The perfect day for a soccer game. The sky was blue, the sun was out, clouds were moving, and there was a warm breeze. This is the biggest game of the year for my team. My team, Panthers FC, was going to play our largest rivals for first place. The Fury FC had beat us Panthers every time we’ve played them and was the hardest team to play. It was both of our teams last game of the season and the Panthers had to win if we wanted first, and if we lost we would be second… Again. I’m sitting in the car while my wild mom is trying to pump me up for the game. All I can think about was what could happen if we lost by a ton. I’m so nervous right now and when I’m nervous I don’t play well. My mom turned off the 80’s rock music that she uses to try …show more content…
She should be benched for the rest of the game. Everytime she gets a shot she 90% of the time misses it. She isn’t a good player at all, she has horrible throw ins and her passes are never on target.
“ MJ and Lauren go on outside mid. Reagan you play center mid. ”. I was shocked! I never played center mid for a game, I only practiced playing the position. Does coach think I’m good enough to play this spot in the game? I think. The Panthers get out to the field and the Fury is already lined up. I take a good look at the other center midfielder and she has to be at least five inches taller than me. I’m a pretty tall person, but this girl is
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Our girl is severely hurt and needs attention now!” I yelled The referee turned around and looked at me then Kinley than me again. He blows his whistle and stops the game, “Someone call an ambulance!”
My coach and Kinleys mom run out to the field were Kinley and I were. One mom ran over with a towel to hold the blood. Minutes later an ambulance came and raced Kinley to the hospital. We had to continue playing because we were in the middle of the game. The ref calls halftime and we all run to the bench.
“Okay girl, let’s forget about what just happened to Kinley she will be fine.” Coach said.
“I sure hope she is okay” A voice from the crowd.
“ I can assure you, Kinley will be fine. Now girls we need to get at least two goals this half. We can’t let them beat us. We all know that we are the better team. So same starting line up and instead of Kinley we are putting Lauren up front and Audrey go to Lauren’s spot.” We all head out to the field and Coach pulls me aside,
“Are you doing okay in center mid?” He asked.
“Yeah it’s just very different and a lot harder.” I reply
“I’m putting you there because I feel like you are ready and you can go great in that spot. Now get out there and go score a goal for us!”I run out to the field and get in my starting
Few minutes later, one teacher started to faint and fell in the middle of audience. The game stopped and nurse came into the gym. He wasn't breathing at all, so he was sent to a hospital. The game kept going with my teammate and remaining teachers.”
As the game started, I immediately knew that this game was going to be close. I was subbed in, handing off the dirty, yellow scrimmage jersey. Our opponents were good, but we were better. I stood there, wind blowing around the little hairs that wouldn't make it into my ponytail, ready for my opponent. I knew I had one job, to defend my goal. I located the girl who would later change the game for me. She was slightly taller than me. She had dark brown hair and bushy
Then my freind came and said “Connor, I will go get my dad.” And ran off the court. It Hurt so bad and to think, I was only 3 minutes into my time. It was like in Grown ups Where they had played arrow roulette and the arrow sticks into the mans foot. Finally Joes dad came back.
Today is the first football game in my high school career. I am beyond excited so the school day goes by very fast. I then go into the locker room where I meet many of my teammates who are very excited. They all are saying, “ What day is it?! Gameday!” Today we play the De La Salle Spartans who are a respected program in the football community. It is now time for warm ups and me being the punter of my team I go out early for warm ups. I then warm up my leg and after I do that, the team comes out and I join them for warm ups. Finally, it is game time, the moment I have been waiting for all summer. Our team wins the toss so as the starting tight end for my team I go out with the offense for our first drive. We end up going three and out so I have to
“ It's ok Amanda! You got this!” My coach had said. The ref blew her whistle indicating we can start. Maddie passed the ball to raina who passed it to maggie, making their way up the field towards the other goal. One of the girls from the other team stole the ball and came at me.
The ball moves to the feet of the other team. The rest of the team sets up to build an attack. I began to mark up on my player so he could not receive a pass. My team gets the ball and we are making a quick run to our goal. I moved into position and called for the ball. My teammate plays the ball to me and I turn to the goal and see four defenders between me and a shot at the goal. At this
“Okay girls one more run until practice ends, don’t forget about our competition on Saturday.” My coach Angie said.
We are coming toward the end of the season prepared to defeat Martin. Before the soccer game had started they were playing loud music to get us pump up to clear our minds for the game while the other team getting prepared for a competitive battle. As I looked around, I could see my teammates focus, serious, and talking to each other to get used to it when we head on the file. Seeing the size of the opposing team made me thinking to myself that they were going to smash me in little pieces. Even though, both of my coaches had the most confident look on their face as the players took the field. This excitement night we all was eager for this team arrive.
Unlike all other game days, this one is very special. We take on UC San Diego in hopes of securing a playoff spot. My emotions have been running all over the place, and no it’s not because I am a young adult trying to get through college. I have been playing soccer for 15 years already so it is safe to say that soccer is my life. All I do is constantly train to get better and improve as much as I can and today is my chance to showcase my talent at the highest level I’ve played at so far. It’s my second year at SFSU and my second year playing soccer here and with 20 games already recorded for me at the school, I should be coming into the game with a cool head but I am far from it.
We walked together to the field, the spikes on the bottom of my cleats clicking with each step on the parking lot pavement. A huge field with onlookers filling the bleachers on the far side came into view, lit up by the soft evening light. I spotted the girls on my team and my tired looking grey-haired coach. Me and my dad split up, me going to warm up with my team and my dad going to sit with the team parents. As I was passing with my teammates I watched the opposing team carefully. I observed how neat their drills were and how accurate their shots and passes were. They all looked so athletic and that really made me doubt myself. How was I supposed to prove to everyone that I was a good player if I had to play against a team this good? What if I mess up and the other team completely destroys my team? The loud buzzer that ended the warm ups sounded and both teams went to their side of the field. My coach called today’s starters out, and luckily he didn’t choose me. Relieved, I went to go sit on one of the hard metal chairs they provided for the teams on the sidelines. The chairs were uncomfortable but that didn’t bother me. I had other things on my mind. I sat shivering watching the events of the game
She past me the ball, I took a jump stop and my left knee turned inward to my right knee. My knee turned so bad that the left one touched the right one making a popping sound. I fell to the court in pain while the tears mixed with sweat. The coaches had to call for an ambulance to take me to Cook’s Children Hospital.
“Thanks Coach. But what if I get disqualified or accidently jump off of the block early, or even miss my event.” I said frantically trying to gather my thoughts.
"Oh you live in Longview, Washington?" A term that is stated way to often when someone claims they live there. Disproportionate assumptions of the town are often made by those who usually have never even stepped foot in Longview. Before Washington passed a law forbidding panhandling, it wasn 't an unusual sight to see a homeless person on the side of the road holding a sign begging for change. What Longview, Washington needs is a strong structured program, that helps transition homeless not only gets homeless off the streets but also keeps them off.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world. Indeed. It is the only thing that ever has."
She looked down "I get it; you have new friends." She started walking to the gym doors, Tomas came up "Be mad at me but she is your best friend." I ignored his comment and served the ball to Alisha. We started warming up for the game, Tomas and Ashlyn sat on the bleachers. The crowds started showing up and the other team eventually arrived.