Tiarra Rodrigues and Ryan Hunter
Robot Basketball Essay #1
In order to actually make a basket, you have to understand the basic fundamentals of shooting which involve simple mechanics. Firstly square your shoulders towards the target whether it is a wall or the actual basket. Place your dominant shooting fingers under the ball, tuck your elbow close to your body and balance the ball lightly to achieve a greater percentage of success. The horizontal and vertical alignment of the person to the court needs to be at a reasonable distance to start off if you are a beginner. The most common shot is known as the free throw shot (used by mostly younger individuals) in which the person should lack the strength/ability to shoot the ball with one hand. Rick Barry, the former NBA player, was an advocate of channeling
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After the final dribble, the ball should meet the person’s hand and shouldn’t cross their mid-line. There is a shot also called a jump shot in which a person is to jump straight up and perform the basic shooting form. One of the more famous shots is known as the dunk; also the most popular person to perform this particular shot Michael Jordan. Dunk totals represent a general aggressiveness needed by a player to access this shot: a willingness to persevere through people and down the court, pick up your place from fouls, and to try for the offensive rebound, and athletic ability must be prominent– all things that a good team should have. Dunks are attained by a negative stigma from basketball purists because many have no compassion when their head is in the game such as players like Andre Iguodala: star players on bad teams whose score and dunk has garnered them more media attention from the public which helps the team but also turns one against his team mates also their financial compensation is endowed more than their actual natural basketball skills. Centers and power forwards are the types of players who
Attention Getter: “I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a Baller, I wish I had a girl who looked good I would call her.” That timeless phrase coined by Ski-Lo in the early nineties, resonates with so many of us because all of those goals are things that people relate to being successful. And while I can’t help you with the first and the last respectively, becoming a “Basket-baller” is quite feasible, with a little hard work.
Air Jordan, Dr. J, Shaquille O'Neal are some of the greatest Dunkers of all time, either if it's dunking over someone or doing some athletically challenging maneuver in the air. Dunking is a nearly impossible task to perform. Many different factors come into play. A huge dunk in a game will surely send the crowd into an uproar of screaming and cheering. Anyone from any teams fan base will give a nice appreciation for the spectacular play. Any that does this is surely awesome.
Make sure that the camera can capture the ball all the way from the player's hands to the basket. The camera should be perpendicular to the path of the ball. The camera should remain in the same position for the entire experiment. Have each player shoot the same number of baskets from each position. Things to think about: How many shots?
There is the idea that the WNBA is less exciting than the NBA due to the lack of dunking. The dunk, or the “alley-oop” (lob to the dunk) has become an intricate part of the men’s game but it is not so often used in the woman’s. While the average NBA player stands at about 6’3”, the average WNBA player is only about 5’10”. With this in mind, almost every single NBA player is able to
When someone is shooting a basketball an important thing that is mostly overlooked is their shot arc. This may only seem like a minor detail from your shot but its impact is overwhelming. If you are looking to get an outstanding jump shot one thing you need to have is a consistent shot arc in the mid 40’s. A 45 degree shot arc is said to be optimal because 30 degrees is too flat of a shot and it leaves barely enough room for the ball to enter the hoop and a 50 degree shot arc is just too high and it makes getting the shot up much harder than necessary. A 45 degree shot arc being optimal is backed up by one of the greatest shooters ever Stephen Curry. Curry has an average shot arc of 46 degrees and has a steeper launch angle that gives him a
The layup shot is the most commonly used shot in basketball, you don’t need to be tall to perform this shot. The aim of the shot is that you need to dribble and drive to the basket and aim to hit the backboard to score a point. Driving from the side of the court should give you enough space to dribble to the basket and perform the jump. Put all your weight on the front of your leg, if you are right handed then you will jump off your left leg and if you are left handed then you will jump off your right leg. Bending your knees will help provide the spring needed. Jump off of your forward leg, and thrust your arms upwards towards the basket to prepare for the
How to Shoot a Basketball: Review Essay Pitter patter, pitter patter, pitter patter, catch and shoot! Oh, hi! Sorry I didn’t see you there. Welcome to Pottema’s Shooting School.
