Balanced Calendar Many Schools around the world follow this schooling schedule it makes you wonder why shouldn’t we be apart of it too. The people who play their role in being apart of this schooling schedule both love and hate it at the same time. At the end of the day, year round-schools change people for better or worse the ones who hate it at first eventually change their perspective of it at the end when they notice the results in their test, and it will change how students will have to adjust their years and vacations due to smaller breaks. Year round-schooling was a schedule used around the world but throughout the years it has been making its way to the U.S. probably even to a city near you. Throughout the Harrison School District 2, many of their students were getting ready to start school again for their second school year as part of a year round school district. Many teachers announced that at first they weren't so grateful about it but as the time went by they started changing their thoughts about it. ( "It's back to school for year-round elementary students in Harrison School District 2.")Some of the oldest news reports that were brought when searching about it date back to the 80’s. When it was …show more content…
Some of the teachers begun to get use to it they notice the only small difference was that they had small breaks spread throughout the year. Another thing they like was that they somehow managed to get some extra time when it came to studying, like a few more days to take your time in test. Fun fact about year-round school is that if you were to go to a year round school since elementary school by the time you enter high school you would have been in school for one extra year compared to a normal school schedule. The significance is that it gives students extra time to learn before their time is
Year-round schooling is the same number of days as a normal day at school, just split up with short breaks. They would go for 60 days and then get a 20-day break. More popular plans include 45-15 and 80-40. Some Pros for Year-round schooling: kids can suffer from the long summer break, year-round schools can replace summer school, teachers normally spend weeks reviewing things from the year before, but year-round schooling can prevent that. The cons to year-round schooling: There are higher demands on staff, cafeteria, and maintenance workers, it’s is harder to plan graduations and parent conferences, working parents can have a hard time finding transportation, and parents with kids in other schools can have a hard time planning vacations. More than 2 million kids came to year-round schools in
Gone are the days of children getting off of school to help their family farms during the summer. Now, children as well as the teachers get out for some much needed relaxation. So why do we still follow the same schedule? It seems every school year the discussion of year-round education captures the attention of the general public. Is it time for year-round education (YRE) to be the new norm? Ultimately, there are not that many pros for year-round schooling to be the new thing and the traditional 180-day schedule should be kept.
Year round school affects a lot of people for many reasons. In the text it said that “most families plan vacations over the summer. Year-round schools restrict summer family vacations. They also don't allow students to go away to camp or take on summer jobs to earn money for the future.” This means that families usually will go on vacation in the summertime when it is warm out but year round schools are going to school at that time so they can’t go on a nice vacation. Also in the summer, kids sometimes do lemonade stands to earn money for their future but kids that go to year round schools can’t do that because they are stuck in school in the summer. Another piece of evidence from the text is that “too many breaks disrupt learning. The breaks
You know that summer vacation that you always take with your family? Well if the school board switches to year-round schooling, you will no longer be able to have that vacation. Year-round schooling is turning into a world-wide new experience. With going to school all year long it ruins old traditions like that family vacation in the summer, and having that long stretch of summer relaxation by the pool and on the beach. Some other issues with year-round schooling is the rising cost and schedule adjustments.
Schools financially benefit from becoming year-round. According to Jaclyn Zubrzycki there are several programs such as School Improvement grant, that offer financial incentives. Also in a traditional school year the facilities are not being used unlike when you have a balanced calendar the facilities and equipment are being put to more use. Not only do schools finacially benifit from year round schools but so do the parents. “Families' budgets might benefit from the reduced costs associated with being be able to travel in off-season times,” wrote Amy Pearson , from Settle
School has been around for a long time and has changed a lot. School was probably different for your ancestors, and what we know today is different than what it used to be. Some changes are good, and some are not,People across the country have different opinions about whether their school should switch to year-round school or not. Florida should not switch to year-round school because it makes it harder to plan sports activities or vacations, and students can’t concentrate as much at school with so many breaks in the way. Although year-round school offers more time for learning more and less reviewing, there are many more benefits from the original school schedule.
