Manrique 5
How to Overcome an Addiction
I. Introduction
Thesis statement: People can overcome addictions by changing three main aspects of their lives which are: self-esteem, social circle and entertainment.
II. Body
A. People’s self-esteem need to be improved in some aspects.
1. Deep personal knowledge
a. Answer questions like who I am, what I want
b. Know weaknesses and strengths
2. Confidence
a. Example of what make drugs to people
3. Expectations
a. How expectations help people feel good
B. Social circle must be changed to help people’s progress.
1. People influence on decisions
a. Example member of the family who is a smoker
2. Sober group encourages good habits.
a. Healthy people influence healthy life
b. Example (quote
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On the contrary, if people choose a sober group they would be encouraged to do things that are profitable for them. For example, healthy people live a healthy life and people who are around them would have a healthy life too. Why? Because they would be informed about the things they eat, the things they do and so on. According to Dieken people are influenced by others when they find something valuable to grab (155). Moreover, people have to get along with others that have the same goals; consequently, they are going to be pushed to accomplish all their objectives and they are going to feel supported not only intellectually but also emotionally. One example are students who study architecture, when they have to do a project they are always assisting each other, finding solutions for the problematic and also cheering one another.
Though the other points are important, this point is extremely important because it explains why people start having addictions. Finding another way of entertainment will help people to overcome an addiction. Why do people start having bad habits that later would become an addiction? There are two main words to blame, laziness and boredom which make people wonder what to do all the time and obviously to make bad decisions. When people are lazy they are inclined to take the shortcut. Hence, they suffer because they feel unable, with low self-esteem and those facts have a tendency to make people want to try something new, which are
Modern society has failed bring the burgeoning problems of addiction under control. The word “addiction” was applied to drug use in the 20th century, but now it refers to a wider variety of non-drug hobbies, such as eating, gambling and sex. To treat the devastating flood of addiction problems, it is important to understand that addiction is not just a physical problem but more of a social and psychological problem. Dislocation caused by the free market society and the pressure from family can lead to addiction.
Topic Addiction General purpose To inform Specific purpose To inform my audience about many definition of about addiction Thesis Addiction is an important problem of society so the first thing before solving this problem, audiences have to know the definition of it first. Introduction Today there are 7.6 billion people in this world, and there are 247 million people that are drug users. Reason to listen This is a big problem in society so before solving it, you should understand what addiction is.
In the book, Addiction & Grace: Love and Spirituality in the Healing of Addictions, May explores how addiction develops and can be treated from a psychological, physiological, and spiritual standpoint. This theme is clearly shown through out the text as it shows addiction from a whole person view. The book covers the development of addiction from desire through the experience of addiction. The key focus on looking at the matter of addiction from multiple stand points in then broken down by explaining how addiction is an issue psychologically, physiologically, and spiritually. By focusing on these three areas the author is able to present the reader with a clear understanding of addiction from all sides of the problem. This is then
Many people become addicted to many forms of entertainment especially technology and can serve the same purpose as drugs do. There are many forms of entertainment like technology, going to workout, hanging out with friends, etc. Sometimes these forms of entertainment can cause someone to become addicted or it can be dangerous. It could cause you to become sick or go insane.
Addiction is a condition people try keeping to himself or herself until the damage is done. Having an understanding of the reasons for addicts can help community members or neighbors help addicts. One major reason for addictive behavior is not having someone to connect with and share feeling in the early stages of life. In the Realm of the Hungry Ghosts and in Tattoos on the heart, the major cause of addiction is because a person is isolated and alienated from society. Alienation and isolation affects three groups of people: people that do not know someone close but want to and people that do not have anyone close and do not care to.
At the end of the course, it would only make sense that we turn to the question that we considered at the beginning of the course: What is addiction? Although the many decades of research on the topic have focused on many of the same topics, there are still disagreements on the answer to this question. Despite differences in opinion related to some of the most basics aspects in the field, there have been improvements in treatment and the way the topic is discussed. When I began this course, I was firmly ground in the belief that addiction is a disease, but there were some different parts of the course that have encouraged me to reexamine my initial understanding of addiction. This final paper will detail the process in which my beliefs at the
Addiction is viewed regarding an individual's mental and social deficits, and this addiction treatment mainly aims in developing the socially creative life of the addicted.
