As I walked through the doors of the familiar ice rink I’d called home for the past two and a half years, a rush of nerves and excitement swept over me. Although I had shed my blood, sweat, and tears at this rink; I had never been faced with this level of crippling anxiety in the past. Tonight was the night that determined if I would be playing ice hockey during the 2015-2016 season. My home school district doesn’t fund an ice hockey program; This leads me into a lengthy process of being evaluated, and crossing my fingers in hopes that another school with draft me for their team. This night was the evaluation. Although I had played high school hockey the year before; I played at the junior varsity level. I had begun playing hockey less than
I think it is important to hockey because it will keep the fans entertained and the players will have fun. It also provides a job to certain people who are willing to get hurt for their team. We need it in the sport so it would be more entertaining for us to watch and other reasons.
As the starting Varsity goaltender, I hold a vital leadership role within the locker room which is mentoring the sophomore backup goalie. I work with my net partner to improve his game through practices and warm up sessions. I believe it is my responsibility to pass my hockey knowledge along to him to insure he has the utmost preparation when he takes over the starting role next year.
“If we allow the sport to go on without helmets then eventually we will have an NFL situation on our hands where we are trying to unwind years worth of denial and neglect while grown women suffer the effects of head injury” (Cochran). Many compare the “friendly” game of women’s lacrosse to the brutal, physical sport of football, but that should not be the case. This is why women must have more protection when playing lacrosse. Checking, concussions, and helmets are all major reasons to supply this gear. Before one can deem women’s lacrosse as dangerous, they must understand the overall concept of the game.
I go to an all-boys high school that has a reputation both for its academics and athletics; therefore, it attracts many strong athletes. The first day of tryouts I couldn’t believe how many people were there. Although I thought I had some talent, there were a lot of talented players and I did not make the team. I was very disappointed. One of the reasons I chose my high school was because I hoped to play on their hockey team. Because I did not make my schools team, I could enter the player pool of the High School Hockey League of Nassau County. I was very fortunate to be picked up by a new team. I didn’t know anyone on the team, but I decided to make the best of it. I have had four great years of high school and travel hockey, and have made many great and lasting friendships. If I had a similar experience in college, I would try something new. I look forward to all the new opportunities both academically and socially that University of Delaware can
Second year as an Under-10 Squirt level hockey player for the New Jersey Colonials ice hockey team proved to be a challenging and harrowing experience that shaped the course of my future hockey career. I was a determined, naïve child with fantasies of playing in the NHL when I grew older. The source of my troubles began with Coach Ruben, a relentless, unforgiving hockey coach. Coach Ruben was in charge of determining the AAA hockey team that I desperately wanted to make. Unfortunately, I would not have that opportunity. My mom, compassionate and sympathetic, guided me through the confusing maze of anger and depression. My dad, a coach and former hockey player, gave me valuable, supportive advice that would change my hockey expectations and
Both Lacrosse and Ice hockey are two sports that share similar aspects. One example would be that they both require plenty of athletic prowess, as well as countless hours of training and practice to master. The high amount of contact in both sports enables a player to become both physically and mentally "tough". Lacrosse has grown to its highest level of popularity it has ever reached over the last ten years. Ice hockey has seen a steady climb in its popularity over the past 25 years making it one of the most popular sports in not only Long Island, but all across the U.S. However, there are many differences as well, and we should not overlook the fact that there are plenty of distinctions between the two
“Hockey is a unique sport in the sense that you need each and every guy pulling in the same direction to be successful,” according to Wayne Gretzky. Hockey is a very fun and cool sport, and it involves a couple guys with sticks and a rubber puck, normally on a sheet of ice. Hockey is a game that lasts 20 minutes with 3 different periods, not quarters. This essay with be about The Blackhawks because I know most about them and how they have started. I go wherever, and I keep the Blackhawks in mind.
My heart was pounding like an elephant walking as I waited in line, although I wasn’t even really that nervous. In my head I knew it was going to be hard to make the team as a 6th grader I think that’s why I didn't get myself all worked up about it and nervous because there was a 50% chance of me making the team. In my head, I said to myself that I would love to make the team.
Despite the fact that ice hockey and roller hockey both have the word hockey in common, there are extreme differences between the two sports. There are the obvious differences like one being played on ice and the other on a plastic surface, but many of the differences are only noticed by people that have played both sports.
Ever sense I was a young girl I’ve been really into physical activities. At the age of five I started skating and instantly fell in-love. At the age of six my dad enrolled me into hockey, and from that point on my life has never been the same. I’ve had numerous opportunities in sports such as: winning gold and silver for U18 Team Canada hockey, and getting a scholarship to Wisconsin University to play on the women’s hockey team. Although these moments are surreal, it is not only the moments that I remember but the mentors and teachers that I have been fortunate to meet along the way. These coaches have not only taught me the game but have also taught me life values such as: teamwork, leadership, discipline, time management and much more. Without hockey, and sports in general I don’t know where I would be today, but I do know one thing and that is without sports I wouldn’t have met all the amazing people that helped guided me towards wanting to become a physical education teacher. Sports have always been a huge part of my life, and I am blessed to have sports guide me through life. Thus, I want to become a teacher to help kids have the same opportunities that I had growing up.
Hockey is a fast, exciting sport played by two teams on a sheet of ice called a rink. Each team has six players on the ice, one goalie, two defensemen, two wingers, and one center man.
I am personally very excited to attend MASH next year and experience the many opportunities available for me and my peers. I am looking forward to participating in the field hockey program and the track and field program. I have very many good qualities and I am excited to bring them to the high school. I am a very good leader and have a ton of skill in it, I have great time management, I also make sure to give my very best in everything I do. Making sure to work hard is a must for me because it is a vital part of doing well in school. Through my many years of balancing school, sports, and music, I have gotten very good at distributing my time to the activities that need them the most, school being first. I think these skills I have developed will be very beneficial to me in my high school career.
Today, I’m not going to miss the game. I instinctively ran through the hallways as I 've done throughout every Friday. My hockey game is always on Friday we have a match against another AA team, sometimes we lose and sometimes we win but today’s the big game, I can’t be late. While running I took two immense steps one at a time down and out the stairwell. “ Not going to be late, Not going to be late.” I just repeated this phrase in my head over and over again as I dashed out the main entrance, nudged someone and squeezed my way through the automatic door.
For more than a century, hockey historians have found that precisely tracing the sports origin is not only a difficult task but, a virtual impossibility. Therefore I can only try to deduce for myself, from the records, claims, and accounts, which are available to me, when, where, and by whom the first ice hockey was played. I’ll also discuss the early problems and obstacles that the NHL encountered. Plus I will also tell a little bit about early equipment, along with early game play and ice conditions that players encountered. Lastly, the Stanley Cup, which is the most prized and oldest sports award of the NHL. It has been won many times, by many different teams. Ice hockey is traceable to games played on fields as far back as nearly 2500
Ice hockey is a very fun and active sport a lots of people enjoy it because they can be a little rough. You can push people over and just rough house. In the olympics they decided to put ice hockey because they thought it was really interesting sport and they also put it in like 1875. They really like ice hockey because you can spice up things and have fun if you know how to use skates.