
How To Write A Qualitative Semi-Structured Study

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i. Participants
Main research participants in this study were undergraduate students from University of Mississauga. According to a previous research, university students are a huge consumer of reality television, thus an appropriate sample to study(Cherry & Aubrey, 2008). There were 5 participants interviewed in this study. Participants ranged in age from 20-23, with 3 females and 2 males. They are all full time students currently enrolled in UofT. All participants are fluent in English and familiar with North American television programs. ii. Method
The research method I chose for this study is qualitative semi-structured interview. Qualitative approaches are often used for exploratory and descriptive studies (Neuman, 2007), which suit the objective of this research. Semi-structured interviews compared to rigid structured interview, allows for a more focused, detailed and two-way communication. Detailed data is very helpful for the inductive nature of this study where data is gathered and examined prior to developing a theory(Seidel, 1998). Compared to focus group, it presented a challenge in terms of data recoding and organization, one-on-one interviews are easier to manage.
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An invitation was sent to University of Toronto Mississauga undergraduates and invited those who consider themselves to be familiar with North American television programs. The participants then scheduled a meeting time. The interviews took place in UTM library study room where only the participant and interviewer were present. All participants were given and required to sign a consent form prior to the interview. Also prior to interview, a few demographics questions were asked like age and ethnicity. The length of the interviews ranged from 30 minutes to 45 minutes. All questions discussed during the interview were audio recorded under the consent of the participants for further

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