Dear president elect Donald Trump, As a young powerful black women I am not worried about your policy positions on immigration, social security, Isis, and healthcare. I believe that you are not qualified to be the president of the United States. This accusation is solely based on your temperament, by experience, and by character. All you bring to the table is a lot of money and a loud mouth.
Hello, my name is Johnathan Ray Kibler. I am hard of hearing (deaf without hearing aid). I am Christian.
I am Elizabeth Benitez and I work for NAU-Yuma and the PACTO-program. The reason that I am contacting you is because we have a student, Benjamin Suarez, who is applying to the Teacher Education Program for Spring 2017. The student have worked with you in the past, and we would like you to please send us a recommendation form for Benjamin Suarez. Attached is the form that I will like you to fill out and send it back to me.
This is the first out of the many reasons regarding why Trump isn’t appropriate as president. Trump has a long record of being a provocateur on matters of race and ethnicity. Therefore, it is no surprise that even on his social media, Twitter, he mentions that blacks and latinos commit the most crime in America. Also, during his campaign trail he made many racist comments. During the launch, he called mexican immigrants “rapists” who are bringing drugs and crime to the US. His campaign focuses on building a wall to keep these immigrants out of the US. Trump also called a ban on all muslims from entering the US. Then in 2011, Trump started the birther conspiracy questioning whether or not president Obama was born in America, which many citizens viewed as a racially charged insult against the first African American president. Not only is Trump racist, but he lacks morality. He has repeatedly bulldozed a certain area for his own use. For example, he has recently destroyed areas of minority communities in order to build casinos and hotels. Furthermore, Trump has often spoken out against affordable healthcare for American citizens who are poor.
Election night was a night of uncertainty. On November 8, 2016, half of America was left in complete shock when several mainstream media outlets reported Donald Trump as the new president-elect. Everyone wanted to know what the future of America would be. Numerous celebrities took to social media to encourage individuals to protest for what is right. Not only did African-Americans protest but so did whites and many other minorities. We fear that he will be very reckless with foreign leaders, enslave black people again, and also continue his rash comments via Twitter. Like many others in my community, I believe that anyone who thinks he is unfit to be president should continue to
I totally agree with you Jacob that we could have handled the situation a lot better than what we did. However, the land was theirs at first the right thing to do is to allow them to keep their land and make fair trades with them for their land instead. Only then if the Indians do not come to an agreement about the land. We should federal troops step in and attempt to persuade them into trading the land for basic life
You used to be great. You gave people the opportunity to live in a place with lots of rights and freedoms, but in these past few years, you have been a joke to all of the other countries in the world. Somehow, you managed to get an orange, arrogant idiot to go against a crooked criminal to become president. Out of the two choices, I believe that Trump is the lesser of the two evils because he is going to make America great again. He may be stupid, but he’s not stupid enough to break a bunch of laws. Bernie is still cool though. He should be president.
My name is Anna Gartman and I reside at Fort- Washington, Maryland. I am sixteen years old and I am writing you from Bishop McNamara High School where I am a senior. I am writing you because I care about refugees, unaccompanied children, and other vulnerable populations.
This letter is in regards to my nine-year-old daughter Valerie Mendez SID: 168809 who is currently in Ms. Jennifer Dembowski 4th grade class.
In 2014, “groundwater makes up 60 percent of California’s water use” (Governor Brown Changes, 2014).
I hope this message finds you well. I'd like to begin this letter off topic and take the opportunity to thank you for your efforts in health care reform. The greatest nation this world has ever known has an embarrassing health care system. It's a personal desire to see that no one's life is put in jeopardy due to financial means. My effort in contacting you today is in regards to something I fear desperately as I watch it unfold. It's a touchy subject that I personally do not like to debate or discuss with others. The last thing I ever want is to be considered an advocate of a policy or practice that ultimately would be discriminatory to another group of citizens. But unfortunately, I cannot agree with the new idea of integrating women into
If you were the president of the United States of America what kind of leader would you want to be? You would want to lead your country with pride and power. Donald Trump is committed to his job and making changes not only in America, but also around the world. He has made great improvements in America; a few examples are making a difference with democracy, upholding global democracy/civilian rights and new economics/tax reform. These three issues, and many others, all have something in common; Trump is making these complications into strengths in the United States of America and he has only been in the presidency business for over three years.
If I could vote, I would vote for Donald Trump, he is American, he is faithful in all the work he does. He also has enough guts to uphold the second amendment, unlike Hillary. He is also going to be a great president when he starts cutting the tax rates in half and people get better jobs here in America. His religious ways will hopefully make the American people follow his footsteps and get in a good bible church. He is going to bring some serious but good change to America. I like the fact that he is going to keep the Mexicans out by building a border, all them Mexicans are coming over here and America is paying them and there giving them and living off free child support an taking the child support back over to Mexico.
Today, you are in your second week of being the president of the United States. You were originally the vice president, but now former president Roosevelt is dead and it is your job to guide the entire country through the bloodiest war in history. But today you are given the option to kill over 100,000 people in one go, because today you have learned about America’s atomic bomb. Your name is Harry Truman and it is now your job to decide if the United States will use this revolutionary weapon on the country that has refused to give up, Japan.
I'm emailing you on behalf of the Voyager Team. We understand that Seth is diagnosed with ADD and taking medications at home, but we are concerned as a term with his behavior in class and in the hall. We are hoping that you can help us by talking to Seth about his behavior.
“‘I can’t abandon the American people now when they need me more than ever,” Obama told reporters at a press conference. “We’ve come this far as a nation, now is not the time to do something different. This is the change you wanted and this is the change you’re getting.’”