
How Will Marijuana Legalization Affect Public Health?

Good Essays

Grant Schnell
Senior English

How will Marijuana legalization affect public health? It is a very exciting time to be a pothead in America. With legalization spreading across the US many are starting to get involved in the expanding industry that is here to stay. So how will marijuana affect public health? In Oregon the distribution of the tax revenue is going to be funded into schools, mental health services, State Police and Oregon Health Authority. Last year Colorado brought in $60.1 million in taxes. All of the taxed money from sales here will be used as a way of advancing and educating Oregon’s public health. Upon researching fiction and nonfiction many inferences have been drawn as to what Marijuana is going to do in the future. On top of that, insights from a few subjects have been compiled to see what different peoples thoughts on the topic are. What it all comes down to is that even if you don’t use the plant it is still going to have some impact on you. Legalizing marijuana means a regulated market, government reaping taxes and much less drug related violence caused by the injustice of the legal system. The rising tide of legalization could be a boon to public health. As of right now, marijuana is the fastest growing industry in the United States with a market worth $2.7 billion. Colorado, Washington, Alaska, Oregon and Washington D.C have all passed bills enabling the legal use of cannabis. In 2014 Colorado sold 260,600 pounds of legal marijuana to

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