Addiction is a brain disorder defined by the compulsive engagement in rewarding behavior, despite negative consequences (Angres and Bettinardi–Angres 696). From the outside looking in it can be easy to judge and condemn adicts for pursuing their vice. However, don’t let anyone fool you into thinking that addicts are just people with weaker morals or insufficient spiritual guidance. Addiction is a medical disease with a complex etiology. Social dislocation and family stress appear to contribute significantly to the development of the disease. Social dislocation is the removal of an individual from their community, family or friends. The lack of social support can be devastating to an individual. It can create a painful void that they may attempt
Addiction is everywhere, from celebrity tabloids, to television, and possibly to a family member or close friend. There is alcoholism, drug abuse, and gambling addiction; the effects of such are devastating. The purpose of this paper is to address some of the different forms of addiction and types of addictive behaviors.
Addiction is all around us. It may be that cup of coffee in the morning for the caffeine stimulation, the cigarette that is smoked for the nicotine, or an alcoholic drink used to relieve a stressful day or situation. For some, the addiction may not be to a substance, but to compulsive behaviors such as gambling, playing video games, or shopping. Consequences to addictions can impact an addict’s physical or mental state. Addiction can also have detrimental impact on the people that surround them. Watching a relationship fall apart because a person has an addiction to drugs, alcohol, or another addictive behavior is a sad thing to happen to anyone. Unfortunately, those with addictions usually won’t admit they even
Many people believe the misconception that an addiction is a moral problem and not a disease. To better understand the reasons why an additicition is in fact a disease; I will identify several types of addictions, and the problems associated with them. I will examine reasons why certain people are more susceptible for developing an addiction. Also, I will determine why many addicts deny their problems and many recovery methods addicts use to fight their illness. Researching these issues, will help aid my claim that addiction is a disease.
When a person has a bad habit, he or she must stop the habit. If someone gets in the habit of doing cocaine and wants to stop. He or she must do anything but drugs to overcome the addiction. That person has to stay strong to overcome the addiction. The main focus should be on finding positive things to do.
There are a lot of things that can be addictive, but entertainment is definitely one of them. If you like to have fun and do what you like then you are most likely going to want to do it again. Entertainment could easily be like your drug, except not in a bad way because at least what you are doing isn't illegal. It all depends what you are entertained by, as long as you keep it legal then it should most definitely be okay. Not everyone will have the same like for something some are way better and some are just awful, some people could possibly be annoyed of your addiction with the entertainment, say someone wants to hang out, but you are too busy doing what you are doing, then that could possibly annoy them. Most of the time it shouldn't really bother anyone. Drugs are not the same addiction to me, if you do drugs you are just disgusting and it just shouldn't be mentioned.
Drug addiction is a complex problem in society today. Addiction is a condition that extremely affects the person’s mind and body. Addiction also has wide sweeping effects on that person’s social connection and functioning. Unfortunately, many addicts don’t realize the social influence of their addiction until much of their functioning has greatly deteriorated.
"Alcohol impacts people and societies in many ways and it is determined by the volume of alcohol consumed, the pattern of drinking, and, on rare occasions, the quality of alcohol consumed. In 2012, about 3.3 million deaths, or 5.9 % of all global deaths, were attributable to alcohol consumption" (, 2016). Alcohol consumption is a public health issue that affects populations globally as stated by the World Health Organization and high levels of consumption have adversely affected health globally. Through the health improvement module, there is reoccurring theme present that provides an overview of five approaches to promote health improvement. These approaches as are as follows: medical model, behavioral change, education, empowerment, and social change. Each approach is specific in identifying the health issue and methods to provide the best health outcome. For example, the medical approach aims to prevent the onset of disease and morbidity through primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention, which can also be viewed as an intervention method as well. The behavior change approach is targeted to individual 's choices and interventions aim to promote healthy lifestyle choices through behavior change. The educational approach focuses on the information being provided to engage the population in the knowledge of health issue and promote change through this provided information. And lastly, the empowerment approach