
How To Write A Quote By John Roden House

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“Hang Loose”
Thomas John Rodenhouse, was brought into this world on May 4th 1950, in Walker Michigan. Growing up, Tom had had many pets, two bunnies, one cat, and one horse. He had one brother and two sisters. He went to a Christian school in Walker. Tom was a bad student because he hated school, he did not like teachers and could not figure what they were talking about. His favorite subject was well…if this counts, recess. Tom learned how to drive when he was only twelve years old! His dad taught him by letting him drive home from church on Sundays. When Tom was about 15 a popular phrase was “Hang Loose” When Grandpa was young, on hot summer nights his dad would ask the family “Who wants to get some root beer?” and everyone would say “I do, I do”. Then Grandpa’s dad would pile …show more content…

He worked on cars for a long time after that with his dad. Then Tom went on a sailing trip around the world.

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At age 43 Tom sailed around the World. It took him a whole two years. He stated that it was “exciting, lonely and dangerous”. During the trip his daughter flew down to Fiji to see her father. There the Chief offered to buy his daughter as a wife for his son. Then, in Africa, pirates came up to their boat and my grandpa and his crew had to get their guns. The crew put their guns up on the deck to show the pirates. There was only three pirates so they backed off. Then he got back home and later he met my Nana (Grandma Pat). They were living a great life together until suddenly his life was turned upside down…
On September 11 2001, (9-11) Grandpa was sitting in his office selling boats and was watching the TV. He saw the attacks and was astounded. Americans soon realized that we are not invincible. We can be defeated, we are very powerful but not undefeatable…
He helped take care of me when I was little. He is kind, and funny.He taught me how to fish, He is my role

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