Reflecting back on what I have learned in PHIL215A I realize that I am not sure that I can cover how much this course taught me in just one paper. However, I can cover what I feel were the most important things I learned. This course has helped me overcome my fear of expressing who I really am as a person. I have always been very unsure of myself and what I was supposed to do with my life, but I quickly learned Why I am who I am and how to be okay with who I am. I never thought learning about Worldviews would teach me so much about myself and everyone around me. I am also excited to start using the knowledge I also gained about my finances and resources I have. I am more than grateful that I had the opportunity to take this course.
First and foremost, I have learned about my worldview and why I believe the things I do. The required class book Making Sense of Your World was very beneficial. I learned a lot from a fairly small section. In Chapter 9 there is a section titled God’s Blueprint for Marriage this section taught me about what to expect from my husband and how God expects us to treat one another. (Phillips, Brown, & John, 2008) “Second, our permanent
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I never have thought about looking at the standpoint or worldview that a writer or producer is taking when making a movie or T.V. series. It is amazing what we are exposed to as viewers. There are so many different things that producers put into a movie to offer a stand point or position in which they are viewing the world. I never would have thought a movie such as Avatar could offer so many different worldviews all in one movie. I am now much more observant in that manner when watching a movie, or even a T.V. show I have watched for years. I have learned to observe what worldview they are pursuing. It has actually become a pretty interesting habit. I hope my classmates took as much away from that assignment as I
Summary: Dr. Hawkins has done a wonderful job in presenting the essential elements of what it takes to have a Biblically sound intimate and committed marriage. In Strengthening Marital Intimacy (1991), he has captured the two foundational truths, intimacy and commitment, makes a good marriage into a great marriage. It is not enough to know the Word of God intellectually there must be a real surrendering to the sovereign will of God. To do it will transform a life of commitment to God and to the marriage. The key concepts presented in this book cover marital intimacy, commitment, wisdom, reality, God’s sovereignty, the person, sexuality,
view differently. It forces the students to realize that they, themselves, may view the world
As the whole election cycle starts, so do the political cartoonists, journalists, and pundits. While we modern readers use old newspapers as advice to assist us with our research, back then, newspapers were hardly ever used. That is until, Thomas Nast came along. Thomas Nast was a german immigrant born Landau, Germany, on September 27, 1840. Thomas’ dad, also named Thomas, held liberal political sediments. Thomas Nast’s family loved their home in Germany, but they found Germany’s political climate corrupt and uncomfortable. So Nast’s dad sent his wife and his young son and daughter to New York, where Thomas would later meet them in 1849 once his enlistment was up. From a very early age, Nast showed a lot of interest in drawing. He did very
Looking back at my beliefs before the start of this course, I would have to say I have learned how wrong and misguided I was. I thought I was fairly knowledgeable about older adults, however I came to understand that I had much to
One example that we learn from the book is how to deal with adjusting with a move. As a preachers wife you will learn that a preaching job is never stable. You will have to move cities; states and sometimes-even countries and we have to take this in a positive manner because we do this for the Lord. We have to remember we work for the Lord and our purpose is to seek the lost and teach them about salvation not them come looking for us while we wait. Matt. 28:19-20. Another way she teaches us to be a better helper for our husbands is to consider everything we do a wonderful life. We must consider that everything we do is for our Heavenly Father, who is in Heaven. We must not complain when our husbands aren’t with us during the day because we know he is doing the right thing seeking the lost. We must be happy that our husbands are not working in a factory where we can’t see him until midnight; we have the advantage of going to bible studies and visiting the sick next to our husband. We have to condition ourselves to be content with what we have and treat it in a positive way; we as wife’s can teach our children and ourselves more about the bible when we are
In the Book of Romans Paul wrote many letters answering questions about the human world, mankind’s relations with God, the natural world and most importantly the plan of salvation. Paul wrote these letters to tell the truth, to tell that no matter what race or religion, we are all sinner and the only way to truly become righteous is though faith in Jesus Christ. In Rome at that time you had two extremes of people, the heathens, and those who thought they were holier than thou (Jews). In todays society we still have those two extremes but we also have a middle ground, those who are straddling the fence. Paul just wanted the entire human race to know that we are guilty before God for both past and
Arnold indicates ninety four percent of people in America believe in God, but a quick internet search confirms that only twenty percent attend church. Suggesting Jesus command to make disciples is still the central mission of the Church. The enemy of God conducts spiritual warfare in this area through intimidation and by shaping the narrative in such a way we think we should not force the gospel on others, and by corrupting and distorting our understanding of Jesus and His message (Arnold p. 52). Kraft demonstrates those standing on the front lines for Christ and His kingdom by “actively working to take away from Satan’s kingdom and expand the borders of the kingdom of God” (p. 49). Where Western Christians “often fails to meet the practical needs of individuals in a spiritual-power-oriented society” (p. 34), missionaries must be
After reading the fourth chapter heading of Consider, the first definition of worldview that came to my mind was “view of the world” just from a literary perspective. The co-authors defined worldview as “a framework a person brings to decision-making” (Weider & Gutierrez, 2011, p.51).
Over the course of this class I have pieced together many things about my own life that before went unnoticed. I am now able to see things in a bit of a different light. Now that I have been introduced to the realm of psychology I understand some of the reasons for behavior around me. I have learned that there is a reason for most everything and a lot of our behaviors and mental processes can be explained through psychology. Studies have been conducted for many years to try and pinpoint the source of our behavior and it is not something that most people think about every day. Having a better understanding of why we operate the way we do will help me to better understand myself and the others around me.
Before taking this course, I had no idea that I had a worldview. I know my worldview didn’t change, but my understanding of myself, others and what that means changed enormously. I learned something very useful and important about the way I perceive things and gain knowledge; I learned about things I didn’t know previously.
Today’s society consists of many worldviews. Most people tend to pull beliefs from different religions, but often stick to one main worldview. A worldview to me is the gathering of beliefs that shape what we do on a daily basis and forms our overall view on life. When I look at my beliefs critically, I am able to see my worldview and see how it compares to different worldviews, but also how it compares mainly to the Christian Worldview.
The phrase “worldview” is a mental framework of all people and groups to interpret the nature of reality and the world we live in. It is philosophical, metaphysical or an ideological reality of the world we live in. The worldview is also used in understanding the law governing relationships among human beings, nature and the purpose of human life. They are attitudes and ideas about the world we live in and a thorough understanding of the systems of all the beliefs which hope will provide all the answers to the range of questions within ourselves as human beings. In most cases, worldviews are as a result of our human life experiences, and they subsequently shape as individuals in the approach we have to live. This paper
Everything we’ve learned throughout this course has been interesting and important to me, but I realized that I had more interest in the discussions about religious
On June 26th, I started my first online college class. I thought World History would be a great place to start and relatively easy course to pass. I had no idea how the class would make significant changes in my life. This class was far from a few easy credits I thought I would acquire in the short 8 weeks. The few weeks with Professor Jared Harrington increased my literacy towards topics I would have given up in the past. This class affected my world view, improved me as a student, a learner, enlightened my view on world religions, forced me to analyze information from readings, and helped me formulate my own thoughts. The amount of material covered in this course was immense and I now believe I have a better view of religion, its role in history, and where the world is heading due to all the historical events of the past.
There is a lot of things that I have learned about myself in the past few weeks of this course. I have learned many things about myself that I would have never known if it was not for this course. I have learned about my; self concept, attitudes and feelings. I have also learned about social influence, group dynamics and relationships. I learned about myself and how to describe the way that I am and the way that I think.