
How To Tame A Wild Tongue Summary

Satisfactory Essays

In the essay titled "How to Tame a Wild Tongue", Anzaldúa writes about how the language a person speaks shows who they are and is also connected to their identity. Anzaldúa also writes about an issue that is people criticizing a persons accent and language they speak. This is made clear when Anzaldúa states, "I want you to speak english. Pa' hallar buen trabajo tienes que saber hablar el inglés bien. Que vale toda tu educación si todavia hablas inglés con un 'accent, my mother would say, morified that I spoke English like a Mexican. At Pan American University, I, and all Chicano students were required to take two speech classes. Their purpose: to get rid of our accent"(206). These words show how her mom would criticize her for speaking English

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