
How Was Hitler Responsible For The Holocaust

Better Essays

Avionna Burwell
Holocaust: Major Nazi Players Research Paper 5.16.16 The Nazi Party was founded by Adolf Hitler during the Holocaust. The Holocaust was one of the darkest periods of history, filled with madness and murder. It is generally thought of as the genocide of roughly 6 million Jewish people during World War II. One of the most horrific aspects during the holocaust were the Major Nazi Players because of their crimes against humanity and inhumane, cruel behavior. The reason Adolf Hitler started the party goes all the way back to his childhood. He was a resentful and discontented child because of physical and verbal abuse. His childhood years were when he first cultivated his anti-Semitism stage. Hitler’s hate towards Jews was influenced by his anti-Semitism mayor, widespread hate, and it was said to believe Jews were responsible for huge events, like losing World War I and the economic crisis. When Hitler became an adult he served in the German Army at the outbreak of World War I. He joined …show more content…

Hess had the authority to approve all legislation and he was the deputy of Fuehrer. He held all these important positions because he was imprisoned with Hitler in 1924 and became Hitler’s closest personal confident (personal aid). Rudolf Hess named the 3rd party deputy placing him directly below the Nazi leader Hermann Goring in line of succession. Hess participated in the conspiracy to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity. He killed people who suffered from hereditary insanity or other hereditary diseases because they were considered useless to the Nazi community. He flew to Scotland hoping to make peace between Germany and Britain, but he was incarcerated and forcibly eliminated from further participation in the crimes of the

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