
How Varying Enzyme Concentrations Affect Absorbance Over Time On Potato Homogenate Mixture

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How Varying Enzyme Concentrations Affect Absorbance Over Time in Potato Homogenate Mixture
Haille Armstrong
November 17, 2015
Biology 155 Laboratory-Tuesdays 6pm
Lab Partners: Kayla, Morel, Ryan

Saturation of substrates was a phenomenon that was observed in Part II of the experiment. This was referenced from later in the discussion. When the enzyme activity from this experiment was compared to Enoch’s work, (Enoch) it was stated that he found that in certain liver cells of rats, enzyme activity would stop suddenly. The study proposed that the lower Enoch dropped the substrate concentration within these cells, the less activity he could record. This proved to both his data and to the date from this experiment that the substrate was necessary for catalysis, because as enzyme concentration rose, substrates bound more quickly to the active site of an enzyme. Once all substrates in the mixture were changed to products, the enzyme was stationary because it had no more substrate to catalyze. This meant that in order for the reaction to continue, substrate concentration had to increase.


To understand how and why the experiment was performed, one must understand what enzymes and substrates are. Enzymes are defined as proteins that are capable of speeding up a chemical reaction by reducing the amount of activation energy needed to catalyze that reaction (Raven, Johnson and Mason 2014). Enzymes regulate these biochemical processes

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