anna than saw Elsa and Prince Hans she notice that Prince Hans was trying to kill Elsa. Anna Ran over to Elsa and as Hans was stinking down with the sward, she screamed “no”! As Anna
When they arrived Mama and Kirst went inside, Annemarie and Ellen went for a walk. They walked down a path where they saw a cat that was eyeing them out. When they reached the ocean Ellen told Annemarie how she and never been to the proper ocean, only the harbour because her mum was afraid of the big sea and that it was to cold. The girls sat on a rock and took their shoes of. When they felt the water they got straight back out again. They then started to talk a they saw Mama waving for them to come back. When they got back Ellen as holding the kitten that was well asleep in her hands. Mama asked if they saw anyone and asked of the girls to make sure that they stayed out of sight from anyone else. They started to make dinner for when Uncle Henrick returned. The girls were getting ready to go to sleep when Ellen asked about her necklace when Annemarie responded by saying that it was in a safe hiding spot. While they were trying to fall asleep they heard the adults talking about why Henrick didn’t have a wife. Annemarie remembered the old times and how things had
Elsa is overcoming her insecurities and trying to take hold of her unique abilities and be proud of herself for who she really is. She was gifted, but she didn't see that, with the ability to control ice, it was horrible. From the accident that she had with Anna, she begins to close herself away from her sister and her kingdom. The fear of her own power and to protect the ones she loves made her make that decision. When her kingdom discovered her power she believes the best thing to do is to runaway and hide, somewhere she is alone and no longer has to be timid, or be the terrified princess/queen she was before. She has transformed into a happy, confident young woman, finally free to be her true self. Like today in day, where bullying is a major issue, Frozen teaches to accept and embrace your differences sends a strong message for kids. The second lesson is of, sisterly, family love and how far family will go to protect each other. Both Elsa and her little sister Anna make great sacrifices for each other, showing the power of love for one’s family. Elsa had to grow up as such a young age after her parents
At the school she communicated to her uncle through letters. According to Elsa "Upon reaching the age of twelve, I was as much a woman in form, stature and appearance as most women at sixteen"(Guerin). While in New Orleans she met a boy that she really liked. Elsa states that, "He won my heart"(Guerin). She left school to be with him, since he couldn't visit her in school. Once she left school, she got married to him. She found out, after they got
Everyone knows that when the queen discovers that Snow White’s beauty is greater than hers, she asks the huntsman to kill her. Finally, we all know that the dwarves take care of her until her death, at which point the prince comes to the rescue and awakens her with a kiss. These are all elements of the story that we come to expect when we hear the name Snow White.
Elsa had an imagination like no other, she lived in a world of fairytales with dragons and monsters thanks to her Granny. Granny was Elsa’s ultimate hero, she showed her a life better then hers in the land of almost awake. Granny took Elsa on a special quest when she died and Elsa discovered she had other heroes besides just Granny that would help her continue on without Granny by her side. Elsa’s other hero besides Granny was Harry Potter but when Elsa goes on the quest she discovers she has three more heroes. Elsa’s two biggest superheroes were her Granny and Harry Potter but when going on her quest she discovers she has more then that. Elsa discovers her other heroes are Wolfheart, Alf, and Her mother.
The beginning and end of the story begins in the protagonists ‘ordinary world’. This is Arendelle, the kingdom where Anna and Elsa live. The major characters of this story are Anna, Elsa, Hans, Kristoff, Olaf, and the trolls. Anna, the youngest of the two princess sisters, lives with wealthy royal parents. As a child, Anna would play with her older sister Elsa, who has the ability to freeze, make it snow, and freeze things. One day, Elsa strikes Anna’s head internally with ice while playing and Anna almost dies. Anna is saved by magical trolls but has no recollection of the event as they were erased from her memory. As a result, Elsa must never use her powers in public or around her family because they are seen as evil. The girls parents later die in a terrible shipwreck and as a result, Elsa is left to control the kingdom.
Kristoff and Anna both experience the pain isolation, leading them to each other and also showing the impact solitude had on both of them.As previously stated, Anna is alone in the world. However, once she got the chance to be outside she was able to connect to Kristoff. Anna and Kristoff meet and were on a conquest to find Elsa so that she can bring back summer to Arendelle. They become close and fall in love with one another without knowing it. Once they found Elsa, Anna was struck in the heart by her sister’s icy blast of her powers. Kristoff brought Anna to his troll family to help her from Elsa’s wrath. The trolls were able to recognize their true love that was oblivious to Kristoff and Anna at the time. They thought that “His isolation/
The dwarves are amazed by the girl’s beauty and allow her to stay with them forever as long as she handles all the household chores. Snow White happily obliges and begins to take care of the dwarves. Unfortunately, the evil step-mother gets word of Snow White’s death being a fraud and makes three attempts to trick and fool the princess. On the third attempt, the old hag is successful and upon biting in to a deliciously plump red apple sends Snow White tumbling to the ground. The seven dwarves decide Snow White is to captivating to be buried underground so they decided to encase her in glass and take turns guarding her remains. One day a handsome prince happens to come across the beautiful dead princess and begs the dwarves to let him purchase her. Reluctantly, the dwarves give the prince Snow White and a bump on the transport home causes the poisonous apple to fall out of her mouth and the princess magically comes back to life. The prince marries Snow White, and the evil step mother is forced to dance in hot-iron boots until she dies.
