
How To Wake Up In Concentration Camps During Ww2

Decent Essays

Imagine a life without talking to your friends, and having to wake up early in the morning from a hard, scratchy, straw filled mattress and eating nothing but bread and soup everyday! Well that is what many innocent people had to go through in the concentration camps during World War II but that wasn’t all! For instance every day the innocent prisoners had to wake up at 4:00 am and head to the cafeteria for the breakfast which was nothing but bread and if they were lucky they could have gross coffee that had no sugar. But the kapo or the prisoner functionary will sometimes throw the bread in the mud or will push you while you are being served your coffee, and if they spilled or didn’t eat whatever they were given they would be punished for wasting the food. …show more content…

Also if any of the prisoners had died overnight they still have to be there for roll call. They had to stand in the long hours of roll call even if it was freezing cold or extremely hot which causes many to even die during the roll call. The prisoners have to wear scratchy, dirty, striped uniforms which did not protect them from the cold harsh weather at all. After the long miserable roll call they would head off to work, they might’ve been lucky and receive a shovel or a pickaxe. Otherwise they would have to work with their hands… this may mean death because it will be hard to work as fast as the guards request. The day will be long, 12-14 hours of work and it is not easy work and they couldn’t slow down or they would be punished. Afterwards there is a whistle for lunch break and lunch then the evening roll call, which is the longest being 10 hours long and it is when the SS chooses who will be put in for the punishments and the hangings. Sometimes after a hanging all of the prisoners will have to march by the gallows to look at the hanged prisoners as a

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