Avionna Burwell
Holocaust: Major Nazi Players Research Paper 5.16.16 The Nazi Party was founded by Adolf Hitler during the Holocaust. The Holocaust was one of the darkest periods of history, filled with madness and murder. It is generally thought of as the genocide of roughly 6 million Jewish people during World War II. One of the most horrific aspects during the holocaust were the Major Nazi Players because of their crimes against humanity and inhumane, cruel behavior. The reason Adolf Hitler started the party goes all the way back to his childhood. He was a resentful and discontented child because of physical and verbal abuse. His childhood years were when he first cultivated his anti-Semitism stage. Hitler’s hate towards Jews was influenced by his anti-Semitism mayor, widespread hate, and it was said to believe Jews were responsible for huge events, like losing World War I and the economic crisis. When Hitler became an adult he served in the German Army at the outbreak of World War I. He joined
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Hess had the authority to approve all legislation and he was the deputy of Fuehrer. He held all these important positions because he was imprisoned with Hitler in 1924 and became Hitler’s closest personal confident (personal aid). Rudolf Hess named the 3rd party deputy placing him directly below the Nazi leader Hermann Goring in line of succession. Hess participated in the conspiracy to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity. He killed people who suffered from hereditary insanity or other hereditary diseases because they were considered useless to the Nazi community. He flew to Scotland hoping to make peace between Germany and Britain, but he was incarcerated and forcibly eliminated from further participation in the crimes of the
Adolf Hitler was the mastermind behind this (The Holocaust). Soon enough, He had a political party and called it the National Socialist German Worker’s Party (NSDAP), or known as the Nazi Party to english speakers (The Holocaust). Hitler was jailed for his affiliation with the Beer Hall Putsch, and while in jail he wrote one of the most famous books in history (The Holocaust). Hitler would rise to become one the most dangerous dictators in history, and would set up the most elaborate racial extermination system in history.(The Holocaust).
In 1933, while Hitler was creating his master race and totalitarian government, Dachau was built for government officials that were against Hitler. This facility, the first of its kind to be constructed, would eventually be turned into a death camp for Jews, the physically and mentally unstable, gypsies, and homosexuals. I have always wondered why the Nazis singled out the Jews and killed so many of them. Why the Jews? For a number of reasons. First, because the Jews were considered one of the “undesirable” groups because their genetic and cultural make-up did not meet Nazi standards, that is, they were not of the Aryan race. Second, Hitler and the Nazis had a very backward view of history, believing that all history was a struggle for racial superiority. Third, the Nazis, in their great ignorance, believed that the Jews had a natural drive, even a genetic impulse, to take over the world, and that the Aryan race would be dominated and enslaved by the Jews if they weren’t exterminated. Fourth, Hitler was brought up in Vienna, where Jews played an important role in the city's political and
Studies of the Holocaust have provoked passionate debates. Increasingly, they have become a central topic of concern for historians particularly since the early 1970s, as the Holocaust studies were generally limited. However, one of the most intense debates surrounding the role played by Hitler in the ’Final Solution’. That is, whether and when Hitler took a decision to initiate the extermination process. Of course, this issue has caused incredible controversy and naturally such a contentious topic of debate has radically produced large amounts of new data and literature. Conflicting, an interpretation has caused further disparities between historians over Hitler’s role in the Holocaust. For this
The Holocaust was the systematic mass slaughter of Jews and other groups deemed inferior by the Nazis. The Holocaust began when Adolf Hitler, the fascist leader of Germany that would lead the world into World War II. He and
One major, controversial event that occurred during the WWII was the Holocaust. There has been much debate about the causes of the Holocaust, as many factors have been discussed. Therefore, this investigation will assess to what extent was Hitler the cause of the Holocaust. The four factors that will be assessed will be the widespread anti-Semitism, the role of Hitler himself, the demonizing of Jews made by the state churches and the Treaty of Versailles.
