Although, there would be less attacks bears should not be removed because it’s their common territory, people are sensitizing, and it might have been a defensive act. First, bears should not be removed because it’s their common territory and have lived there for most of their lives. In article 2 it states, “Denali National Park and preserve is home to both black bears and grizzly bears”(National Park Service n.p. ). Since, Denali is home to bears that means Yellowstone National Park and Yosemite National Park is both home to them. If we remove bears we’re taking their home away. The second reason is, bears should not be evacuated because people are interacting with them which makes bears not be afraid of humans. In article 4 it states,
This includes, the need for lumber in Canada and the need to transport oil. Transporting lumber and oil is resulting in polluted waters, and bears feeding on polluted fish. Deforestation is affecting Kermode Bears because of habitat loss and the need to transport the cut trees. In the future Kermode Bears could nearly be extinct because of the proposed Enbridge\Gateway pipeline that would transport oil from Alberta's oil sands through The Great Bear Rainforest, to Kitimat British Columbia. After the pipeline, the oil would be sent to market on large oil tankers, with a chance that the oil could be spilt.
Another reason that it is doubtful for the bears to reinstated in California, is the fact that the bears are not adapted to the climate of California.
Are you okay with wolves being reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park? Yellowstone is thinking about reintroducing more wolves into their park. The wolves are growing and eating most of the animals there. They shouldn’t introduce wolves back Yellowstone park because there are already plenty of them. Even more of them would kill most of the animals living there.
The grizzly bears in Alaska and Canada are not safe because over there they are hunted and are big game trophies. If These bears are not killed they can live up to twenty five years. The grizzly bears population
Today, Louisiana has made extraordinary rescues with species that were once considered threatened or endangered. Due to safe planning and the Endangered Species Act, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service projected to remove the Louisiana Black Bear from the list of threatened species. In May 2015, approximately 350 black bears to 600 black bears existed in Northern Louisiana in which $900,000 was invested to restore its population. Severe habitat loss of the black bear is what initially led to the decline in the population. In 1992, the Louisiana Black Bear was placed on the list of endangered and threatened species and in May 2015, they were officially removed (Wildlife Division - Texas Parks and Wildlife Department,
Another observation done by Bass is that the projected estimate of a population growth of 132 to 1,800 is just that an estimation. As Bass stated “ bears do not sit down for a census”(Bass 2). If grizzly bears are listed there is a chance that hunters will accidently over hunt bears once again. If bears bears are delisted it will not be because the bears will be ready it will be because hunters have been persistently asking for the chance to hunt. If bears are delisted it can be years before they can be relisted and by then it may be far too late.
Another observation made by Bass is that the projected estimate of a population growth of 132 to 1,800 is just that an estimation. As Bass stated “ bears do not sit down for a census”(Bass 2). If grizzly bears are listed there is a chance that hunters will accidently over hunt bears once again. If bears are delisted it will not be because the bears will be ready it will be because hunters have been persistently asking for the chance to hunt. If bears are delisted it can be years before they can be relisted and by then it may be far too late.
Black bears in BC have a population that is 9 times that of the grizzlies, however, the results show that the grizzlies have inflicted 9.7 times more attacks on humans in the past 16 years. This goes to show that grizzly bears have a higher tendency to attack due to the natural factors and stresses that act on them cause them to be much more aggressive with less tolerance to threats (Herrero, Aspects of Evolution and Adaptation in American Black Bears (Ursus americanus Pallas) and Brown and Grizzly Bears (U. arctos Linne.) of North America n.d.). Many other papers such as Herrero’s study in both 1972 and 1985 showed the same results where grizzlies had higher rates of attacks compared to black bears in BC and so it clearly shows that there
bears did not become this way without people’s help" (Holland n.p.). What this is saying is that people are interacting with bears do not know what can take place. The reason why they can’t reach out to bears is because they if this keeps on happening then it will become a second nature for bears just to come up to people without meaning to scare them. People are the ones teaching bears not to be afraid of them. They should be the ones enduring criticism for making the bears look fatal when it is their
According to the FWC, hunting supports keeping population size in check, fewer bears being pushed into neighborhoods and increasing wariness and fear of humans. Bears were removed from Florida’s threatened species list in 2012. About 300 bears are expected to be killed by an unlimited number of permitted hunters. Florida has an estimated 3,150 black bears in four regions — the eastern Panhandle, Northeast Florida, east-central Florida and South Florida — where the hunts would be conducted, according to the Panama City New Herald. The numbers are based on 2002 estimates for the eastern Panhandle and South Florida, and a 2014 count in the Northeast Florida and east-central Florida regions.
The principal cause of all the Human-Grizzly Bear conflict is human population growth. Human population has been increasing exponentially and humans are essentially invading natural environments in which animals like Grizzly Bears thrive. Habitat space for Grizzly bears is decreasing and they are competing for food and space with humans. Habitat destruction by humans leads to urbanization of natural habitats of animals; thus, leaving Grizzly bears to fend for themselves with scarce resources (Mace & Waller, 1998). Urbanization such as road development leads to fragmentation and increasing the chances Grizzly bear interaction with a human, this is because of transport and service corridors, particularly roads, are currently the prime form of humans to access to Grizzly bear range (MacHutchon and Proctor, 2015).
I think grizzly bear should be delisted because there is a healthy population of grizzly bears in North America. The recovery of bear population has been successful. Human should truly allow bear return to their nature state. After more a decade of grizzly bear research, human have a good understanding of bear behavior . I have that the proposal has been thought through carefully by scientists. The bears should be able to survive and reproduce as long as the national park is protected. I truly believe that wildlife is very adaptable. The main reason for there close extinction is due the loss of habitat and human hunting. Currently, hunting of bear are forbidden and national parks are protect by the government and public. The main factor for
Moreover, it is natural that bears are offensive so it is impossible for people to prevent their attacking, thus the rate of deaths will rise as the increasing numbers of bears. Secondly, if every country banned the hunting activity, there are some group of aboriginal people will be disappointed. Aboriginal people’s living conditions is more difficult than people who live in central city. As well, they have limited resources can be used in daily life. However, grizzly bear can bring more convince for their life for instance their fur can be made to blanket, their teeth is a good natural material for making a sharp knife.
Some scholars have attributed early efforts at international health to local and independent authorities in areas ravaged by disease (Birn 3). The spread of disease in pre-16th century Europe did garner small, lackluster efforts to contain it (Birn 3), however true steps toward international health did not come until the rise of colonialism. Disease played a significant role in the colonialism that allowed imperialism to thrive during its heyday (Birn 9), however, I argue that colonialism and imperialism played just a significant, if not greater, role in the emergence of global health and disease response.
Bear is a true carnivore, but if not prevented the black bear could be a huge problem to humans.