In life you have to take chances; you will regret the chances you do not take. In “Antarctica,” Lynne Cox took a big chance by swimming in Antarctic water where it is 32o F or freezing. Lynne Cox could have gotten very sick or hypothermia. She became an eminent swimmer because nobody has ever done that. She should be proud of herself because she took a chance and it payed off for her. Sometimes you have to risk doing things you may never think you can do and surmont your fears. The mother in “The leap,” saved her daughter from the fire. The mother would have been mad with herself if she didn’t save her daughter. The risk was very great but it was very important because it’s family. Risks sometimes work out and sometimes aren't the
For the Chicago native Devonte Ingram he would have to step up in a life or death situation because when he was about to lose all he had left he held on. It was about 7:30 on a Monday night and Devonte walking a few steps in front of his sister (Diavonnie Ingram) when the unthinkable happened "I bent down to tie my shoe and then I felt something lift me up from the back of my book bag then tried to throw me in the van," said Diavonnie Ingram Devonte unknowingly walking ahead suddenly heard his sisters cry’s rushed into the rescue "I just had to pull her legs until I had started screaming and he had let go," Devonte Ingram said. Finally the man had let go but he wasn’t giving up "She had moved her arms so the book bag could slip off and then
Everyone values something like cars or jobs. A lot of people value people or MVPs in their life like their parents, or a sports player. A MVP has to try hard, they won't give up, and respects others. In the book Surviving Antarctica there are five teenagers that work together get to south pole, and they are competing to be MVP. I think Grace should be the MVP because she played her part, and didn't give up.
When people are in these life or death situations they have to do things they thought they would never have to do. For instance, in the book “Night” by Elie
The most dangerous situations can produce strong bonds of trust. The five contestants in the reality TV show Historical Survivor experience danger and go through death defying situations, causing them to develop a team that deeply trusts one another. It is this trust that leads them through their perilous journey. In Surviving Antarctica, Andrea White shows that danger leads to trust through Robert’s development, Polly’s faith, and Steve’s sacrifice.
In the book The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi, I think that the theme is it’s okay to take a risk. There are many times in this book where risks are taken. If there were no risks taken the story would be boring.
Many people decided to take the risk anyway and though some were hurt along the way, many made it to their destination and finally felt
The basis of human relationships are the formation of secrets. Secrets build the trust that people have with each other in their relationships. A common complication with human relationships is with whom and when to share a secret. People confide in others when something becomes stressful or interesting with the hopes of relieving stress or sharing excitement. One person sharing a secret commonly turns into a domino effect and many times confidence is broken because the information is unknowingly shared. Holding a secret from people can push loved ones away. Laura Van Den Berg uses quest and geography in her short story, “Antarctica,” to reveal her message that keeping secrets will result in a person being isolated.
Taking risks is a scary situation for anyone. McCormick faced his “dragon”, overcame self-doubt, and renewed
Taking risks allows you to push beyond your limits. We all have a comfort zone where we'd like to stay and think we are entitled to certain luxuries. When you take risks, you can change that way of thinking, establish new limits, improve your ability to succeed in society. Jeannette lived an adventurous life, and many nights didn’t even eat. She was still the head of the schools newspaper and still received amazing grades. Who would have known that a little girl that lived in a old broken down house on 93 Little Hobart Street would have received a full scholarship to an Ivy League College. This was accomplished though her desire for freedom, she had the will to reach out for what she desired. All she had to do was put her mind to it, and she could become the richest person in the world if she wanted to. The inspiring Benjamin Franklin once stated, “Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.” We took a poll on regular elementary school students, and asked them what have they learned on their own. They all stated similar answer which related to the following, “Many times we learn the trick and the trade of real life, but some of my friends are confined to staying inside and being secure. I always want to go outside and learn something new.” The parents that put a burden on their children by making them stay indoors are
“Thousands of our noble soldiers have gladly given up their lives for their country. Should I hesitate to do as much?” This is a direct quote from the famous heroine, Pauline Cushman. She was a very courageous Union Spy and American Actress. Not only was she was a mother of three, but she also had a total of three husbands. Pauline wouldn’t let anything stop her- not near death experiences, not a sentence to execution- not anything. She focused on the task at hand and put aside any fears or doubts.
Fear is defined as an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. Fear itself is terrifying, it leaves one feeling helpless; like they are left with only one or no options. The rise of Hitler and the Holocaust rampaged because due to fear of a Jewish-Bolshevik conspiracy to take over the world. Fear has left the land of immigrants, the United States of America, feeling as it need to put up tall walls. Fear makes people feel like they need to do the most irrational things. Just as fear caused the death of millions during the Holocaust, it killed hundreds around the world during the different periods of witch trials. During the monarchy led by King James 1 England suffered
the Bible does it give a date as to the birth of Jesus Christ. How did
For an exemplary leader, what is one of the highest compliments that you could ever receive? Sir Ernest Shackleton was a British explorer who–after failing to reach the Southern Pole first–wanted to be the first to ever accomplish a trans–Antarctic expedition. On October 27th, 1915 Shackleton’s boat–the Endurance–was crushed by the pressure of the melting Antarctic ice; leaving Shackleton and his crew stranded in the Antarctic. On August 30th, 1916 after a treacherous one and a half years of living in the Antarctic and surrounding islands, Shackleton and his crew were rescued following an unimaginable story of survival. The qualities of leadership Shackleton exhibited that resulted in the survival of him and his crew were, having certain
The statement, “Let me go forward, therein danger is;” (4) explains that her choice to go forward is thwarted by
In my favorite book, Catcher in the Rye, there is the quote that has always stood out to me: