I always wondered, what if I survived the sinking of the RMS Titanic? Well, one day, I built a time machine in my basement. It took me a few years. Then, when I was 12, I jumped in. Suddenly, I was in an old fashioned car heading for a building. I got out of the car, and then I saw myself wearing a gown. I went inside the building that was in front of me, and I suddenly saw a man and 3 others, playing poker to win a Titanic Ticket. Then, I was offered to play poker for the same ticket. So I accepted the offer. As I played, I thought to myself, what if I win? What if I’m on my way to New York? Then I stopped thinking. It was time to reveal my cards. One man, wearing ripped clothes, had 4 kings. The other man had 4 jacks. I had 4 aces! I won!
My favorite history experience has to do with the movie called “The Titanic.” Not just the movie but the actual event happening. I wish I could have been there and survived the experience to be able to tell the amazing, life changing story. The movie and the actual sinking of the ship affected me in many ways. I think it also affected the way we make our boats today. When I seen this movie and realized not only how much the world has changed since the titanic happened, but the way we think and how we build things differently.
Award-winning writer, director, and producer Shonda Rhimes has contributed her talents in the area of the arts to the steam community. Shonda Rhimes was born January 13th, 1970 in University Park, Illinois. She was the youngest of six siblings. Her father was a university administrator, and her mother was a college professor who earned who doctorates. Growing up Rhimes was academically an overachiever she received her BA from Dartmouth College in English Literature and Creative Writing. After her undergraduate degree, she enrolled in the writing for screen and television program at the University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts, where she earned her MFA and a writing fellowship. Shortly after grad school, Rhimes sold her first screenplay Human Seeking Same.
At the end of one century productive in rulemaking and novel technologies, the rate and severity of marine accidents did not meet the shipping expectations.
The stories are all different in a way but still led up to their survival on the Famous Titanic. One of the survivors of the Titanic is Eva Hart, in 1912 Eva was only 7 years old when she arrived on the Titanic with her family. Being only 7 you can image how petrified she was to see what and live to see what had happen to the boat she was on. When the Titanic struck the iceberg Eva’s father had gotten Eva and her mother on the lifeboat without her father, which that day the last to see her father. Eva and her mother had returned to England with frightful memory and nightmares of foundering. Eva was just 7 when she almost lost her life to the cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Still being a child she lost her father to the Titanic. Until Eva death on April 14, 1996 is was and is still one of the most outspoken survivor of the Titanic, censure the White Star Line for inadequate the supplies of the lifeboats and the materials all passengers need to get off the scandalous Titanic ship. Eva was only 1 of the 700 survivors of the Titanic, her stories will be remembered through all the generations to come.
The White Star Line was owner of the Titanic, which was the largest and most luxurious ship in the world at the time. On April 10th, 1912, the Titanic left from Southampton, England with 2,227 passengers aboard bound for New York City. On April 14th, the ship struck an iceberg off the coast of Newfoundland and sank about 2 ½ hours later. Passengers, mostly women and children, were loaded into lifeboats, however only 705 passengers survived as many lifeboats left partially full.
The sinking of the Titanic has become one of the most well-known disasters in history, because of the terrible loss of life and the demise of what everyone believed was an "unsinkable" ship. As is evident from reading this report the use of substandard rivets was the main cause of the failure of the Titanic. By substandard we mean that the type of rivets used was incorrect as well as the location of these rivets.
The waves were immense, so we were all told not to go too far out. As my family started to get out of the water, after swimming for awhile. I decided to stay in the water and swim for a little bit longer. I was swimming more remote out to the deep sea. Suddenly I felt my foot start to sink underneath something grainy and soggy. Struggling to pull my foot back my other foot started to go under. I was panicked now, not know what was happening was the most appalling part the whole time. I finally figured out what was happening, I was sinking in some deep sand. As I was yelling for help frantically, I suddenly realized no one could hear me, I was on my own. I pulled and pulled until I felt my foot be released from the sand. I swam as fast as I could, when I finally got back to the shore, I looked at my family and said let's go back
Someone walked up to me and told me and told me multiple water compartments are full of water, so we will sink sooner. I could barely hear the rest of our conversation because of the frightened passengers of the ship, adults were yelling and children were crying. People were trying to bring out the boats to secure them for us to get in, but only a few could
Many people died in the Titanic all because of arrogance; one which was Mr. Johan Henrik Johannesson Kvillner. The Titanic was thought to be,”unsinkable” to the public. People that were on the ship ranged from maids to ship workers to millionaires. At that time the class system put them where they were on the ship. Upper class had the upper levels of the ship, middle class had the middle rooms and floors of the ship, and lower class had the lowest floors on the ship.