Even though kids in year round school learn more over the summer than the kids that are on the nine month school calendar , but the kids in the nine month school calendar learn more during school then the ones in year round school. The article says, "We found that students in year-round schools learn more during the summer, when others are on vacation, but they seem to learn less than other children during the rest of the year," said von Hippel. The problem, von Hippel said, may be that year-round schools don't actually add more school days to the school year. The total number of school days and vacation days are about the same for both systems - about 180." If kids in the nine month school calendar are learning more while they are at school then they might as well stick with not having year round
If there is year round schooling, there is a higher potential level and students would benefit from having year-round schooling. There are year round schooling which would cause a lot less distractions through the school year. “Suppose in the year round school program, there’s a break every six or eight weeks; that means as soon as students begin to feel settled, they’re off again. If shortened breaks come too frequently, as they’d almost have to in the new system, it becomes harder for students to ever get
Year round schooling may sound scary but read this and I might change your mind. Year round school is pretty much what is sounds like, except it is the same amount of school days as a regular year, and it has more spread out breaks. Year round school would be beneficial because it consist of less review due to “summer slide”, more “family time”, and longer more spread out breaks.
Does year round school truly have a positive impact in the lives of students? Various studies do suggest that year round school is helpful. There are some disadvantages to this type of schooling that are preventing all schools from switching to this type of scheduling. In earlier times schools were only teaching throughout half of the year so that school would be out of session when it was time to work in the fields. This type of scheduling is still common today even though only a small portion of agriculture is tied into education and kids are no longer required to work. “In 1994, the National Education Commission on Time and Learning (1994) urged school districts to develop school calendars that acknowledged (a) differences in student learning and (b) the major changes taking place in American society. The report reflected growing concern about how the school calendar relates to students at risk for academic failure” (Cooper, Nye, Charlton, James, & Greathouse). As a result. many are fighting for year-round school. Year-round school has proven to be beneficial in the lives of students and has lead to greater success in the classroom. Although, there are some downfalls to year-round schooling.
A year round schedule is defined as “Instead of have one long summer break, year round schools break the academic year up with several medium sized, 2-3 week, vacations.” (Education Week) With a year round schooling curriculum, it makes it harder for students to keep a job. “Many high school students worry that they would not be able to take a summer job.” (
The first year round school was established in 1904 in Bluffton, Indiana (Glines, 2002). Year round education is described as a “calendar modification that requires students to begin school earlier and end later than normal, with the lost summer vacation redistributed in blocks throughout the year” (Glines, 2002, 2698). It is important to note that year round schools have the same number of days in a calendar year as does the traditional school year. However, the days are distributed throughout the year. Year round schools differ from traditional schools in a variety of ways.
I think it's funny that the subject of year-round school is still a topic of debate. The reason is I just want to have good teachers and get a good education. I really don't care when and how the schedule is set up because I know my mom and dad will support me and get me to where and when I need to be. But, if I had a choice I would choose to have a schedule similar to what Nick Castellino writes about in his letter. I feel that of the two letters Nick wrote the one I agreed with more. Nick's letter, seemed to me, to be mainly about doing away with year-round school.
Most schools in America have year-round school, because they have never bothered to try anything new or to afraid weather it will improve or harm the current schools GPA. The problem that most schools have is changing the calendar and arranging the times when there out or school: but if they would take the time to edit the calendar they would get all the benefits of having year round school.
It is October 15th. Normally, students would be at school, working for hours on end at math, communication arts, and science. But this year is different. This year your school has now entered into the year-round calendar system. At home, you can enjoy the season of fall with pumpkins, Halloween, and beautiful weather. The idea of year round school has most commonly been pushed aside because of the misconception that it is too much school, or an on-going cycle of learning. However, those who declare this, do not understand the year-round school concept. Year-round school provides the same number of days as the traditional calendar. The difference, which will change our society and the achievement rate of our students in the future, is that the days are reordered into intersessions. The mechanisms of year round school include students attending school for a nine week period, then following this is a three week break. This rotation occurs year-round with a slightly longer summer break. Consequently, Though many people agree with keeping tradition with the popular school calendar, new evidence and testimony proves that year-round school provides the better avenue because the world is evolving, it benefits low income students, and intersessions are more effective than summer break.