EREPORT # 19261 stated the following: The incdient happened on 2/24/2016. Student reportedly got on a "yellow" yesterday and was disciplined for it. We use the Rainbow Clip chartbehavior system at our school. Yellow is just below green which means "ready to learn" and above orange "Teacher's choice for consequence. We explain that it is just a warning and we want the student to think about their choices. The assistant teacher B. Saxton noticed a bright red mark on the student's face this morning and showed it to me. The child told Ms. Saxt about what happened. The child had a mild abrasion on the head. It was about 2 inches long and 1 1/2 inches wide, just outside of his left eye near cheekbone.
“The victim was standing at the front door of the school entrance when the suspect and her mother attempted to open the door. The victim would not open the door, according to school policy. Suspect and mother cursed the victim. Suspect then began punching the victim in the face numerous times. The victim received bruises and scratches to the face. All of these events occurred while school was in session and disrupted the daily business of
R/O responded to Civic Memorial High School in reference to a Juvenile not wanting to listen to the Principal. Upon arrival I spoke with Mr.Kilpatrick who stated that the juvenile had an altercation with one of the teachers and said "fuck you" to the teacher. Mr.Kilpatrick stated that he was only trying to get the juvenile in a separate room away from the hallway but the juvenile would not comply.
The school’s rules were provided in student handbooks that were given to every student at the beginning of the year, and the rules are also posted in each of the classrooms on campus. The parents and student received detailed oral and written notice of the charges against the student, which provided information about the incident and evidence the administrator discovered. Since this student’s action presented an immediate danger the administrator was able to immediately remove the student from school without advance notice to the parents, however, the parents were told of the incident in a timely
On Wednesday 2/1/2017, at approximately 1430hours Assistant Principal Mrs. Marie ERNST informed me, Cassandra LONGAZEL, grade 12, reported a female student, Taylor KASCHAK, grade 11, had exposed her butt in period 8/9. All students were already dismissed from school at this time, therefore I would begin investigating the incident the next day.
Furthermore, stays at a friends house while his mother works from 1:00am to 5:00am. Per documentation the patient presents with mannerism of throwing his head back, laughing at inappropriate times, and throws his hands over eyes to talk. The patient presented with these behaviors during the time of assessment. According to collateral the patient reports to "Ms. Mitchell, principal at Tabernacle Elementary School, that he was going to kill himself and others." Collateral reports that patient cut himself with a broken razor from a pencil sharpener. Further, the patient reports that he is useless and that no one likes him nor does he have anyone to play video games with. The patient expresses these thoughts during the assessment. According to collateral the patient has multiple incidents with his behavior since 2013. As noted, "Some of these behaviors including pulling string out around neck from sweatshirt, smashing milk in cafeteria, kicking others students, swinging a waffle bat at another student, inappropriate language and hitting a student on the bus." The mother expresses that the patient does not see a need to go to school and wishes to stay home.
Jazz to me is one of the inherent expressions of Negro life in America: the eternal tom-tom beating in the Negro soul-the tom-tom of revolt against weariness in a white world, a world of subway trains, and work, work; the tom-tom of joy and laughter, and pain swallowed in a smile. Yet the Philadelphia club woman , turns up her nose at jazz and all its manifetations-likewise almost anything else distinctly racial... She wants the artist to flatter her, to make the white world believe that all Negroes are as smug and as near white in soul as she wants to be. But, to my mind, it is the duty of the younger Negro artist, to change through the force of his art that old whispering "I want to be white, hidden in the aspirations of his people, to "Why should I want to he white? I am Negro-and beautiful"
Mead & Hampson (1996) developed a study involving the divided visual field paradigm and a phonological rhyme/non-rhyme task to test the speed and accurateness of either side of the brain. This study was used to investigate functional asymmetry between the left and right hemispheres in phonological processing. The research was taken out equally on 15 male and 15 females London Metropolitan University students ranging from ages 18 – 35 years old. They were all specifically chosen to be right–handed and had English as their first language thus providing a fair experiment to see whether our left hemisphere (left side of the brain) or the right hemisphere is faster and more accurate. In conclusion using the mean and standard
A teacher taps a ruler in front of a student on his/her desk. After the third tap, the teacher hits the kid on the head with flat edge of the ruler. The student recoils from the ruler in pain. (This would never happen now because it would get reported. It was okay in the 1970s, but it is 2016 and teachers can’t hit students anymore.) This repeatedly happens over the course of a month. Soon, the student cringes even when he/she doesn’t get hit by the teacher.
in 1908 but by 1925 Model T car cost only $290. By the end of the
In this case the teacher should inform the head teacher about this incident and if may involve the police if necessary.
While in blocks J was observed chewing on a toy, after she was done she threw the toy. The toy almost hit another student, the teacher didn’t see any of J’s behaviors but was told by other students. The teacher told J not nice from across the room
The principal’s final verdict was so crushing that it left a lump in my throat. My childhood years of trouble making never caught up to me; I never thought it would. Every year, I would end up in one incident or another, but the result was simply a slap on the wrist. This time, there was no escaping punishment. I was to have in-school suspension for three days.
First of all, this book is not an advertisement for Red Bull, it is the story of THEE red ball. It all started when Charles Thronson a small point guard from Gettysburg (Yes thee Gettysburg), tried to dunk on big Abraham Thoronson III, and then everything started to get weird. It was just a school day and Abe walked/ducked under a doorway without looking and then out of nowhere as if a magical RKO, Charles grabbed the doorframe and posterized Abe, kicking him in the nards. The coach that witness this was Eduardo Thoronoson and his assistant JimBob Tohoronoson. He yelled to the principal Jon Thoronosonon, and vice principal Thronsonnnnnnnnnn (He has no first name)(None of these
Project Definition: The purpose of this project was to design and construct a robot that would demonstrate the skills we’ve learned in our program up until this point. This includes following pin diagrams for components, wiring circuits, soldering, programming, and troubleshooting on both a physical and digital level. To demonstrate those skills, Josh and I decided to create a product that would have the ability to detect and avoid obstacles using an ultra-sonic frequency generator.
Beta is a measure of the market risk of a security or a portfolio in comparison to the market as a whole. It is used in the Capital assets pricing model (CAPM), which calculates the expected return, and assets based on its beta and expected market returns. The market beta is set at 1.00 and every stock is calculated by value line based on past stock price volatility. A beta of less than 1 indicates that the security will be less volatile than the market whereas a beta greater than 1 indicates that the security price will be more volatile than the market.