
How To Write A Worldview Essay

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Reflecting back on what I have learned in PHIL215A I realize that I am not sure that I can cover how much this course taught me in just one paper. However, I can cover what I feel were the most important things I learned. This course has helped me overcome my fear of expressing who I really am as a person. I have always been very unsure of myself and what I was supposed to do with my life, but I quickly learned Why I am who I am and how to be okay with who I am. I never thought learning about Worldviews would teach me so much about myself and everyone around me. I am also excited to start using the knowledge I also gained about my finances and resources I have. I am more than grateful that I had the opportunity to take this course.
First and foremost, I have learned about my worldview and why I believe the things I do. The required class book Making Sense of Your World was very beneficial. I learned a lot from a fairly small section. In Chapter 9 there is a section titled God’s Blueprint for Marriage this section taught me about what to expect from my husband and how God expects us to treat one another. (Phillips, Brown, & John, 2008) “Second, our permanent …show more content…

I never have thought about looking at the standpoint or worldview that a writer or producer is taking when making a movie or T.V. series. It is amazing what we are exposed to as viewers. There are so many different things that producers put into a movie to offer a stand point or position in which they are viewing the world. I never would have thought a movie such as Avatar could offer so many different worldviews all in one movie. I am now much more observant in that manner when watching a movie, or even a T.V. show I have watched for years. I have learned to observe what worldview they are pursuing. It has actually become a pretty interesting habit. I hope my classmates took as much away from that assignment as I

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