
How To Write A Narrative Essay About My First Test

Decent Essays

Seventy percent! On my first test! I have always been a straight-A student. I never failed a test in my life, and I never really had to study in middle school. My honors biology class in Notre Dame Academy was a shattering shock for me. I had studied biology a little in my eighth grade science class, and I thought I knew everything there was to know about the introduction to biology. Obviously, all of those smiley face stickers with the colorful letters congratulating me on a job well done decorating my middle school tests had wormed their way into my ego. I was far too confident, and didn’t bother to study the chapter. I vividly remember sitting in the biology classroom, taking my time with the exam and trusting that all of the answers would pop into my brain. I hadn’t even finished the test when I could hear the bell ring to signal the end of the class. Panicking, my pencil dashed to fill in answers that I hadn’t been able to complete while I requested extra time after school to finish the test. My teacher was not the type to grant extra time, and I reluctantly handed her the atrocity that was my first test. I believed that I was doomed for the rest of the year. …show more content…

“These tests came out really well! There were mostly A’s, a few B’s, and only one C,” Mrs. Reagan announced to the class. I turned white as I knew that mine must’ve been the C, but still was hoping that I might’ve gotten a B. My fears were confirmed as I saw a big red 70% on my paper, and, flipping through the test, I knew Mrs. Reagan was being generous. For most people, this wouldn’t be a huge deal, and they’d just try harder on the next test, but I was devastated. My parents knew that I was taking this test—what was I going to tell them? I did the worst in the entire class! After the mourning period of my perfect straight-A streak, I picked myself

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