When the dwarfs found her later on, they untied her lace and Snow White began to breathe again. The queen found out from her "Magical mirror" that Snow White recovered and thought of another plan to rid of her. She got a combed and made it poisonous. She went out to the house once more and set out to comb Snow White's hair. Snow White fell unconscious. When the dwarfs came back and saw her they removed the comb from her hair and Snow White lived. Once again the queen asked her mirror and once again Snow White was the fairest. Finally, leading to the famous poisonous apple. Leading to Snow White's death and her Magical Mirror finally said "You, my queen are the fairest of them all." The dwarfs set up a grave above the ground. Clear so, that everyone could see and her name in gold with "princess" written on it, the placed it at the top of the mountain.
After time passes, the prince marries another woman. On the night of the wedding, Ariel’s sisters come to see her. They tell her that they made an exchange with the witch of the sea. They have exchanged some of her beautiful hairs for a knife. The young woman must stab the prince in the heart and let his blood splash on her legs.
When Else makes the ice circle around her sister facial expression showed that she was very confused. When Anna meets Hangs you can see in the scene where they both fall into the boat that they both have that love look in their eyes toward each other. When Elsa is in front of everyone and getting introduced and they introduce Anna and someone pushes Anna closer to Elsa because she was afraid Elsa did not want to be next to her in her personal space. Elsa has a lot of feared self-concept and ideal self-concept. She doesn't want to have the gift she was given.
In the time the men were gone, Snow White had apparently just gotten into another fight with her “evil stepmom”. I really don’t know what’s so evil about this woman, but Snow really can’t complain until she’s taken a walk in my shoes. Being the whiny little brat that she is, Snow was running through the woods crying her eyes out just hoping someone would find her and give her just an ounce of attention. Poor girl. By the way things looked it was apparent she had no intentions of returning home, and with no one in sight she propped up against a large tree stump in defeat. When she leaned up against the wood though, it caved in and she fell into the middle of what she had thought to believe was a normal every day stump. Shocked and amazed at what she found inside, Snow decided to just make herself at home, because that’s princess etiquette.
While everyone thought Snowball was dead, he was actually spying on the farm and he heard the rumor about Boxer. So Snowball made it his top priority to save Boxer from being turned into glue. So Snowball stole Mr. Pilkington tractor and heads to the glue factory. However Mr. Pilkington heard his tractor take off and he started chasing Snowball. Then after a mile of chasing Snowball down the road he gave up and went into a bar. Were he discovered Mr. Jones drunk and lonely, they started talking and ended up falling in love. Mr. Jones and Mr. Pilkington left England and went to get married in Michigan with Mr. Fredrick as their best man.
Over the years, Snow White’s story has been told in numerous different versions then its original version in 1812 by the Grimm Brothers. The main basis of the story has remained the same. Only a few minor tweaks to the story have changed. The three versions of the story that are going to be analyzed are the original story “Little Snow White” by the Brothers Grimm, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” by Disney, and “Mirror, Mirror” by Disney also. They each were created in very different times and the original story has changed over the years to appeal to the audience of that time. No matter how many versions there are Snow White is considered, one of the most cherished fairy tales of all time. They each use different methods to get their
A couple hours later Carl wakes up Fuzzy and Lola. They are at Magic’s cloud castle to surprise her! When they go inside Magic get really excited. They are really bewildered when Magic says, “It’s my birthday tomorrow.” They feel so bad that they forgot about their best friend birthday. So, Carl and Lola scurry to the store to get Magic a birthday present. Magic helps Fuzzy take all of their stuff up to their room and they put it all away. “ I’m super happy to see you Magic it’s been a long time”, says Fuzzy. “ I’m really happy to see you guys to I’ve missed you all so much!!”, says Magic. When Carl and Lola get back everyone wants to go swimming so Magic takes them to the pool. They get to the pool and they all jump in and play around in the pool. After, they are in the pool for a couple of hours, they go get some supper they are so excited for Magic specialty Cotton Candy ice cream! They all love it so much it's their favorite