Shooting a basketball involves many steps. To shoot a basketball a hoop is needed. So, go to a gymnasium at school,rec center, or even your driveway. Grab a basketball and dribble a few times to get comfortable with the basketball before shooting the basketball. Go to a spot closer to the hoop, like the left or right block on the marked court. It is a square shape located on the floor of the gym. After finding the blocks or the place you choose to shoot from, the first thing you should do is line your foot up to the basket. If you are left-handed, your left foot should be lined up to the basket. If you are right-handed, your right foot should be lined up to the basket. Once you have lined your dominant foot up, the other foot that is not lined
The crowd goes wild. Family, friends, and other athletes cheer words of encouragement and clap as the ball moves down the court towards our team’s basket. Sprinting and occasionally dribbling the ball, Jekeil, one of the autistic athletes, arrives at his destination and flings the ball underhand in the direction of the basket. This high velocity ball soars upwards, and it looks like his shot is a complete miss, but swish. Hours of layup drills, free throws, and scrimmages have led to this basket. I know this is not how to shoot a basketball, and it’s definitely not what I coached the athletes to do. However, his unorthodox technique works, and it doesn’t matter that I failed to teach Jekeil perfect basketball skills, because this is Special
In the article Bocskocsky, Ezekowitz, and Stein, used a data set from 83,000 shot attempts throughout the 2012-2013 NBA season. From each shot taken, stats were recorded regarding the different aspects of the shot. First off, shot difficulty needs to be taken into account. Who is taking the shot will influence the probability of the shot going in, depending if it is a high percentage three-point shooter taking the shot, or a center taking the three point shot. Another factor that has been taken into account is the amount of time left, and score differential. These two factors will heavily influence the mindset of the
Step one to of learning to how to shoot a free throw is to point your feet towards the basket. Next, keep your eyes on the basketball hoop. Then, you should line up with the middle of backboard and keep your elbow in. After that, while standing at the line bend your knees. Finally. Follow through on your shot, but don’t step over the line or free throw will not count. During a free throw you should always position your feet shoulder width apart. You should be squared to the basket and your toes should point in the direction of the basket. You need to place the ball in your shooting hand. Don’t use you’re the hand you don’t usually shoot with to help you shoot. Place your non-dominant hand on the side of the ball for balance. Aim for the back
The first description of a shot was described earlier as simply a shot but more specifically can be referenced to a jump shot. The second way to look at shooting the basketball using physics is referred to as a layup. The difference between the two is that a jump shot has little or no horizontal movement toward the basket. Instead the jump shot relies strictly on vertical movement. Specifically the shooter will be stopped and jump using two feet straight up and down vertically and push the basketball off the finger tips to obtain the force and angle to get the ball to the basket. The layup on the other hand is done by the shooter jumping off of one foot while running. The shooter jumps vertically and uses the momentum from running to propel horizontally toward the basket. The shooter is generally closer to the basket while shooting a layup versus a jump shot. The same physics that were applied to the jump shot are applied to the layup as well. There is still an angle and force that the ball would need to travel toward the basket but since the shooter is moving horizontally toward the basket velocity will play more of factor. Since the balls velocity is the sum of the shooters speed and the balls speed the ball does not need as much force to get to the basket but it is more or less just let go of or dropped off into the basket. This also explains the slam dunk. Instead of dropping the ball into
Shooting the basketball is the easiest thing to improve. The best way to enhance shooting is to keep practicing. Better shooting greatly increases the teams score and gives the opponents a hard time of catching up. Once a player feels their shot is good enough, they can attempt 3-point shots. There is a line pretty far away from the goal
Connecting to audience: I’m sure most of you have shot a basketball in your lifetime, but I’m sure few of you are aware of the basic mechanics to shooting a basketball. Today, I’ll show the basics of shooting.
facing the basket. In their haste to get a basketball shot away before it is blocked, players