
How To Write A Medical Observation Paper

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On 3/2/ 17 I met Mr. Kraxner for a follow up appointment with Dr. Morse. Mr. Kraxner is able to actively raise his right arm to just above the shoulder level; passively he has full range of motion. The muscle is weak. He gives great effort while in physical therapy along with a home exercise program. He reports he take 600mg Motrin 3 times per day, and use the cold compression device along with the TENS unit to help with pain. He is sleeping in a bed. Dr. Morse reminds him that he had a very large tear, that 2 of the four muscles were torn away. This is going to make his recovery process slower. Dr. Morse was happy with his progress. He said it would take a full year of healing to regain full strength. Physical therapy will continue.

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