After the otherwise embarrassing war, Hitler joined the National Socialist German Worker’s Party, most commonly known as the Nazi Party. His ability to manipulate the people by the means of charming them with
Shockingly, Adolf Hitler wasn’t the only person responsible for the atrocities of the Holocaust. For context, the Holocaust was the mass murder and assassination of Jewish people by the Nazi Regime. The Nazi’s would put Jewish people in gas chambers, making them believe it was only a shower, they would put them in concentration camps, or even burned alive. Jewish people who were seen as fit to work, would be dehumanized, starved, and even worked to death. Besides Hitler, the German army and nazi soldiers who committed to and carried out the Final Solution, and Top SS officers who helped Hitler conspire the Final Solution, were heavily responsible for the atrocities of the Holocaust.
The Horrifying event all started when Germany appointed Adolph Hitler as their leader. The Holocaust began January 30, 1933 and lasted through May 8, 1945 (History 1). The Holocaust affected numerous of Jews and killed approximately 6 million (History 1). To blame for this uncivil act is Hitler and also the Nazis. The Holocaust was a very traumatic event that was a big reality check on how cruel humans can be to each other.
Everybody knows that Adolf Hitler was the guy to blame for the Holocaust, but others who helped Hitler along the way, directly or indirectly, aren’t exempt from blame either. The Holocaust was an event taking place from 1941 to 1945, where over six million Jewish people died because of Hitler’s beliefs. Hitler believed in “Aryan Superiority,” which means that Hitler thought that a pure German man was the superior race to every other. He and his followers (known as the Nazis) tried to exterminate all Jews, disabled people, other races, LGBTQ+ members, and anyone who wasn’t a pure German from Germany. This eventually led to World War II Besides Adolf Hitler, Nazi soldiers, and Top SS Officers (Schutzstaffel, A.K.A. Protection Squadron) were the
The leader of this political party was Adolf Hitler. Based on many historians, Hitler was the one who started the Holocaust, though, there is no court sanctioned document that states he started it. Throughout the Holocaust, a total of eleven million people were slaughtered. Six million of them were Jews, the main target during this time period, 1.1 million kids were killed and the rest were non-Jews. On April 1, 1933 the Nazi party banned all Jewish-owned store in Germany.
Adolf Hitler joined a small political party in 1919. Hitler was the precursor to the Nazi party, and was committed to have a "pure" Germany. Hitler was good at giving emotional and captivating speeches. He was sentenced to five years in prison for leading the Nazis' to an unsuccessful "Beer Hall Putsch." In 1921, Hitler gains
January 30, 1933, the start of a great tragedy the world will never forget. Millions of Jews senselessly murdered because one man’s prejudices. The Holocaust was and still is one of the most sickening events in the world’s history. It demonstrated how one single man and an abundance of hate can affect millions. But who was the perpetrator of the Holocaust, and how did the traumatic event begin in the first place?
Before in 1923 Hitler and others of Kampfbund tried to seize power in Munich, Bavaria, and Germany. This was known as the Beer Hall Putsch. Ruler of Germany from 1934 to1945 and leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party, known as the Nazi Party were trying to take control. Hitler took advantage of Germanys economic hardships and of the citizens after world war I to get followers, then finally just taking control of the country. Hitler had a very useful skill he was a persuasive speaker and his willingness to use violence to get what he wanted. (1)
At a young age Hitler was considered crazy because of his dream of becoming famous and powerful (Tames 5). He was not successful in finding a sense of belonging until he became a soldier and was awarded with medals for his great bravery (Tames 13). Hitler became a trusted soldier and was invited to group meetings. In one of these political meetings Hitler spoke up and was very persuasive, so they asked him to join the Nazi group. He was not satisfied with being one of a few leaders and threatened to leave the group; he became the one and only leader of the group soon after (Tames 15-16).
<br>By the summer of 1923, the Nazi party had grown to 150,000 members. Hitler knew this was the right time to take over the government. On November 11,1923, Hitler and his 3,000 men marched to Berlin in an attempt to take it over. The German police were waiting. This was also part of the Beer hall Putsch. Shooting broke out between the two parties. Sixteen Nazis and three policemen laid dead from this massacre. Hitler was sentenced for high treason for 5 years. While he was in prison he wrote Mein Kamp a book that stated his beliefs, and his plan for Germany in the future. He also talked about the superiority of Germans, the concept of the pure-Aryan. He blamed the Jews for the evils of the world and accused them of corrupting everything of ethical and national value.