
How Trigger Warnings Affect A Student Learning Experience

Decent Essays

Trigger warnings can affect a student’s learning experience; however, the student also affects their own learning experience by making their own choice(s). First, some students construe trigger warnings as an excuse to not learn vital material, thus affecting their learning experience negatively. Second, some students interpret trigger warnings as an actual warning served to students that encountered an inimical experience since those students may be less apt to view the material with an open-mind. Not warning students about explicit content could risk serious consequences, thus possibly affecting students learning experiences negatively. As stated in Warning: The Literary Canon Could Make Students Squirm, a teen who was a victim of sexual abuse at Santa Barbara asserted that a professor without warning “showed a graphic film depicting rape. She had not felt threatened by the film, she approached the professor to suggest that students should have been warned.” (Medina, 2014) In other words, the girl could have possibly sued the institution for triggering harmful memories of when she was sexually abused since there were no warnings ahead of time. Professors should never assume that all students in their class have not encountered a caustic experience since some students who have encountered such experiences will not speak up until the last minute when it could possibly be too late. As asserted in Warning: The Literary Canon Could Make Students Squirm, “Any student who felt

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