CAT: Why did so many people lose their lives on the Titanic? The “unsinkable” RMS Titanic is perhaps the most famous ships ever to have sailed, and disastrously sink, carrying a hefty 2,224 passengers: 325 first class, 285 second class, 706 third class and 908 crew, of which over half died. At the time, it was a colossal achievement: the largest man-made object on Earth, a ship so new the paint was still wet in some spots. Thousands flocked to wave goodbye to the unknowingly flawed “Ship of Dreams” captained by Captain Smith the “Millionaire’s Captain” when it embarked on its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York, 2nd April 1912, carrying some of the wealthiest people in the world.
One October morning in 1965, my dad, my brother and his three friends set out on a fishing trip. They reached their destination, known for the best fishing; they dropped anchor. The day proved fruitful; they caught lots of fish until it was time to return home. When they turned the key to the engine, it would not start. They also discovered, to their dismay that the anchor failed to catch allowing them to drift away from Bermuda all day. My mother became anxious when they did not return at the expected time. An hour later, inquiries at the dock confirmed they were still at sea. As it neared nightfall, she contacted the police who called the U.S. Naval Coastguard Search and Rescue. A plane dispatched combed the area until darkness set in; they suspended the search for that night until the next morning when it would resume. My mother called several church members asking for prayer for their safe return. Ironically the night before, she had watched the movie, "The Titanic." She sat up all night praying. At the crack
William was walking into his house when he heard a voice say, “How did you survive the Titanic?” He looked behind him and he saw his grandson James standing there waiting for an answer. He was visiting over the summer because his parents were going on a vacation to Hawaii. William replied “ It’s been too long for me to remember.” James then said, “ Mommy said that you would tell us stories about it.” Oh, sorry James but sadly I can’t remember it that well.” But William secretly remembered it like it was yesterday. When William got in bed that night, all the memories came in all at once. One second He was an 83 year old man the next minute he was an 11 year old boy sleeping in a bed in the Titanic.
Most people thought that the Titanic was unsinkable, but they couldn’t have been any further from the truth. The Titanic’s maiden voyage in the early 1900s was cut short due to a collision with an iceberg. The Titanic was a tragic event that helped change sailing for years to come because of the massive casualties and the sinking of an unsinkable ship.
After a speech was given on Castro’s behalf, he declared women should enter the production work force in order to benefit themselves and society (Gomperts, 49). This Marxist doctrine is still currently in effect. Heidi Hartmann in “The Unhappy Marriage of Marxism and Feminism: Towards a More Progressive Union” explores the source of women’s oppression in society; she states “[c]apital and private property, the early marxists argued, are the cause of women’s particular oppression just as capital is the cause of the exploitation of workers in general” (5). Studying Cuba before 1959, because of the vast number of unemployed males that was carried over from the Batista rule, Castro’s main goal during the beginning of the Revolution was to increase the employment for males in the work force; shortly after the number increased, he began to ask for female involvement (Gomperts, 50).
James Cameron directed and co-produced Titanic in 1997. It is one of the epic tragical-romantic films of all time. Leonardo DiCaprio plays Jack Dawson (hero) and Kate Winslet plays Rose DeWitt Bukater (heroine). Titanic tells the evergreen love story of Rose and Jack. Rose is a first class passenger, but her family is going through financial crises which her mother Ruth is trying to resolve and retain their weakening high-class status through her marriage with Cal Hockley, her fiancé. Agitated over this marriage she attempts suicide by jumping off the stern of the ship. Jack, a poor painter, discourages her from suicide and saves her life. This is a pivotal scene where an epic romance begins. The acting, setting, and lighting play